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Everything posted by JetMalakai

  1. Just wanted to emphasize this. Yes, more options are a good thing, always. If you have the choice of playing a MM with ten costumes or a MM with four and pet customization, and you really want those ten costumes, don't customize your pets. You're still in the same place you are now.
  2. I don't see a mechanical difference. Just name it "critter melee" and make chameleon and trout weapon customization options.
  3. Now I want chameleon melee. I want to smack people with a lizard.
  4. Yes, I know its a topic beaten to death, but there is now a server that does it. That shows that it is possible. I'm curious if there are any plans to do it here. More than anything, I just want to know if this will ever be considered. I want to know if the devs have decided against it for a reason other than time constraints in implementing it. And if time constraints are the only reason, then I'm certainly not going to talk poorly about volunteers. Would there be any possibility of code sharing with the server that has it?
  5. That ain't a fire sword. This is on Broadsword, for Brutes. Not sure if the error is in other places too.
  6. The result: Brass Monkeys.
  7. Remove their pants, semi-permanently. Give them a no pants debuff for 8 hours of in game time.
  8. How many people will pick up an MM if this gets put in. I already have two concepts that require pet customization to work.
  9. It's a very precarious balance, and I can't fault them for erring on the side of caution. My plan, were I in charge, would be to slowly make the changes bigger and bigger, so that I'd be able to tell before I'd crossed the line.
  10. Someone used the same song over the original game trailer. It makes me actually not hate Nickelback.
  11. Apparently someone's making a working model of it. There might need to be some tweaks to it in order to get it working with an i26 server, but considering we've gone from "massive project" to "change up an existing project" is there any chance we might get this here?
  12. ...would that make you a basehead?
  13. The Praetorian version can be used in Loyal Tea and Coffee, so you can use Information to grab a byte.
  14. Speaking as a free agent who comes to raids and participates, please no.
  15. HA! Sorry, not much of a Gundam fan. It's actually a WoW reference. Their first expansion after vanilla is called Burning Crusade.
  16. I love AE because it offers a choice. Want an insta-50? You can get one in 4 hours, give or take. Want to play the content? Don't go to AE.
  17. All of mine fit into three categories. The character's real name (or some variation on it) Officer Nikolai (Praetorian cop, Kin/WP Brute) Kethariel Veradenia (Elf, Dark/Katana Tanker) Something that I find especially fitting, often a single word Nya (Catgirl, Savage/Nin Stalker) Revenant Fist (MMA fighter who died and came back, StJ/WP Scrapper) Wrecking Belle (SS/Invuln Brute) Stateless (Praetorian resistance, Plant/Rad Controller) An anime or video game reference that I hope is subtle enough to not get generic'd Spirit Detective (Beam/NRG Blaster) Sunlight Overdrive (Peacebringer) Burning Crusader (MA/Fire Scrapper) Flying Shadow (BS/Bio Stalker) Shell Bullet (Huntsman) Phantom Blood (Vampire, just holding the name atm until I can decide on powersets) Star Outlaw (Space pirate, similar to above holding the name until I know what powersets to make)
  18. ...is it Eurotrash?
  19. Serious post this time. I was @Scrapperlock in game and MakaiNoFalco on the boards. My main characters were Jet Falcon, Vermilion Rose, Lightedge, and Shell Bullet.
  20. Did you mean to type Lusca? You have to get her twice to get the badge.
  21. Make them Dark for the aura and call it an AT field.
  22. I love you crazy fuckers. A lot.
  23. ...would he be buried in a Nemesis plot?
  24. Call it "just the tip". I'm half serious.
  25. We have enough Sword Art Online ripoffs as it is.
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