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Everything posted by VileTerror

  1. Holy crap, Lines! I was literally just thinking that last night! Big, rusty metal spires made of twisted and bent rebar . . . but immaculately configured to have an almost Disney-esque sensibility to it. And then I'd have the Clockwork launch marching lines toward the Council Base in the south to try and harvest the Goliath for scrap. Gives a reason for why Boomtown isn't getting rebuilt by the City Officials; it's still an active warzone (with a little help from occasion Rogue Island Raids, per the level 15 to 20 mission).
  2. Really depends on the group/faction. Dumb thugs without leadership present? Fleeing might cross their minds. But so might the thought "crap, Jeremy's getting beat down! If I help him, I can intimidate him in to giving me more Dyne, and then I'll be strong enough to ascend the ranks!" As it stands, it's more like "ok, Jeremy's screwed, but if I wait for the hero's fist to cramp up from beating on his face, I'll be able to take her down and get that promotion to Lt I've been dreaming of! Annnnnny second now . . . she'll get tired of punchin- oh. Did she just pop a blue skittle? Crap." This sort of difficulty option is more appropriate to groups like Malta, who are ruthlessly efficient and cohesive as an organization to a common greater good (in their view). It's not really for the violent and greedy 20-something kids looking for a sense of community with a drug chaser. And then we have a group like the Primal Clockwork, who are literally all just controlled by a single psychic entity anyway who would know instantly when his minions should get reinforcements. If anything, the way the AI acts now, the Clockwork King has a really remarkable sense of "fair play," . . . which I guess isn't too out-of-character.
  3. There's another way to do it: Right-click and check Info. Then Detailed Info tab. The Endurance, Defense, Healing, and Damage are all clearly identifiable straight away. The one with 16 targets max and 20ft radius is the Debt Protector. And the one with no additional data is the Lump of Coal.
  4. I'm a bit confused. Has anyone in this thread genuinely cried out "DOOM?" I see plenty of joking doomcries, but overall it sounds like everyone here is one form or another of "cautious." Cautiously optimistic, or cautiously concerned. So what's with some folks calling foul of imaginary doombees?
  5. Would your Global Handles happen to be the same as your forum screen names?
  6. Count the number of buildings on both sides of the warwalls in each zone. Paragon City is HUGE, especially since we only see about 1/3rd of it due to the warwalls. Yes, in-game measurements are kerflunkled, with zones like Indie Port and Kallisti Wharf being very oddly sized when compared to the wider city map. Alternate reality, so obviously a lot of things don't line up (not least of all the coastline), but it's established that Paragon City is quite the hub, with many massive shipping lanes leading to it, and an international airport which never features in the game itself, but shows up on the map that was part of the boxed copy of the game.
  7. Rhode Island, yes. But definitely not small! Paragon City is the largest metropolitan city in the u.s. according to the lore. Or at least was prior to the Rikti invasion.
  8. I'm not sure of the impact or significance, since so much of Canada and the u.s. are overly linked as it is . . . but the trademark was specifically for the u.s., and the servers are run out of Canada (Quebec, even, which is notorious for operating on its own set of laws in a lot of situations). Just one more little aspect of this whole thing to bear in mind.
  9. That's the whole crux of a corporate brand right there. The brand may stay the same, but the people who are actually making the decisions, doing the deeds, and causing the problem/creating the solutions could change without anyone on the outside (and often even people on the inside) knowing about it. Well said, 24601.
  10. The initial article seems to have been written by someone who isn't aware of Homecoming, SCoRE, or this whole situation. Little concerned it took almost a whole month for us to hear about that renewal, though. Well, only one thing for it . . .
  11. THAT is the right kind of question to ask, River! What sort of impact would this have "waking up" more enemies? Are there already elements of code in place to limit this? For example, if we theoretically had an 8-person team of Masterminds, and they somehow made all of their Henchpets completely invulnerable, and each aggrod exactly 16 enemies, would the server be able to handle over 900 AI-controlled entities without any significant issue?
  12. I mean, let's not forget where Paragon City is geographically. It's analogous to New York City in the real world in a lot of ways. That's one of the most culturally AND ethnically diverse places in the whole world!
  13. Because it very well may be with the speed that some players are chewing through enemy mobs these days.
  14. If the source of the taunt aura is an enemy, then other NPCs allied with that enemy may not register the aggro at all. If the player is already at their aggro cap at the moment of the taunt aura applying directly to them, then we may end up with weird behaviour where enemies already engaged with the player drop their aggro in favour of the distant enemies gaining it. The invisible pet is used to avoid aspects of the code which would be disruptive to the intended plan. And, as ever, I believe this is meant as an optional difficulty toggle; not something mandatory for every player. Something for the players who are looking for more of a challenge (or possibly other reasons).
  15. That's why I suggested the invisible pet, Lazarillo. It would draw in additional enemies, and when it despawns those enemies would then switch over to the players. And since it would, under my proposal, only spawn in if the first mob lost a tonne of minions, then it's not like the player has a lot of aggro on them any more.
  16. Oh, this started months ago. It only just got latched on to over the past week. There was also someone asking about the basketball courts in Brickstown. I used to think there were more gazebos in the game than courts, but I did a count on courts yesterday, and I'm not so sure any more. Add Skyway's courts in to the count, and there are almost certainly more courts than gazebos!
  17. Honestly? Even without that classic story*, I'd still have honed in on the gazebos. I play a lot of Redside, and I just keep finding the damned thing! All the same, I appreciate that story, since it's helped keep the Everlasting players engaged in Gazebowatch on that Shard. *Unless, of course, the original Devs only added gazebos as a reference to that story in the first place.
  18. The idea I had is a bit convoluted, but would probably make sure the aggro is directed accordingly. - Mob 1 Boss has a Power which triggers when X number of allies from their mob are defeated (checks body count, casts if threshold is exceeded) - Mob 1 Boss casts "Call for Help" on enemy player (or player pet) - Target of "Call for Help" gains an Auto Power which instantly summons an invisible Pet (the "Help Pet") who follows the Target for the duration of its life - Help Pet has massive AoE Taunt Aura that penetrates terrain (is that possible?) - Mob 2 gets Taunted by Help Pet, who is "owned" by the Target of "Call for Help" rather than the Mob 1 Boss, and therefore correctly identify the target as hostile - Mob 2 comes rushing over to join the fight, since their AI says "they just poked us!" - Help Pet despawns, leaving Mob 2 in range of the Target of "Call for Help"
  19. It's time, comrades! The gazebos . . . they're everywhere . . . Paragon City.* The Etoile Isles. Praetoria. Even in Pocket D! Nowhere is safe . . . Alternat has dubbed it: The Awning Storm. But there is hope. Together, as The Gazebowatch, we can seek out the locations of the gazebos. We can work together to document their whereabouts. We can ascertain their movements, and determine when they'll be in position to strike against us! But we'll be READY for them! We'll know all their hiding spots, and we'll know which ones are anxious to attack us first, since they'll be all jittery and fall out of position. What say you, noble villains and nefarious heroes!? Will you stand with us against the gazebos?! All you need do is post here, and in your local Shard's appropriate channels of communication, with the /loc of each gazebo you find. Feel free to confirm others' documented gazebo locations. After all, if the gazebos ARE on the move, we need to know. Kallisti Wharf 6669, 125, 817.5 Port Oakes -590, 165, 517.5 Imperial City 677.5, 110, 3200 Pocket D 850, 30, -1085 (okay, honestly, in researching this, I came to the incredibly disappointing realization that there aren't actually that many gazebos Blueside after all. I guess I really am an unrepentant villain. I just assumed Paragon had to have tonnes of gazebos since the Etoiles did.)
  20. You could contact a GM with a private message, or possibly even try your luck going after Leandro or Jimmy directly. But considering how few of the active players actually engage on the forums, I think your suggestion would be safe to share here without it being "spoiled" for most folks.
  21. Looks like things are operational again. Hurrah!
  22. Through the power and magic of kind, thoughtful Devs who actually probably didn't even realize the potentially unintended benefit to a bit of a coding loophole that exists in regard to Bases being instanced zones. ... I used the base entry slash command. Hosted a DFB from there (everyone has to be in the same base to launch). When the DFB ends, you get deposited back to whatever public zone you were last in. All Tutorial Zones are actually public zones. SO! When should I put you down for a lickity-split Isolator?
  23. The last post from William was October 11th. The last activity documented from William was October 28th. Send out the search parties! We must find William!
  24. Depends on what sort of gameplay or community subculture you are looking for. For example, there's the RP and OOC Global Channels for roleplaying. /chanjoin RP /chanjoin OOC You can right-click in the Chat Window and select "Channel Search" to see what's on offer. You can type in a key word and search for it, but most people don't put descriptions in to their Global Channels, so you may get limited results.
  25. OH! And one other thing: Chatting. A great way to make new friends and find people to play with is to use the appropriate Chat Channels. Every Shard has a built-in LFG (Looking For Group) Channel, and a built-in Help Channel. These tend to be the most active chats in the game, regardless of Shard, and they are Shard-specific (meaning that it doesn't matter where you are in the game, you can always communicate in the Help or LFG Channel for your current Shard). There are also Global Channels, which transcend Shards and use your Global Chat Handle to communicate rather than your Character Name. You have to manually join a Global Channel or be invited to join it if it's set to private. Additionally, Global Channels are subject to an annoying missing feature, and you have to also make sure to enable Global Channels on every new character you play as, or else you'll miss all the messages in those channels, even if you've already joined them. This can be made easier with two handy commands. First, get your Chat Tabs all configured to exactly the way you like them, with the Global Channels you want already Joined. Then type: /chatsavefile Default Then, on every subsequent character, just once (or any time you update the Default file) type: /chatloadfile Default I hope this helps!
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