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Everything posted by VileTerror

  1. I suspect the answer comes in the form of OpenSource, Mechano. The original Live Devs were just a handful of people. While the Homecoming Team is an even smaller handful of people, the leaking of the code to the wider web and groups like OuroDev are essentially think tanks for solving these sorts of problems. I don't know how much Homecoming has leaned on OuroDev, but from what I've seen, a -lot- of "Impossible" problems are getting solved by fresh sets of eyes and community efforts.
  2. What harm do you feel it would do to decouple effects from numbers, though, @aethereal? With the exclusion of PvP, where the option already exists to force specific Generic Customization, and with the ability to check other players' Powers in PvE; how do you see the greater wealth of customization options for other players being a problem?
  3. "The third Abramverse entry is a pretty great Fast & Furious movie." Nailed it.
  4. Please? Specifically: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/320-return-of-the-son-of-jukebox-thread/ I'm tired of thinking something new is in Off Topic, only to find it's this thread again.
  5. And not to be antagonistic, but with how dedicated roleplayers are: Good luck every getting rid of all the City of Heroes players no matter HOW easy you make the game. Roleplayers gonna roleplay no matter what. But they might not -gameplay- if the difficulty gets cranked up. But 100,000,000% in agreement with EmmySky! If we give them hardcorers a +6 or +8, could us "weak saucers" please get -2 and -3?
  6. HA! -My- highest is only level 27, Charistoph! I have over 100 characters, so . . . yeah. I can't quite fathom how many hours I've played total. Granted, dual-/multi-boxing obvious skews that number a little.
  7. Thanks for finding that! I bought my own computer recently, so all my Fog of War data was on my spouse's computer, and not saved on a per-character basis. It's been annoying to try to remember to hit Reveal on characters who I had thought I had already uncovered every map with. Now to copy that data over and hope it doesn't melt my game!
  8. Honestly, if I could run Task/Strike Forces at -1, I would. Hell, even at -3! I'm not trying to do Speed Runs, but I find that with the absolute abundance of Experience Points from all sorts of other sources, there's no real benefit to dragging things out longer on a Task Force which is already a massive time commitment. I don't want to spend two or three hours plugging away at it. I want it over and done with so I can attend to Global Channel Moderation, or continuing GTell conversations, or doing some roleplay, or earning some Badges. There's so much more that I'd rather be spending my time with than sitting in a locked team wasting time defeating every enemy in a non-Defeat All mission. But as for the Etiquette of it all? I really feel it would be most appropriate for the player who is organizing a team to expressly state their intentions for the team, but also to consider the express expectations of the team they've formed. Negotiate and compromise, if necessary.
  9. See, I'm very confused about the continued reports of that . . . I can shove allied players' Henchpets all day long, as long as they're not standing next to walls or enemies. Where is this inconsistency coming from which is preventing other players from shoving allied Henchpets?
  10. I'd second the -Res suggestion, instead of the -Def (we've already got Broad Sword and Katana, and now even Radiation Melee).
  11. If/When Henchpet Customization becomes a thing, I do hope that the Homecoming Dev Team sees this thread and considers allowing the Height/Scale sliders to scale down Henchpet sizes. Of course . . . the opposite could be used for griefing, so (while I've not expressly stated it in the past, I've always felt that) I think it will be crucially important to allow individual players to have the capacity to toggle default/generic appearances for -other's- Henchpets on their personal display.
  12. I'm not sure how that rumour started, but I can't find anything to substantiate that being an official reason. Regardless of that, with free unlimited accounts, multiboxing, AE, and just friends teaming up; "City of Pimps" would already be a reality if people truly wanted to pursue it. And, while an increase in the workload for the GMs is not an inherently positive thing, with community support in the form of reporting such abuse and violation of the Code of Conduct, we could actually reduce the population of players who would be willing to make such offensive and harmful concepts. Those people would essentially be exposing themselves to suspension and banishment, and I think that's another tick in the boxes for Positive Reasons to Allow Henchpet Customization. I completely understand the concern. I know there are truly awful people in the world, and many of them happen to have accounts for this game too. I do not believe that the existence of those people and the potential threat of their temporary abuse of Henchpet Customization justifies denying the majority of players' opportunity to make use of such a feature for the plethora of good-natured purposes.
  13. @quixoteprog - a.k.a.: The text from Positron's Task Forces.
  14. I'd like a fourth option: "I'd personally switch them off, but I'd be happy to provide my voice for others to suffe- er, listen to." And really: "Keep this game as classic as possible" is a SUPER loaded statement. I don't want to keep this game "classic" by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm also not a big fan of the existing voiceover work that's already in this game.
  15. It was raised in another topic, but the social aspect of this game already adds some complication factors for difficulty. Having the options is great! Figuring out how to effectively communicate with your team what your difficulty expectations are is apparently more challenging. I think that, perhaps, some investigation in to in-game tools which facilitate teaming with groups who have similar difficulty exceptions as yourself would be a Good Thing right now. Obviously, communication is great and probably the best solution . . . but let's be honest with ourselves . . . how frequently are things poorly articulated or get misconstrued? We have the /roleplaying flag now. Perhaps a /hardcore flag wouldn't be amiss.
  16. Not meaning to antagonize, but Philotic, quixo: That particular debate is one we've seen played out in other threads. And while you two are probably doing the most civil re-enactment of it I've ever seen, I do not believe this is the appropriate thread for it to continue in. May I offer the suggestion of digging up one of the existing threads or starting a new one in General, please?
  17. Can confirm the Rest Log flooding. Like over 20 messages PER SECOND.
  18. I had some difficulty reading the post above, but if it's a request for "make joined Global Channels appear in a Default Chat Tab on new characters" then I am 100% in favour of that.
  19. I may be remembering incorrectly, but I believe the insinuation is in https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Transmuter 's arc.
  20. It's alright. Sorry for threadjacking. You have some solid suggestions up there, and I agree that all of them would be welcome additions!
  21. I'm with you there, Dreamboat. Got a feeling, though, that certain other people will trot out the "Cheapens the Game Experience" rhetoric.
  22. If I recall correct; Magic was hunted with the express statement of "join us, or die" as opposed to the "join us, or disappear in to a lab" which all the other Origins got threatened with.
  23. How right to have such mighty tighty whites, with the backstrap reaching all new heights that it's practically out of sight while you fight at night!
  24. As long as the Base Teleport Powers are modified to work like the Ouroboros Portal Power (drop a clickable "pet" with duration equal to recharge time, which anyone can click on to use), then I will glady say "bye-bye" to the slash command. However, I think the hold up is the creation of a "bookmarks" feature for that list, since a lot of players have cited the ability to write macros with passcodes built-in as their primary reason for using the command. And while we're at it, Pocket D Teleport should also function like the Ouroboros Portal Power. Make it summon an interdimensional party bus (works like the Team Mission Teleport Power, and looks like the truck in Kings Row, but painted funky colours).
  25. As many of you may know, if you click on street-wandering NPCs, they spout little lines of dialogue (like "I like pie."). Some, however, have specifically scripted statistic blurbs, based on the first letter of their names. Click on a wandering NPC whose name starts with M and they'll let you know the total number of hours you've spent logged in on a given character. I just did this, and found that I've spent 1343 hours on my main villain. That's over 55 days of play time. How's about you?
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