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Everything posted by VileTerror

  1. I'm all-for more tentacles. Don't forget face tentacles as a costume option! Or tentacle arms. Or tentacle "skirts"/legs.
  2. and I just noticed https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/14236-pvp-event-huge-prizes-sign-up-with-two-friends-jan-25th-6pm-est-indom-server-all-experience-levels-welcome/ So, "ahem ahem" and all that jazz.
  3. Glad you asked! Just read absolutely everything over at: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/53-getting-started/ and while you're at it, you could also go ahead and read everything else as https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/8-development/ and https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/3-city-of-heroes-homecoming/ and https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/4-servers/ too. Just to be on the safe side. . . . I can't honestly imagine anyone reading all of that, except for maybe some of the New Forum Cartel members.
  4. VileTerror

    New forums??

    Around January 10th: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/12658-how-about-an-off-topic-forum/
  5. I think they'd just have to code it as a continuous Chance for Knockdown for the duration. Like, every 1.5 seconds it has a 35% chance for the target to trip.
  6. Indeed; and also on Everlasting, when someone does send a message which isn't a specific request for teaming in LFG, there's usually someone saying "take it to Help." I had heard talk that a Shard-specific General Chat Channel was considered, but since there seems to be some ardent adherents to using existing channels as General Chat, there's doubt as to how effective such a specific channel would be. We certainly don't have the GMs necessary to remind players to keep channels for their intended purpose on Everlasting, let alone all of the Shards. Meanwhile, /ac and /ma remain pretty much entirely disused on Everlasting. How about on other Shards? Does anyone, save perhaps Indomitable, use either of those Channels? If no one's using them on any Shard, perhaps as a community we can attempt to encourage everyone to use one of those as a General Chat? Note: Global Channels have been mentioned in regard to this matter frequently, but having to manually join them, maintain them with new characters, not having a short slash command associated with them, and having a limit of 15 total Global Channels per account (14, more like, since if you go for the full 15 then things start to get glitchy); using Globals is pretty much a non-starter solution. And for clarity: "Local" refers to the specific Local Channel, which is limited to 50 or 100 in-game feet. "Zone-specific" refers to things like Broadcast and Request, which transmits to all players in a Zone. "Shard-specific" refers to Help, LFG, Arena Chat, and Mission Architect Chat, which transmit to all players on a Shard (Everlasting, Indomitable, Torchbearer, et cetera). and "Global" refers specifically to the channels which players need to either manually join or be invited to, which utilize a player's Global Chat Handle as opposed to their current character name.
  7. One bug which I still see are civilians walking through walls in City Hall (Echo) and Portal Corp buildings.
  8. Please don't edit that typo. I like the thought of a "Legal Damage" Type, since I have a law firm group on Everlasting.
  9. Speaking to Null the Gull will reward those badges.
  10. Glad to see "Advanced Enemies" is getting some solid love in that poll. Even just one or two unique Advanced enemies per faction/group would REALLY spice things up, but would almost certainly not be a simple task. So, with that in mind, and borrowing from Kheldians: What about Mercenaries? A unique faction consisting of just about 5 to 10 different powerful units, one or two of which will occasionally spawn in with existing mobs if the "Advanced Enemies" option is toggles, who provide that extra support to existing factions, without having to create 75+ new individual enemies (one or two for each group).
  11. Remember that for the purposes of commands, the slots are 0 to 9, and that there is a 15 second lock-out time period between changes.
  12. Bane Spider Ruben, anyone? Anyone? No one? https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Bane_Spider_Ruben That's gotta be one of the best arcs! Not perfect, but utterly fantastic.
  13. I mean, I'm all-for Redside too, but do we really want to quote the guy who got himself Schwartz'd because he underestimated the intelligence of his opponent?
  14. Wise distinction to make, Grouchy. Considering the prevalence of farming, I don't think any amount of the traditional in-game rewards can ever be "enough." If people want more challenge just for more Exp/Inf/Incarnate/etc rewards, I think something would also need to change on a fundamental level to the mechanisms that provide those rewards.
  15. Welcome Home, and yeah; would be nice to donate through other means than paypal.
  16. That method was also brandished around back when Henchpet Customization was first discussed in this forum; and I like it! And as I understand it, there's already work that has been done for this on OuroDev and on other servers. I haven't seen an update in a while, but the progress I saw back before December looked like they were just around the corner over there. Also? You remind me of the babe.
  17. Not only that, but you can unlock all of the slots by switching sides.
  18. The Everlasting version of this thread has received some screenshots of the vigil: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/14078-memorial-events-for-last-moon-man/
  19. . . . you love Redside, but don't watch TV-MA? I . . . I'm not sure what to say to that.
  20. Assault Rifle / Ninjitsu Sentinel who only takes Primary Powers like Buckshot and Disorienting Shot? Or go with an Arachnos Soldier instead and build for Single Shot and Cloaking Device?
  21. Super deal-breaker for me, though. City's strength has always laid in giving players agency to express their characters in personal ways. Any time it fails to live up to that is something to fix, as far as I'm concerned. I like this idea of a post-victory pose, but I'd say it would need to be optional for players, at the very least.
  22. Ah, but the most important question: How do we choose which pose our character strikes during this post-victory screenie-bait?
  23. New Character Concept: Shotgun Ninja.
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