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Everything posted by DougGraves

  1. I have alts but they are all parked at specific levels. I only like the lower level game so I have alts sitting to play when a team is announced at a lower level. I have a page of 13's, two pages of 19's, a page of 23's, a page of 29's, a few 34's, and one above 34. Within the page I sort by AT. And when I find I do not like a character I delete them, or if I want to keep the name I move them to a page of characters holding names I want.
  2. But with Stealth from the pool now so good, does it matter that Dark Armor has it? Rad armor can easily pick up stealth - and it can run it without running out of END.
  3. My recommendation for making a character is take two things and blend them. One thing is cliche. A mix is great. Pirate and ballerina mixed are much more interesting than just pirate or just ballerina. So you can add psychic to something else - psychic mummy, psychic belly dancer, psychic soldier, psychic boxer, etc. Or pick something that could have psychic powers - ghost, fortune teller, alien, etc. - and then add something else to the mix. Martian private detective?
  4. I took the stealth pool power. If I leave it on, when I attack I stop being stealthed even though the power is running. It takes some time to resteatlth after a fight. If I turn off stealth at the start of the fight and turn it on after the fight will I stealth immediately or does it wait for a certain amount of time after my last attack whether or not stealth was on when I attacked?
  5. That's true of your bank balance and basically everything else that is now tracked electronically.
  6. The lack of a physical thing is actually a point in favor of NFTs. Imagine you buy Action Comics 1. It is a physical item. It could get destroyed. That cannot happen to your NFT. Additionally, someone might find another copy of Action Comics 1. Yours would be less rare, so the value would go down. That cannot happen with an NFT. So assuming the NFT is not a fraud, it is in theory a better collectible than a physical item. Of course just like any collectible its value is based on finding someone willing to buy it.
  7. Okay, so I can't drop it on a scrapper and have them hold aggro in an area around them. Too bad.
  8. Electrical Affinity does not help someone take the alpha, so I was thinking of taking Spirit Ward to help turn a brute/scrapper into a tanker when we don't have one. I then see Enflame. Brutes and scrappers do not hold aggro like a tanker, so I was wondering if Enflame would draw aggro to the ally I put it on, does it draw aggro to me? Or does it just have no aggro?
  9. I consider NFT's to be slightly better than crypto currency. They are both digital collectors items. They have value if people think they have value, which is true of all collectors items.
  10. I only play at lower levels (below 35) and mostly at the very low levels (below 20) and do not play with IO sets. So my judgement is based on the actual powers, not on what you can do with IOs. I now play only dark for defender. The cone fear and howling twilight makes it basically a controller + defender in one set. For controller and dominators I only use plant and electric. Seeds of Confusion and Static Field are fantastic early aoe controls that you can use every encounter. Earth would be good with earthquake, but it sends clockwork and lower level enemies flying so it is not effective in some missions. Hopefully the redo on knockback fixes it. For tanker I now just play radiation defense. A solid set that has no END problems from the start.
  11. Moon Knight is expected to be part of a "dark" team of heroes in the MCU. Like the Netflix shows were The Defenders. So part of the MCU, but not part of the Avengers. I am not entertained by this show. I hate passive main characters. I just find it frustrating.
  12. Completed the Habsbyby arc in Atlas. When I call him I will level to 8. I have to be outside to call him. I'm logged off. How should I use my leveling buffs when I log in?
  13. Given that 8 of the top 25 box-office movies of all times are Marvel movies, I find it hard to believe they are "desperate". https://www.imdb.com/list/ls053710661/
  14. Which is bold of them. In the Star Wars universe they are just bringing up existing characters and stories and trying nothing new. Just branching out a tiny bit.
  15. I am very impressed with Marvel's branching out with all kinds of characters.
  16. Do redside contacts fit into themes? Like working with Arachnos or working against them?
  17. Imagine you are making alts to level up to 50. You want to go through different content paths, no just doing all of the content in the game on a single character like a crazy person. So what rough paths (or put in all the specifics if you want) can you think of? Gold side has 4 paths: loyalist and traitor and gentle or mean versions of each. Redside has its contacts. Is there enough special story arc content to level separate from the standard contacts? Blue has: Old, old, old school leveling by street sweeping Old, old school Outbreak and using the original contacts. You could even do contacts by origin, for 5 different paths. Old school. Hollows, Faultline, Striga, Croatoa... Cimerora? New school. King's Row and the signature contacts, Who Will Die, etc. Not sure where first ward, night ward, and dark astoria fit in - goldside? And is the shadow shard its own path separate from FF and PI?
  18. I found it tedious and dull. But I know Moon Knight, so to me this is just dragging out reveals of things I already know. My wife knows nothing of Moon Knight and enjoyed it. She liked trying to figure out what was going on.
  19. I would avoid kinetics. I needs to hit for everything. A low accuracy is terrible for kinetics. I would go with stalker. Hide works without enhancements and can be their main defense. They have a power-up power that boosts accuracy and damage. So with assassin's strike you can take out a spawn the way stalkers were intended to work. I would take ninja blade for the -def on foes and the +def on self. Willpower for the +rec and rise to the challenge gives foes -def ---- Then I remembered VEATS. A widow or soldier using stealth, with multiple options to get +to hit with training.
  20. I have been watching Beyond the Brick, a youtube channel which features fantastic Lego builds. This is an Arabian style castle and market town with fantastic vehicles mounted on creatures from elephants to dinosaurs.
  21. Lots of players talk about how they want to feel like a superhero so they need to be even more overpowered. But they want to be overpowered at +4/x8. Because they really don't care about feeling powerful, they just want easy influence and XP. As you have shown, anyone can feel superpowered if they are just willing to turn the level of the enemies down. But that would mean less xp and influence.
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