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Everything posted by Optimum_Man

  1. It's very wholesome.
  2. We're playing a 15 year old game that closed officially 8 years ago. Using time metrics when discussing it seems silly. Also, I think this is a thing forums need to do less of, there's nothing wrong with revisiting a topic that is still an issue even years later. I totally understand them wanting to talk about. There's also a number of folks who are just getting back into the game again like me so we should be mindful of that.
  3. There are Arachnos, Vanguard and Midnighter quartermasters which sell enhancements and Nurses that sell inspirations.
  4. Thanks for the feedback guys! Although I’m thinking I agree with @ThaOGDreamWeaver and think it’s Mastermind.
  5. So I haven’t seen Jodie yet, I honestly just stopped watching the show. Although I was initially very happy when Moffat took over as showrunner, I quickly became disappointed with the quality of the story from his run, which also seemed to degrade over time. By the end of Capaldi’s era I was ecstatic to see him gone. I was hoping that would mean better writing, but alas that’s not the case. Who’s lead writer now? Who’s showrunner?
  6. It has one of the largest “budgets” of any game ever released. I mean for the money spent they have not done 1/8th of what an actually studio could have done with that money. They definitely promised big and won’t deliver. But they didn’t do it intentionally, they took on a project they were simply not prepared for. This is why I think games shouldn’t be allowed on Kickstarter. The completion rate for these projects feels damn near zero.
  7. I mean outside the use of those particular colors idk if that would qualify. Since most Edgelords need that character development (or lack thereof) to qualify. I mean it’s not a technical term really, but idk if @Siouxsie example really applies in this particular case. In reference to your character, I’d say probably probably not either. I’d say a perfect example is Shadow the Hedgehog from the Sonic series. Standard black and red design, fires guns for some reason, no character development and only sort of a villain but not really.
  8. I’d like to see a Praetorian Epic Archetype, if not necessarily the powers you listed. I’d also like to see more development done with the Praetorian story wise, and it would be nice if the Loyalist and Resistance alignments were added to the game.
  9. This. I have spoken with people who are following the project closely and there does appear to be a decent alpha together. They still have a long way to go, but they have an actual product assembled. Mostly anyway.
  10. His arc is not present in AE on HC. I checked in case anyone was wondering.
  11. If anyone was looking for Project Checkmate. It has been reborn on the Everlasting Shard. My handle is @Battletoad in game and the leader is @LegendReborn. If you’re interested in rejoining just give us a shout. I finished base building this weekend and I should be back on here and there. I look forward to seeing more people!
  12. Did any of the former DJs come back? Are any of them still playing?
  13. Any word on Paragon Radio? Did it come back?
  14. Both terms signify poor to non existent character development. Like the God Mode character archetype, all three are simply a matter of poor storytelling. While they may be overpowered like the other two, and Edgelord may also engage in acts that are morally dubious or even evil, but aren’t characterized as a villain. And unlike Villains who had a clear path from normal person to Villain, Edgelords were probably always intended to either be Heroes or antiheros. Think bad boy 9000. The key is in the details and depends on how they’re written. How did the character go to this point? Were they always like this? What are their weaknesses? Do they have any? Some characters that are most certainly Edgelords just work because they’re well written and have had time to develop as characters. Spawn is an example of that.
  15. When was Shang-Chi even in theaters? Is Eternals even out yet?
  16. I heard from everyone that it’s broken. They found a way to hack it or something. I don’t like playing new MMOs because I like SOME of the kinks to be worked out before i join, but I REALLY didn’t like the crowd that seemed to be headed there. Looked like trouble from a mile away.
  17. Very Wonder-Woman. Was that intentional?
  18. Any other Doctor Who fans out there? I’m rewatching the whole new series with my girlfriend at the moment and it got me thinking. What archetype would the Doctor be if he existed in game? What power sets? What about the other Time Lords? Anyone got any ideas? I could think of a few but I really wanna know what everyone else thinks?
  19. Hi all, I’m just getting back into base building and I was wondering if there’s an option to add signature character NPCs to our bases? Like Statesmen, etc. Thanks in advance!
  20. I’ve played games on Zsnes as well as GBA emulators. I haven’t in a while but I should get back into Chrono Trigger.
  21. Great list of characters.
  22. I’m a little annoyed I couldn’t get Virtue-Man which was my main on Virtue on Everlasting.
  23. People think Elric is edgy? Man I always thought he was like a tragic figure but I never thought of him as edgy. Now his WoW copycat Arthas? Edgelord all the way.
  24. I mean I agree in theory but the irony of applying ethical standards like that to a game we’re all technically stealing by being on pirate servers just makes the whole scenario seem rather silly. Can you steal stolen property? For clarity the hypothetical scenario I was referring to implied the consent of the servers that HC would be borrowing content from.
  25. I was able to find out who owns it from the Devs, I’m trying to contact them now. Best case scenario we get more people from the old group back together. Thanks for replying!
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