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Everything posted by _Kai_

  1. Are they going to Paragon University? 😛 The idea was a common background thread for everyone to instigate some RP, if they are undercover, sure, so long as they don't go against the vibe of it being a space for students where no one should be needing to have their guard up . Unknown! Depends when I can get help running it 🙂 I'm happy to do the 'on-site' welcome and herding but would need at least one more person to field doing broadcast announcements/handle OOC questions It does sound like there is still interest though, what works best for people time wise? Likely would be a weekend, but afternoon or evening?
  2. So there is an event I've been thinking about doing for a while now, that I have the free time to try and plan/get help for. It seems like there are a ton of school and teen based groups, but something I haven't seen much of is college stuff. I know there were at least a ton of characters out there who are college students and mentioned it in bios and such at least six months ago when I first had the idea. This might have changed, but it seemed like a missing thing that might be fun, to put together an event called Paragon Student Union, an RP mixer put on by Paragon University for students, where people can come as their heroes in college, or secret identities as students, or just plain students they have around. If there are any college aged SGs recruiting, a representative can give little 'who we are' talks and then have a chance for college kids to make some RP connections by breaking into small groups and shuffle every 15-30min kind of thing. This is not the sort of event I can pull off by myself, and I don't know any SGs to personally invite offhand, so definitely looking for 1) interest - do you have characters you'd want to go to something like this with? and 2) volunteers who want to help plan and run this, and interested SGs.
  3. If only we got series story with movie designs, alas....
  4. Uh, well, that's..... hides the entire New Praetorians Initiative SG
  5. Color matching depends a lot on textures, like there is a matte tights selection, but boots only have shiny, you'll have to go with Flat on the feet to get colors to match up, etc. If you are having specific issues, posting what you are using for bottoms will let people help figure out which boots can match up!
  6. You definitely don't have to write books when RPing! We have emotes and you should liberally use them, but they don't always cover everything in the way you want to convey it so its entirely up to you how much context you want to add. Some people are more comfortable with more descriptive, some people don't type fast so they go with briefer emotes, it's just a way for you to show how a character acts without them speaking, if they are timid or grumpy or curious, etc. I will say secret identities are very, very hard to do without first finding a group to click with, and committing to finding a way for your character to slip up so that their teammates find out their identity. It just isn't very doable from an organic standpoint because there isn't a lot of opportunity in play where 'normal civilians' are an expected part of the RP so accidently finding out they are a hero doesn't really work.
  7. Speaking as someone who runs plots, it is very much an SG or group of established friends thing that is rarely in an open space because the logistics of a making something interesting and at least not a complete cakewalk if an AE/fight is involved is hard enough when you have a set of known quantities that could participate, If you go trying to make a plot about like....someone having to deal with a cursed object after getting in the middle of some Tsoo and Warriors for characters that have the 'feel' of sort of city scale powers its frustrating, disruptive, and altogether a train wreck if you do it in the open and a handful of people join in the conversation with 'oh well I'm a demigod/fae/really powerful sorcerer lemme just un-curse that for you!' because you have to figure out how to either explain why they can't, or flat out say it OOCly, and they accuse your group of being 'closed' or a 'clique' and the people already involved for which this was intended to be High Stakes are now having to pretend the whole incident didn't happen, or spend time on 'protecting' the feel of the plot than actually playing through it.
  8. I have no direct experience, as everything is pretty much over by the time I can log on being a late west coast player, but if its much like Pocket D, there are things you need and expectations you have to set as a character and a player. Your character has to not be shy, they need to have a personality that has no problems jumping into other people's conversations and have enough background to draw from to be interesting, and you as a player have to know it well enough that it's engaging without having to rely on a friend/pet/second account because scroll is giant. This might be hard if you, as a person, are not that kind of personality and takes some getting used to. As a player, well, its like hanging out at bars or clubs IRL, its best to take a friend with you and expect that for every 10 conversations you have, 1 will be really good and a handful more will be 'okay', set the bar super low if you are used to deep SG plot or events where there is a common thing that everyone's there for to provide an 'in'.
  9. This is happening now in case anyone's missing it! 😄
  10. Oh it's late and I'm bored, why not.... General Things: In the grand scheme of things, the Primal dimension is an over accelerated Anchor Dimension, which has made it prone to fracturing into a number of reflections that share an uncommonly large number of analogues of the same events and people, which explains nearly all the of the dimensions we access through Portal Corps(and previous numerous Live servers, and the various HC ones), but allows for other Anchor Dimensions that PCs come from. The Mandela Effect is a real thing in CoH because those reflections are collapsing down into Primal constantly causing a number of mismatched memories from people (aka headcannons, character transfers, and revamped arcs) Plausible but Largely Invented Things for Character Backstory spun from one-off lines or unused assets: The Blackwell signs everywhere refer to Blackwell Limited, a company with a long history as cutting edge R&D for hero support, from new materials for use in clothing to doing bespoke adaptive work for heroes with unique physiology that want to use various equipment. The population referred to in Number Six's arc in Praetorian Germany was Neu Berlin, built on the ashes of Berlin after it was nuked in WW2, but not for decades later until the radiation scrubbing technology was invented. Blah blah blah got a whoooooole background for what it was like that matter to no one who hasn't met Kaiserin, heh. Neo Tokyo had a complete parallel power structure, the public model Praetorian city-state and the private Syndicate where both sides pretended not have any ties with each other but trusted the other side was doing what it thought proper and best for the people and tried to not get in each other's way.
  11. Still a fan of The Village Idiot, because it made every NPC line with player name substitution unintentionally hilarious....next time you see NPC lines that use your player name, read it with 'the village idiot' instead of your character's name 😄
  12. Ooh nice going! Also I have an amazing @MysteryMouse piece to post soon, I'm just impatiently waiting for plot to catch up so it makes sense!
  13. Join the New Praetorians Initiative for a summer Beach BBQ at GAULOS-10594 on July 10th from 2 to 4pm Pacific! There will be live music at http://liminality.caster.fm/, games of Rock Diving and Salvage Apples to Apples (so bring your Salvage!), as well as a Costume Contest! Summer in the City of Heroes Evil never rests, and neither do you, not even when the beach weather is this good! But even Heroes like to have fun in the sun! Create an outfit that evokes the idea of Summer, while still being recognizably a 'superhero outfit' Prizes will be winner's choice from our options, including builds, ATOs, custom AE arcs, costume design, fiction, and of course good old influence. See you then!
  14. ...or a zombie MM 😄
  15. For a while I thought it was great fun to keep a tally on my dA profile about the total amount of money spent on CoH art. I uh....stopped that when I got a job making double what I had been and realized that while I had kept the max spendage per piece the same I had increased the frequency enough that my tally also doubled in a year... >.>
  16. Just twist that arm harder.... Expect a note about a duo commission at the end of the weekish @MysteryMouse 🙂
  17. Oh that's so tempting when I have money again! Thanks for the link!
  18. Sorry, not terribly inspired by the color/theme this time around 🙂
  19. It was time for a character and unused name purge. Released: Atmosphear D3sync Patty Powers Hexecute Wulfenite Zirconium Sync'd Subnet Mask
  20. I can tell you you can't have Parabellem because one day I will get back to my gun toting half angel dual pistol/empathy southern belle defender, but one of the other options was Pairabellum if that works for you 🙂
  21. Grats DJFM! And like I said earlier to CR, the concept for Toxifaed struck me to make, but I don't need any more redsiders or any fae, so if anyone want that costume please have at and enjoy!
  22. Level 10 achieved! When are you guys around to run an old school Positron? 🙂
  23. Oh, hah, she isn't a pre-existing character so I forgot to add that! Toxifaed 🙂 (who I am not making, so no idea if that name would be free, in fact the concept and costume are free to anyone who wants it)
  24. Honestly I won't get a character with the restrictions to 38 anytime soon, I mean my CHC character is a whole 7, so if I eventually meander my way into level range I'll see if you all are still playing 🙂
  25. The cesspool of Mercy Island doesn't just affect humans, occasionally other creatures emerge changed from falling into its depths, even fae...
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