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  1. o.O ... And poorly played if it is sir. One Empathy corrupter is probably weaker than most other singular corruptors. That'll change fast as you add more Empaths especially as you get into endgame builds. You want something incredibly hard to kill give me 3 or more Empaths running at level 45+. Run by players I doubt you'll find much harder to kill in existence. And the damage output won't be lacking either. Sorry if you were mostly in jest, as a long time Empathy player and member and one time leader of Green Machine I tend to get triggered by such comments.
  2. Against things like Battle Maiden in Tinpex with her blue pools of death my Claws/SR scrapper I will at times chain Focus, Shockwave and Envenomed Dagger standing just at the edge of a patch. Shockwave has the -resist proc in it. Shockwave is also the limiting one having the shortest base range. There are times when I'd love to fiddle around with a secondary build with 3 damage/range HOs like I once had in SW on Live. Huge cone is insane.
  3. @Snarky Don't worry none, you've got nothing on a former co-worker. She once set about cleaning up her desk top and didn't recognize this icon labeled MS-DOS and moved it to the trash can with predictable results. I'm a complete noob myself when it comes to it but even I wouldn't ... just no.
  4. Mostly Everlasting several times a week. Excelsior as well but it tends to be in bursts. Also run with the Justice Super Teamers when I can Fridays and Sundays. On rare occasions since hitting 50 have one on Indom as well.
  5. Very often mine is added in under a Bonfire (or two) with me sitting in the middle with 3 Imps while running Hot Feet and using proc'd up Char on foes. It's not always a fast defeat but it makes for a satisfying stream of orange numbers. Fold space is a handy way to load up the area as well, but unless solo that tends to be fairly judicious in use preferably while standing next to the Tanker or Brute.
  6. With defenses already well above soft caps outside of 'silly scrapper tricks' not sure how much benefit is actually gained. Endurance recovery while up against a horde of +4 Mu perhaps? Easy to pop small lucks if you need incarnate cap and RoP will cap most of his resists as well. Granted the crash can be dealt with but little is gained by risking it 99.99% of the time. Practically the only time I've used Elude on my SR is after getting dropped by an AV (Bobcat almost exclusively) and using it immediately afterwards to get my defenses up and buy time to finish the fight when I've been one of the few (if not only) melee on the team. But it was fun back in the day to go nuts with Elude for a bit.
  7. Purpose, goals, team or solo or both? At 50 onward or exemplar?
  8. My Fire/Sonic/Power Controller has their Liquefy slotted with 2 Enzymes, a +5 recharge IO, a +5 Dark Watcher's Despair to hit debuff/rech and a +5 Touch of Lady Grey for a To Hit Debuff of roughly 44%, a Defense Debuff of 56%, and recharge of 75 sec.
  9. Speaking as a long-time player of SR, specifically paired with Claws but many other secondaries, oops primaries, as well I can safely say Confuse is much less an issue than Fear effects. But, in many instances, it's just a matter for ANY armor (or player) to be aware of your weaknesses and, like I would do to Succubi, target them first. In my case not so much as they represent a threat to me but to the team if someone else gets confused. Dead threat is no threat ... usually. Much the same reason I often take on things like Sappers first. EDIT: And yes, I'm tearing thru Rescue the Ugly One mission solo at +4/x8 (plus level shift). The QS does drop my defense from 47.67 to 46% for my lowest positional. Basically, ineffective against me. EDIT 2: For me these days much more than the defense is the DDR (always has been really) followed by the scaling resists the most defining things about SR
  10. And nothing prevented my lvl 10 from grabbing and using an Ultimate from my Email ...
  11. Yes I've done multiples of the same set on the same AT. Specifically I have a bunch of Empaths mostly defenders and some corruptors. But at least on HC the blast set paired with Empathy has not been duplicated within a single character. Eventually I'll likely have one of every blast set paired with Empathy. Likewise I have several Earth controllers all of whom have differing secondaries. I've have several SR across several ATs, though the GRETA variants unlike on Live consist of just one though likely I'll do up one of each armored AT with Claws at some point.
  12. ? No I think procs are a bad idea. Too large an AoE and other issues but I'm not a proc expert. I'm not particularly worried about the kd/kb personally but the huge value of the debuffs makes it quite worth it for me (especially at the new lower recharge values)
  13. My next toon might have to be an Nrg/Pain Corruptor named Snarky's Nemesis.
  14. I'm running a Symphony/Dark and it has two solid pets and a Confuse power. It is also a lot of fun
  15. Holy bananas? 200ft??? Illusions Superior Invisibility starts at 80ft and maxes (iirc) at lvl 32 with 200ft. That's better than a Stalker. Edit: Cripes, it even includes a -perception power in the same set. Illusion has two edges left (wrt to stealth, concealment and perception). An AoE team stealth in GI and doesn't suppress when attacking.
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