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Everything posted by Excraft

  1. Please do. Would love to see your list of "countless" numbers of heroes. Like it or not, most if not all heroes (and villains) have had their finished, polished look from the start. I don't think anyone should have their creativity limited when creating a new character.
  2. This doesn't make any sense. Quite a lot of the badges/accolades in the game are already earned by playing "dev" content. As for your suggestion, no thank you. Hard pass.
  3. For the idea, no thank you. Bad ideas are bad. As for the rest, which heroes didn't have their complete look from the beginning? Most all of them had complete outfits from the get go. Superman had a cape from the beginning So did Batman. Had his utility belt too. Thor always had his hammer from the start
  4. Instant 50s are available to everyone, so friends/family/whole SGs can play there together, yet people choose not to. I'd think it would be obvious that server wipes are a non-issue since any character can be re-created from scratch with all the bells and whistles within a few minutes. Bases are a fair point. I can't really say how big a selling point bases are to most people though. Wasn't really suggesting anyone just play on Brainstorm. Point was more that the tools to roll up an instant 50 already exist and hardly anyone uses it. I don't think it would destroy the universe to have that functionality on the live server.
  5. Tools to create a fully decked out 50 with all the bells and whistles already exist on the test server and hardly anyone uses them. That whole argument by the cheerleading squad falls kinda flat.
  6. This isn't even close to being true. I've been in heated debates where I admittedly got carried away and was put on time out, rightfully so. Others who were posted things much worse were allowed to go right on posting. They just so happened to be among the usual cheerleading squad, so no, rules aren't applied evenly or fairly all the time. They should be, but they aren't. These are their forums so of course they can do whatever they want, but claiming everyone is treated the same isn't true.
  7. That's what's coming. Can't say I'm surprised either.
  8. This is what happens when you make changes that drive away farmers.
  9. Which was most likely being done by less than a handful of people if that. I couldn't have intentionally left this out because I never mentioned it to begin with, but nice try though. Adding reward merits to iTrials is great if that's what you're interested in doing. Solo players who were earning merits through story arcs got some nice bonus merits by converting these EMPs from the vet rewards. Those players have lost that extra bonus now and yeah, adding merits to iTrials is herding people into "correct/approved" content. Right so you still lose out. Yeah he's like a lost puppy dog following me around. Just ignore him and he'll go away eventually.
  10. Shot down how? The titles I linked to are legit Marvel titles using the name "The Marvels". There's also the Marvel film called "The Marvels" in production now, so it's legit proof the title owned by Marvel. I don't see any exceptions in the CoC for "predating" or anything like that. I can't provide a link to hidden posts, but don't have to believe me, @Troo can verify the content. That's why we were discussing copyrights in that thread in the first place. You can believe whatever you like, I don't have any axes to grind. Yeah, I disagreed with the whole copyright rule thing when it was implemented, but I've accepted it and agreed to abide by it like everyone else. It's an official rule now and everyone has to abide by it.
  11. If there's nothing to hide, why take it down? Not accusing anyone one of anything nefarious.
  12. I don't have any axes to grind. Questioning your rules and pointing out how you aren't applying them evenly or fairly isn't trolling. I don't see any grey here, just being honest. The upcoming movie and the title I linked earlier are recent examples of Marvel using that name. Marvels was also a Marvel title back in 1994. I don't think that the SG here pre-dates that. Regardless if that title is a day old or a decade old, it's still a Marvel title created and owned by the company people here are terrified of legal action from. Isn't it better to be safe than sorry here? Again, no axe to grind and not trolling, just trying to understand why rules aren't being applied.
  13. Not to mention hiding the evidence of it too. Thanks for that. Yeah as I remember the "temporary costumes are ok" part is what the discussion was. Reading the CoC, there's nothing in there about temporary costumes being allowed. The thread had characters named after Marty McFly and Man at Arms with matching costumes to boot. Those were the two I remembered seeing. That's a costume AND a name matching copyrighted materials and no one blinked an eye at them, so there again it's showing that rules only apply to some.
  14. Did you miss the name of the supergroup hosting the events? You've totally misunderstood what I wrote. I wasn't referring to any of the characters in that specific thread. I wasn't referring to any characters in that thread. If you'd all stop hiding posts that question the rules, there are some I could link to that absolutely had clear examples of it. I pointed some of these out in a recent "retro 80s" themed costume contest post which has since been hidden for some unknown reason. There were flagrant copies of Marty McFly, Man at Arms from He-Man and many others, down to the names. I was berated by a couple of members of your cheerleading squad that this was acceptable because "reasons" and didn't break any rules because you all allow it. I questioned that, and the post is of course hidden now. Since I know you won't believe me, ask @Troo - he was the one replying to my posts saying it was "ok to do" because the costumes were "only temporary" and "allowed per the rules" even though I linked to the actual wording of the CoC and it didn't mention anything about temporary costumes. This was about a month or so ago, so it's well after the rules were changed. What's sad is that people making homages are being forced to remake characters even for the slightest whiff of pissing off the House of Mouse, yet a group named "The Marvels", which is an actual Marvel comic title, is allowed to continue on for years. Like I said, I guess rules only apply to some people.
  15. There wasn't a good reason for getting rid of it, no matter what the cheerleaders say. That seems to be the goal unfortunately. Have to keep the inner circle happy though!
  16. Looks to me like they've been posting weekly costume contest results regularly over the past couple of years and no one noticed or reported this yet? That's a real stretch. You're right, they shouldn't. But it's pretty clear some are allowed to bend/break the rules and aren't held to the same standard as everyone else.
  17. There are supergroups named after copyrighted Marvel/Disney properties allowed in game. Marvel is releasing a film called "The Marvels". No one seems to care about the SGs her with that name. There's been bunches of themed costume contests with costumes that are blatant copies down to the name of other intellectual properties and none of the GMs bat an eye. Just saying. Seems like the rules only apply to some.
  18. Nope, not at all what I'm trying to do. Funny that you claim "we're all on the same side", yet it's more than clear that's not the case in how rules are applied here. But I understand you need to sugar coat everything so you don't lose your access, so no need to explain. I get it. Uh huh.
  19. But they do have an impact. The chosen few are driving the direction of the development staff here to the detriment of everyone else who may play differently. See your own comments - Honest question, how many of the posts you've made that got deleted were critical of changes being made? I already have a good idea what the answer is. If they don't want to hear criticism of their changes, then don't ask for feedback. Just let the inner circle do the play testing and be done with it. The community at large isn't brought into the discussion about potential changes, they can only discuss it when changes are put onto the forums for feedback. Yeah you have that backwards. How many of the pro-nerf posts are being deleted/hidden vs the pro-AE ones? Could not agree more. Honest question, what does it matter? Some anonymous asshole on the internet you'll never meet that has no impact on you and your life gave you a thumbs down on an internet forum. Who cares? Let them be a jerk.
  20. You're not even seeing how you're contradicting yourself here.
  21. LMAO! I don't need to go anywhere, thanks. The double standards here are blatantly obvious to the point of being an absolute joke. And yeah, the ass kissers/nerf AE crowd are totally intolerant of different opinions. Feel free to keep denying it though.
  22. And the pro-nerf anti-AE farming crowd is so much better. lol Give me a break. I've never seen a more intolerant group of people in my life than those who want to nerf everything having to do with AE.
  23. Of course it does. 99.99% of the story content in the game is designed for solo play. It's just like the comics - heroes had their own titles and teamed up for bigger threats in team up titles. MMOs don't mean "have to team" or even "expected to team" for much of the content. It just means you're in a persistent virtual environment with other players. There's content specifically made to require teams. The rest can be done solo. Hell, even WoW and LoTRO don't require a team to do a lot of stuff. You only need them if you want to raid. Nonsense. A player can solo from 1 to 50+ without ever joining or needing a team and do just fine on their own. Yes, iTrials, TFs/SFs are specifically designed for teams. The majority of the game isn't. Again, you're misunderstanding or purposefully misrepresenting what the definition of MMO is to fit your warped narrative.
  24. This is complete nonsense. The majority of the content in the game does not require a team to play. Teaming is optional, not mandatory for most all of the game. There is content specifically designed for teams, and even those do not require a full complement to start or complete.
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