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Everything posted by Excraft

  1. But they do have an impact. The chosen few are driving the direction of the development staff here to the detriment of everyone else who may play differently. See your own comments - Honest question, how many of the posts you've made that got deleted were critical of changes being made? I already have a good idea what the answer is. If they don't want to hear criticism of their changes, then don't ask for feedback. Just let the inner circle do the play testing and be done with it. The community at large isn't brought into the discussion about potential changes, they can only discuss it when changes are put onto the forums for feedback. Yeah you have that backwards. How many of the pro-nerf posts are being deleted/hidden vs the pro-AE ones? Could not agree more. Honest question, what does it matter? Some anonymous asshole on the internet you'll never meet that has no impact on you and your life gave you a thumbs down on an internet forum. Who cares? Let them be a jerk.
  2. You're not even seeing how you're contradicting yourself here.
  3. LMAO! I don't need to go anywhere, thanks. The double standards here are blatantly obvious to the point of being an absolute joke. And yeah, the ass kissers/nerf AE crowd are totally intolerant of different opinions. Feel free to keep denying it though.
  4. And the pro-nerf anti-AE farming crowd is so much better. lol Give me a break. I've never seen a more intolerant group of people in my life than those who want to nerf everything having to do with AE.
  5. Of course it does. 99.99% of the story content in the game is designed for solo play. It's just like the comics - heroes had their own titles and teamed up for bigger threats in team up titles. MMOs don't mean "have to team" or even "expected to team" for much of the content. It just means you're in a persistent virtual environment with other players. There's content specifically made to require teams. The rest can be done solo. Hell, even WoW and LoTRO don't require a team to do a lot of stuff. You only need them if you want to raid. Nonsense. A player can solo from 1 to 50+ without ever joining or needing a team and do just fine on their own. Yes, iTrials, TFs/SFs are specifically designed for teams. The majority of the game isn't. Again, you're misunderstanding or purposefully misrepresenting what the definition of MMO is to fit your warped narrative.
  6. This is complete nonsense. The majority of the content in the game does not require a team to play. Teaming is optional, not mandatory for most all of the game. There is content specifically designed for teams, and even those do not require a full complement to start or complete.
  7. To try and entice the average player to try their "hard" mode content. The three or four players who cried for this content supposedly wanted it "just for the challenge" because the "game is too easy" and the "challenge was reward enough". That's not the reality though.
  8. Unfortunately this group tries (and fails miserably) to create "challenge" by using unresistable, unavoidable abilities. Be prepared for future "hard" mode content that ignores damage, is immune to holds etc. You're supposed to play the way they want you to, not the way you enjoy.
  9. So what? Not a single one of these are issues to everyone. If you don't want to be on teams where people are doing stuff you don't like, then quit the team and form your own. Find other like minded players and play how you like. These issues are all self inflicted on you by you. Some things being rare and relatively inaccessible worked great for a commercial product. It's not a commercial product anymore. It's never going to be a commercial product.
  10. Some people still want to treat this game like it's a commercial product where the objective is to keep you paying and playing longer. It's not a commercial product anymore. It's never going to be a commercial product ever again. Some people just want to force their view on others and won't be satisfied until they drive out anyone who disagrees with them. The slow road server already exists, but there's hardly anyone there. That speaks volumes.
  11. I'm not sure I would blame it on side switching or incarnates. From what I see, it's the very poor attitude toward anyone who questions changes and the reasons given for them and who aren't heaping praise and adoration on the people doing the coding. Anyone who offers a different opinion is shouted at and told they're wrong or whatever.
  12. Yeah, chances are that's exactly what it is. That's how these whacked out ideas are put out there by the folks here to make it look like it's something the general populace wants.
  13. Not everyone, just the select few in the inner circle. 😁
  14. Doesn't Ice Blast put out fires too? I agree, it's kind of stupid that water powers can't do anything against it.
  15. It didn't stink, which is a good thing. I'm still hesitant about anything GoT related after the shit ending of that series.
  16. Yeah this ship sailed already. The time to raise your objections is over, and nobody here wants to hear anything but praise for their changes anyway. No point in trying to get this added back in. Either deal with it or do what a lot of other people are doing - move over to New Dawn and enjoy yourself.
  17. The piss poor attitude does a lot more to drive people away than any RoP nerf. The angry entitled Karen routine gets old really quick. I would say anyone with such contempt for others is too fragile and of no positive use to the community. And despite all the hard work this volunteer group puts in to create new stuff, the population is still in decline, so the patches aren't doing anything to reverse that.
  18. Bet the same things were said about all the other updates too and yet the population is still declining.... just saying.
  19. Thank you. Yes, I wasn't exactly clear and that's on me. As I said above, I wasn't being literal. You've been here long enough, do you expect any less? lol
  20. I know what I wrote and I've already acknowledged and apologized I wasn't clear. I wasn't speaking literally, more figuratively.
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