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Everything posted by Gerswin

  1. I need to amend this. The game used to run fine on my son's Arc A750. Something in a patch, driver update, or whatever hurt the performance quite a bit. Now the game stutters when zoning, joining a team, or panning the camera too quickly. I will troubleshoot it when I get the chance, but there is clearly a driver/rendering issue of some sort.
  2. I stand on top of the portal with all of my pets summoned and with a max size costume because I am an important person on this server and I do not want to give up my first-in-line-to-the-portal spot to some obnoxious nerd.
  3. I always interpreted the thumbs down emoji as "The world would be a better place without you polluting it." I guess "I disagree" is a valid interpretation as well.
  4. I always assumed that some of my PUG teammates were RPing a serious brain injury.
  5. For the last month, my 8 year old has had a billion inf/day Super Pack habit that I am able to out-earn just selling DSyncs and HOs. I have no idea what my total net is but I know I have over a million merits across my accounts.
  6. When you get a few billion inf to play with you can make a monster level 50 human WS build, although I recommend taking the forms for IO muling. Warshades can live at the damage and all resist caps while at defense softcaps while also having teleport pool, a killer self heal/end, a bunch of proccable powers, and triple stacked pets. With incarnates, pretty much all weaknesses can be addressed. Even single target damage can be high if you build for it. Power level varies by situation, but TFs and such are so predictable that you can just choose to exclusively play content that play to WS strengths.
  7. Having options and nuance in character builds is bad design. If there is not a definitive best build and that build is not spelled out in-game for every player, then some players will use their unfair advantages to make toons that are unfairly powerful. Meanwhile, average players that don't feel like doing math, asking for help, reading forums, using reason, or researching a PhD thesis on power damage get pushed to the margins. They call us 'noobs' and 'mouth breathers' and 'rock chewingly stupid' and it hurts. TLDR: nerf procs I
  8. Anyone that wanted to be in closed beta could have done so. The more involved you are earlier the more ability to give feedback you have.
  9. I have a dark/atomic/soul and it is a very solid combo. It is surprisingly 'controllery' but it unloads PBAOE damage very safely. There is a lot of proc potential and the -tohit is very noticeable. I recommend atomic if you want to skip a bunch of secondary powers. I only take the initial pick, ionize, the toggles, and atom smasher. Cone-Cone-(close to melee)-blackstar-atom smasher is a fantastic combo. Ironically, the toon is mostly played by my 5 year old daughter and it is pink-princess-magic-sparkle themed with sorcery pool for flight and teleport along with speed, leaping and fighting. Definitely not a evil scary darkity theme, but Dark/ and /atomic both have very customizable visuals.
  10. If you don't spend enough time in a mission the time gets messed up. This happens to me when I multibox and leave my alt in the base. If a toon gets "participation credit" for every door mission then this doesn't happen. It is possible there is something unusual for that arc, but the phenomena in general is common.
  11. I run 3 accounts very often and here's my $0.02... A sonic/sonic defender is the most passive defender I use for this purpose. Disruprton field on your scrapper and put the tier 1 sonic blast on auto. shields and clarity if needed. Elec affinity/x defenders are less passive but they can stay alive through almost anything and you can choose what power to put on auto to match the situation (heals, end, +dam, or even an attack). They pair well with blappers or offensive prioritized scrappers. Empathy with fort on auto and AB for hard fights is solid but slightly wasted on a scrapper. Pairs better with blaster. A crabbermind (or 2) with -res proc'd venom grenade on auto blows away any defender for this purpose. My em/bio scrap with 2 crabberminds solos Tin Mage in 12 minutes and Aeon in 35 without using temps, boosters ultimate insps etc. YMMV depending on how you use macros, incan, dual monitors, or other multibox aids.
  12. Can someone fill me in on the "rules" of ToT? Is multiboxing ok at the hotel? Afk multiboxing? Is soloing at the hotel permitted? Is it rude to have a team and not invite lowbies who are asking for invites? If you are badge hunting for a certain enemy is it BM to leave without killing the full spawns? Finally, are there any zones where the etiquette is relaxed and you are pretty much free to play as you wish without angering anyone?
  13. I was thinking more gangster than stripper when I made the suggestions.
  14. gold/silver chains chest detail hoop earing head detail rings for hand detail iced grill head detail bracelet hand detail nipple ring chest detail
  15. After further testing, it turns out some of the bugs I was experiencing were related to running at 4K resolution, not the graphics card or drivers.
  16. I would avoid ARM processors. I am not sure what kind of emulator you would need to run CoH but I can imagine it would be quite a pain to make it work.
  17. You could also make it a destructible object (like oil slick) with a long timer. It is still a time bomb, but if you shoot it then you can control when it detonates.
  18. I just put an ASrock Intel Arc 750 into my son's PC. I just bought it a few days ago at Newegg for $200 and it has the newest drivers. It runs my usual graphics settings (mostly ultra, a few things changed) at 4K resolution 60 FPS without really heating up higher than 60C after 2 hours. I did not notice any DirectX compatibility errors. I am not sure if it is related to the card or my son's PC in general, but I was experiencing some bugs when using the tailor. Specifically, I could not toggle between skin color and costume item color unless the 'colors linked' button was toggled on. I will continue to troubleshoot this on different PCs to see what triggers the bug. I don't know if this would be DirectX related or not.
  19. You join the wrog PUGs. I joined a PUG today that ran a 19 minute Aeon with no deaths and 2 team members werent even 50.
  20. If you could buy/sell converters in stacks of 1000 instead of 10 prices would go down across the board. The biggest bottleneck in the market is how tedious it is to craft and convert and how few people want to spend their evenings clicking and dragging.
  21. I wouldn't want a whole lot of developer time devoted to this, but if it is low-hanging fruit with respect to coding, a Nemesis or Zombie invasion in SG base would be quite exciting. I could imagine LFG lighting up with "Nem invasion in SGbase-5455" as a way to steer traffic to the base that someone worked hard to make. If the team leader finished the LGTF or KHTF in SG mode, the invasion would go to their base rather than a random city zone.
  22. Aeon is the best tf in the game for me. It helps that my kids love playing it too. The maps don't introduce claustrophobia, there are lots of unique/memorable enemies and interesting mechanics, the length is perfect as it doesn't take longer to form than to run, and even the cutscenes aren't too long. I also like the thrill of the random dsync roll at the end. Goldbrickers are a well balanced enemy group, particularly at higher difficulty levels, there are a variety of other enemy groups as well.
  23. I have gotten more utility from both the overwhelming force knockdown proc and the fury of the gladiator -res proc than any damage proc in damage auras. Usually I have even better places to put the slots though.
  24. I make defenders almost exclusively for "hard" content. With just a few outliers, +0 content goes faster with blasters or even corruptors. Practically, what this means for me is that I load up on force multipliers, personal survivability, and enough single target DPS that I am not a liability when taking down very hard targets like TVHW Tyrant or the AVs in a shorthanded multibox BAF run. I tend to skip single target holds, un-proc-able low DPS AOEs, and anything with really long animations. I have made defenders designed to speed solo and to slog through +4x8 missions, but I don't really enjoy it and I find there are other ATs that are more suited for that style of play. I have somewhere between 35-40 fully built defenders in my rotation, so I try to pick the type that is best for the challenge. I generally try not to pick a toon that is not suited for the type of mission. In some cases, the whole team or league stands in one place. In those cases, dark, storm, traps etc. can really excel. If the team gathers between objectives, nature, can really shine. If the whole run is just chaos with many groups doing different things, sets like cold and thermal with long lasting fast recharging buffs can be the most effective. If I only had a handful of defenders I might try for a more generalist approach, but I have so many options I can always select a specialized tool.
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