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Everything posted by Gremlin

  1. Wow! I just spent the last 10 minutes boggling at these bases. I had no idea this type of thing was even possible.
  2. Thanks very much to everyone who helped to get HC up and running and to keep it running. It's an impressive achievement.
  3. https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Amplifier
  4. I've had a problem in the past where the mouse cursor was offset a bit. I could still click on doors and target mobs etc but I couldn't click small things like the exit button or power buttons. I can't remember what I did to fix it unfortunately. It might have involved UI scaling or I might simply have rebooted the PC.
  5. When super jumping I like to bounce along the monorail lines but not the power lines. I love small ledges. I hate bouncing off water. It feels "unrealistic" unlike everything else to do with super jump! ๐Ÿ™‚
  6. Paragon Wiki is still the main reference for the game. It's mostly correct. The mains differences are that all content is available to all players on Homecoming and the HC team have tuned a few mechanics and added a few powersets etc. The pay to win vendor gives away lots of buffs and powers etc that are handy at low levels. You have to pay for some things with inf but a lot of stuff is free. Don't worry about making mistakes with your build. You can change almost everything except your archetype and powersets. You can change your powers and slotting by doing a respec. I usually do this once per character after level 35. You can also prise an enhancement out of a slot. Mid's Reborn is an invaluable tool for planning builds and exploring powersets. The archetype specific forums are happy to give advice about your build. You receive Reward Merits for completing story arcs etc. These are surprisingly valuable especially at low level. You don't have to be a particular level to join a team. The game automatically adjusts your powers to fit the team leaders level. You might not want to join a level 50 team with a level 1 character though. ๐Ÿ™‚ The biggest contribution you can make to a team is to turn up and use your powers. Your build really doesn't matter much, so feel free to pick whichever powers you fancy and slot them how you like. You can change the difficulty of your own missions at any time. You don't need to visit an NPC to do it. The change is applied when you enter the mission. If you bite off more than you can chew you can always ask for help. You can often find people to team with you just to fight a tough boss etc.
  7. Nice one. That's a good AH 101. I found the bit that begins "Now Person C enters the AH. She also owns a lvl 53 Ribosome but canโ€™t decide if she wants to buy it or sell it." a little confusing to read. I know what you mean but I'd probably be a bit lost if I was new to the market. I think the confusing bit was "canโ€™t decide if she wants to buy it or sell it" because we always know which we want to do. Of course, this could just be me. ๐Ÿ™‚ IMHO fungible is not a very common word outside of finance. The guide may be a little easier for people if you use "pooled items" a bit more and fungible a bit less. For example, the heading could be "Pooled Items and Seeding". I like the way you explain how the last 5 is built up, the last 5 bug and how they interact.
  8. Ouch! I think that's the biggest typo I've heard so far.
  9. Thanks for your answers. Here's my suggested definition based on your thoughts. I've pulled out "strategy" as a separate term as it seems useful. How do you all feel about this? Strategy A general method of making inf by trading. A strategy determines what sort of items to buy and how to transform them into the items that will be sold. Strategies may involve specific, broad groups of items. e.g. Rare roulette, crafting recipes, converting purples Niche N.B. This term does not have a clear definition that's shared by the market community. Please take this definition with a large pinch of salt. At it's loosest, a trader's niche means "what I'm doing on the market" or "the items I'm trading". The items are usually recipes and IOs. The trading strategy may be considered part of the niche. Here's a narrower definition. A niche defines the items that a trader is working with. e.g. "My niche is Panaceas" or "I'm working cheap defense sets." The niche may be a single item, a handful of sets or some other small group of items. People often mention a niche and a strategy together but the strategy doesn't define the niche; the items do. Traders know the prices and sale patterns of the items in their niche.
  10. If it really has to be same IO then you'll have to catalyse them yourself. Catalysts usually go for around 2 m inf but I think I've seen sell around 1.3 m sometimes. That's less than the auction house fee for a high end item. You can buy them with merits if you prefer. If you're trying to save inf then I'd just sell the one you made at normal/high price and buy the one you want at a normal/low price. You'll usually make inf in the process although it might take 24 hours for the sale to complete. Personally I use the market as an infinitely large storage bin. I make inf every time I put something in or take something out. (Unless I'm in a hurry. ๐Ÿ™‚) Just out of curiosity, why do you want to do this? Does it matter to you that it's the exact same IO? Are you just trying to save inf? Is there some thematic goal you're trying to achieve.
  11. Just out of curiosity, do you remember when you last saw uncommons going for that amount?
  12. I don't think you can pick targets based on the group an enemy belongs too. I wouldn't be too surprised to be wrong though. ๐Ÿ™‚
  13. I can't think of any way that we could spot this if it was happening. Any ideas?
  14. Hi there. The devs seed salvage by putting 10,000,000 pieces up for sale at certain prices. The prices are 1,000,000 for rare salvage, 100,000 for uncommon and 10,000 for common. This means that people rarely buy seeded salvage. They're nearly always buying salvage listed by other players. I believe this is part of a deliberate policy to leave the market alone as much as possible but to surround it with a mechanisms that will cap prices if they go crazy. Salvage is pooled. There are 3 pools; one for each rarity. This is why all yellow salvage is trading at the same price. I've just checked the market and commons are selling for 500 and rares are selling for 500k. These are the prices I've come to expect since I started watching in Feb. Uncommon salvage has been getting more expensive. IIRC the cheapest I saw was around 8k. It's usually over 25k and it's been at 50k for more than a day or so a couple of times since then. It seems to be sitting at 50k at the moment. It looks like the price of yellow salvage has been trending upwards since HC launched. Like you, I doubt that this is due to deliberate price manipulation. I agree that it would be a huge undertaking. I don't think a single player could manage it. Perhaps a large cartel of farmers could control enough supply to push up the price but I doubt they could be bothered. Uncommon salvage is small beer for them. If a large enough group of very rich marketeers got together then they could push the price up for a short while but they'd almost certainly lose money by doing so. So that seems unlikely as well. If anyone was going to do this then they'd probably pick an easier, more profitable niche. I'm pretty sure that we're seeing is the result of plain old market forces. We currently burn through it at a phenomenal quantity of yellow salvage because of rare roulette. This is a trading strategy that involves crafting uncommon recipes and then converting them into rare IOs. High volume trading always causes the cost of the inputs to rise and the outputs to fall. We're currently looking at unusually high prices for yellow salvage and low prices for rare IOs. That seems pretty conclusive to me. (At least I think the IOs are cheap. I'm not very familiar with them so I could well be wrong.) I suspect that more and more players are playing rare roulette and that's why the prices keep changing. Sadly, we don't have any hard data about what's going on in the market so we can only make educated guesses.
  15. If it continues for a few weeks then I'd guess that some people have swapped from farming inf to farming merits.
  16. P.O.S.E.R. spells Awesome!
  17. I meant rare salvage. Sorry for the confusion.
  18. The seeded salvage will definitely cap prices if they ever rise high enough. Given how high the seed prices are, I suspect that the devs don't really want them to sell in any quantity. My guess is that they'd take action to bring the prices back down rather than becoming the chief supplier of yellows. One of the cunning things about seeding items is that the devs can use the number of items sold to monitor the game. If they suddenly start selling reds by the bucket load then it tells them that something in the game has changed dramatically; a bug in the drop rate perhaps.
  19. Welcome back! You can change your "Notoriety" whenever you like. (https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Notoriety) This determines how many enemies you face in a mission and what their level is compared to you. Increasing the difficulty tends to increase the challenge especially if you're soloing. (Teams make everything easier really.) Note that you don't have to visit an NPC to change notoriety any more. You can do it with the menu in the chat bar. The melee archetypes usually have higher armor and more varied protection. This allows them to ignore a lot of attacks making them more robust and more straight forward to play in my experience. Archetypes with a lot of control, use their powers to stop enemies from attacking them in the first place. This is brilliant when it works and rather exciting when it goes wrong. ๐Ÿ™‚ Some power sets require more clicking and dancing about to work well. Sets with a lot of toggles and always on powers require less micromanagement. As others have said, the power sets you choose have a huge effect though and can overturn these rules of thumb. There are forums dedicated to each archetype. They'll happily make more specific suggestions if you tell them what your general likes and dislikes are.
  20. I noticed that as well. It seems to have shifted in the last week or 2. Converters are also at the low end of their range. I haven't noticed anything else that's change in sync with these which suggests that there are more merits being converted into inf for some reason.
  21. A few weeks ago yellows were trading at just over 20k. For LOLs I decided to see if I could buy a lot and get the market to hover at 30k for a while. I was curious to find out how big the market for yellows was and how long it would take to return to normal when I stopped buying. I thought maybe it'd take a few hours or a day. Bearing in mind that at the time the price regularly flicked up to 50k so I didn't think it would be too difficult. By bidding 30k I was buying most of the yellows that were arriving on the market. I listed what I was buying for 50k. Within 20 minutes it was clear that there was no way I could keep it up. So I dropped my bids to 25k and offers to 30k. IIRC it took about an hour to spend 1 bn inf. I'd sold virtually nothing. At this point I ended the experiment. The price immediately fell to 20k where it had started. It took several days to offload all the salvage I bought. I think I broke even in the end. My conclusion was that the yellow salvage market is absolutely huge. It's hard to work out how big but I think we're talking a few hundred thousand to a few million sales per day. If anyone wants to manipulate that, they're welcome. I suspect that the supply and demand for yellow salvage are very evenly matched. It really doesn't matter whether we pay 5k, 20k or 60k for a yellow because we're sticking them in IOs worth 1 million or so. Given that most players will happily pay any of these prices maybe we should think of them as being the same price. Curiously we see big price swings for white salvage as well but nobody ever mentions it. I've seen that sit at over 1000 for several hours.
  22. I am sorry that this change has upset you so much.
  23. I've been trading pretty regularly since about February. So my comment refers to prices since then. Rare salvage is currently running at 425k to 500k. That's about as low as I've seen it. Yellow salvage is at 50k which is towards the high end but I've seen periods when it's been at 60k. Purples and winter sets look like they're up a bit. ATOs, PVP recipes and PVP IOs look unchanged. Thunderstrike recipes look very cheap and available but the IOs look normal/high. All in all, I'd say that there's been little or no net change in the items I'm familar with since Feb.
  24. I have a fire/fire/fire brute called External Combustion that's absolutely awesome. He has reasonable defence and does a horrifying amount of damage. The fire everywhere theme fits the character concept well. I'm currently working on a Plant/Thorns dominator. She's a mutant plant/human thing so the powers fit the concept. I don't how she compares to other doms but she seems pretty potent. I had a Psy/Mental Manipulation blaster on live. He was horribly weak for a blaster. I think he was my first toon and I didn't know that Psy was both the lowest damage and most highly resisted damage type. Bah!
  25. I'm thinking of writing a glossary to help people understand what marketeers are talking about. I'm not very sure how to define niche. People seem to use it in different ways so I thought I would seek the wisdom of the ebil ones. What's your definition of niche? Are any of the following usages correct or incorrect? A niche is a specific type of item that can be bought or sold. e.g. Blaster's Wrath: Acc/Dam/End Recipes, Resurgence Inspirations A niche is a trading strategy that involves a limited set of recipes, IOs etc. e.g. Converting ATOs, Crafting Panacea Procs Flipping purples isn't a niche. It's a strategy. A niche is not a niche if everyone's doing it A niche is not a niche unless it's profitable A niche doesn't exist unless someone is working it Thanks.
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