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Sakura Tenshi

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  1. I remember in Issue 27 page 5, a lot of MM resistances/defenses were moved to their equip and upgrade powers making them enhanceable. But one thing I'm looking at is the removal of inherit resistance to things like confuse powers, which seems kind of important for MM. While a rare status effect, it did seem like a big deal to avoid MMs potentially being softlocked out of content against enemies like Awakened. (especially as not all MM secondaries do provide confuse protection or resistance). Also looking at detailed description is the fact that Mercs don't even get the smash/lethal resist they originally had when upgraded. And on that note it does seem SOME still get these resistances and even kept the inherit resistance buffs like Beast Mastery, Demon Summoning, and Thugs. All in all, I'm not really complaining as I haven't rolled an MM in awhile, more just wondering if these are bugs and if not if the homecoming team explained why for the seeming inconsistencies.
  2. Well, apologies for the necroing, but I figured since MM improvements seem to be hot-topic right now, I'd throw my hat into the ring for ways I think they could be improved, and some other general stuff. Mind you, I also haven't been reading all the different MM suggestions and this is me kind of getting out some old ideas. General Mastermind Changes Removing level downshift on pets as you level Increase pet HP by 20% (possibly have this locked behind upgrades) All pets gain an inherit 25% AoE defense bonus (to keep them from being instantly deleted by groups like Nemesis who spam AoEs like they're firefarming) Passive mode stance applies a strong stealth and phase buff while also being locked in to only effect self to pets for the sake of easier transit. Reducing Endurance cost for Mastermind personal attacks Making all personal attacks have an alt power options (picking one locks you from the others) that are basically just the personal attacks from other MM sets. Want to lead your mercs with dual pistols or a laser gun? Sure! Yes, the sub effects would remain the same per the core MMset (so your necromancer with an assault rifle would summon wraiths. You figure out how that makes sense!). I'm also aware this is a huge pipe dream request sort of like the other ideas. Sentinel Opportunity - Vulnerability: When you defeat a target under the effects of opportunity, you get a small heal and endurance boost. (maybe 10-15%/10-20%?)
  3. Idea for an Arachnos raver, specifically a fortunata or widow one. "Do they have ANY idea how hard it is to navigate our bases in heels when the floor is made of Chicken Wire?!"
  4. I'd be down for this, could make a bit of a contest with random dialogue ideas. While it'd be too spoilery for later content, I did imagine once the idea of a Rikti traditionalist in Pocket D doing a dance and declaring "A little dance: doing. A little love: making. Tonight: GETTING DOWN!"
  5. I honestly would suggest Sally just be invulnerable to all except a temp power you can get in Croatoa that uses the camera emote animation. So it's more that you snap a picture and she dives down.
  6. Second question first: no real idea, I was largely spitting somewhat random ideas. Though, I think it's possible to make just a straight and wide line. But it's the same level of certainty I have that time travel is possible. For the second part, it's not common with power armors, no, aside from maybe Black Manta of DC comics, but it is a staple with, as you mentioned, robots and mecha, and I know some people have wanted a 'powerful, eye-based laser' power for some time.* Personally, I'd actually probably have the snipe use the gauss gun on the right arm for this concept, giving each weapon system basically two attacks, but I also was trying to consider other people using the power set. Also, the shoulder slots would theoretically be occupied by the missile racks. Though, I now have a crazy idea for the powerset's gimmick that'd allow for full use of various weapons: not completely sure how to balance it, but it'd sort of work a bit like Momentum and a combo system. Basically, activating certain attacks would then allow you make a simultaneous attack with another weapon as you activate a different power. So like you use minigun and you'd basically get a 'minigun spun up' and would fire off the minigun while also shooting the lasers. Or some attack sets up where firing the gauss gun then has a single missile launch as followup. I think the trick would be balancing and animation (also explaining), in theory the mechanical effect is "if x power is used, y power gains z bonus function" *Frankly, I kind of think it might work just to make the APP eye beam attack into a snipe. It would gain damage in exchange for recharge, have massive damage to open up, it's not strange for Tanks, Scrappers, stalkers, and brutes to have APP snipes (look at the PPPs) and then can be used normally per fast snipe mechanics, but that's me.
  7. Actually been kind of thinking about a power armored based power set and figured on what assets could be repurposed for the powers. It would require some chopping up and retexturing, but I think these might work well. Only downside is that, at the moment, how I imagine the set is that it looks a bit like Assault Rifle with energy damage. Since I'm posting this, might as well share the set I imagined: Minigun burst (ST, lethal damage, fires from the left arm minigun) Gauss cannon (ST, extended range, lethal/energy, Fires from the right arm 'laser') Laser Spray (Narrow Cone, energy damage, fires from the wrist mounted lasers) Concussion Rocket (Targetted AoE, lethal/fire, shoots a single rocket from one of the shoulder pods) Suppression Fire (Location AoE, Lethal damage, target slow/-recharge/-acc, fires from minigun) Optical Lasers (Snipe, Energy damage, -regen, shoots from the eyes) Focused Fire (ST, Energy Damage, fires from wrist lasers) Missile Swarm (Targeted AoE, Fire/Lethal, creates burn patch, fires from shoulders) Alpha Strike (Wide line cone AoE, Lethal/energy, Fire DoT, fires from all weapons points) It's a rough layout and just for the blaster version, I imagine an assault set which might swap out one of the arm guns for an arm blade like crab spiders or Victoria bots and include some street justice/superstrength attacks for melee, and a sentinel version. Also could see the snipe being switched from laser eyes to another gauss cannon attack to round it out, or other swap outs, but I was trying to balance so each 'weapon hard point' got more than one attack. Oh, could also probably change something out for Aim or some gimmick variation.
  8. Sure, would work for people wanting to make Warhammer 40k Space Marines, though also imagined it for mecha characters.
  9. In addition to all these lovely ideas I want to add PAP transformation: Embiggen! I makes your character about 50%-100% taller than max character height!
  10. Then we’re in agreement that the story arcs do not necessarily violate the conduct guidelines than because of differentiation between game-universe and real world?
  11. I think part of it is the difference between things and acts strictly in game and it’s universe vs talking about doing them in real life through the game. For example, using the game as a communication network for drug dealing operations.
  12. I mean, the level 30 secondary power is summoning a pair of disruptor bots, plus there's PPP pet summons. That being said, I'm always a fan of playing 'pet masters who are badass as their pets', and wolf spiders would be a fun backup summon too. edit because I don’t feel right bumping this thread, another change I’d make to powers: Radiation Blast - now deals energy/toxic damage to help distinguish it from other energy ranged sets. (I believe Rad melee also does this, so it helps bring it in line) Energy/body Mastery: laser beam eyes - is now a snipe power to allow players to have their lethally effective eye lasers. Scrapper taunts - the taunt power in all scrapper melee sets now has an auto-hit portion (taunt and -range) but now will also function as an attack as well of some form. For some such as broadsword or titan weapons, this will be a lunging gap closer that teleports the user to their target. For others like electric melee or dark melee, it will instead pull the chosen target to you. For some like katana and energy melee, this is just a ranged attack. (Yeah I’ve posted this before to a lot of pushback, but this is my thread and it’s not called ‘reasonable power changes’)
  13. As I play three sets with click based next protection and also deal with hasten, it would be nice.
  14. Adding a few more things to this list I was reminded of: Integration Change power name to Homeostasis because biology reference Also add any available debuff resistances, but mostly regeneration and recovery debuff resistance Heightened Senses Change it from typed defenses to positional Yes, this would screw up a lot of builds and balance but man has this always bugged me!
  15. I mean, thematically then, why is SR able to resist sleep, confusion (which comes from Focused Fighter), or stun? Why doesn't Practiced Brawler protect against fear? But even that aside, mechanically, Practiced Brawler is the only mez protection that does that and only that every other power that does mez protection also has an extra effect beyond the protection*, then there's the fact that, as mentioned, placates are an incredibly annoying issue with SR (really high defense builds in general but SR does kind of stand out) because placates themselves bypass your defenses to autohit but the followup attacks from opponents are not so you both can end up staring at eachother while the enemy whiffs at you until they get a streak breaker. *Running down this list: Kuji-in Rin also grants psionic resistance and movement speed boosts. Active Defense adds defense debuff resistance Environmental Protection grants typed defenses and bonuses from adaptation stances. Obsidian Shield grants psionic resistance Static Shield protects from teleport, resistance to end drain and recovery debuffs, and psionic resistance Entropic Aura provides resistance to defense debuff, teleportation protection, and is a taunt aura and reduces recharge rate of enemies while boosting your own Fiery Aura's mez protection is spread out across multiple toggles plus burn which all have additional effects. Wet ice protects from Slow and Defense Debuff Unyielding increases resistances Fallout Shelter grants resistance to slow as well as toxic and psionic damage. Integration boosts Regen (also, I wanna rename it Homeostasis because biology reference) and Resilience adds resistance to all damage types. Rooted increases regen and reduces defense debuffs and Minerals also gives psi defense and +perception Indomitable Will adds psionic defense Bane and Crab Spider mez protections are passive with other additional effects Widows also use Indomitable Will and have Foresight which boosts psionic resistance and recharge rate So why can't Practiced Brawler protect from Taunt and Placate?
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