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  1. Thanks to Warboss Jr., Mr Cleavan, Bicentennial Girl, and Kelvinate, as they joined Pengal, the cyber-Penguin from 3030 in a romp through the Hollow leading up to a confrontation with Frost Fire himself! Lots of fun and levels were had! We had a little false start, but a quick regroup and we were rolling. The trolls were no match for our Tanky righteousness! We quickly had the Outcast base on the run😊! We invited ourself into Frostfire's home, and helped ourselves to some new levels🙌: Gratz Mr. C👍! We played with the slides😁: Try telling a tank to take the back elevator🤣 Frostfire time! 😂😁😊🙌👍 We quickly took control of the situation! It was clean up time before we knew it! Thanks for the fun and the levels! Thank for organizing Tanker Tuesday!
  2. Hi everyone! I just published my first arc since live! The famous outcast mutant heroes, the Exemplars, have gone missing! Professor Eschaton and her Malcontent Society are up to no good! Doctor Grayson Excello needs your help to stop an impending war between mutants and humanity! Over the course of three missions, you will discover what has happened to the Exemplars, and unravel the Eschaton Agenda! I hope you all enjoy it.
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  3. Thanks for leading the tf and the missions group after, Warboss! Here's a few more shots from our group! Taking the fight to the Nictus: Cyclops beatdown: About to give Infernal the business:
  4. IIRC, when Ouro was originally introduced (Issue 13?), it was level locked at 15+. As a result you needed to be 15+ to access the pillar(and still do, my 14 or lower toons get no options when they click on the base pillar). For whatever reason, it seems that Pilgrim's arc is not available before 25. As for why there is a 10 level gap between when you could visit Ouro and get "recruited", well that's one for the old Devs.
  5. On Reunion shard, I have a time-lost 16 year-old who is inadvertently responsible for the creation of Ouroborous! Zephyr Kurtz is the daughter of heroes Snow Bee and Napalm Blossom from about 20 years in the future. Unfortunately, her timeline was destroyed by a cosmic being trying to rewrite all existence. Zeph travelled back to 2021(ish) Paragon, and helped her moms and aunties stop the menace. In the process she was stranded in the present supercharged to "Incarnate" power status by her cosmic adventure. Zephyr wants nothing more than to go on adventures with her moms, but she gets in trouble fairly often, thanks to her pigheadedness and inappropriate sense of humor. As a result, she is grounded when her parents get involved with trying to stave off a new Rikti invasion. While her parents slug it out with Restructurists and the Lineage of war, Zephyr and her teenage super friends stumble upon a Nemesis plot! It seems that Lord Nemesis is planning to invade the Rikti homeworld with his own consciousness and take over the whole Rikti homeworld. Zeph tries to contact the 'rents, but they are on Vanguard radio silence, so she and her intrepid pals head into the tunnels below the Rikti Warzone to stop the Prussian Prince of Automatons. They arrive just in time! Zephyr's valient parents and allies are in the midst of being overrun by the of invading Rikti Linage of War soldiers and Nemesis Army troops, along with the Rikti High Commander General Hro'Drotz, and Lord Nemesis himself(?)! The super teens are the spark that turns the tide for the heroes of Earth, as Zephyr, Snow Bee, and Napalm Blossom combine their might together and take down Lord Nemesis, and then turn their attention smashing Hro'Drotz and his military portal technology. As the heroes celebrate their victory, Nemesis slips away to nurse his wounds. He cannot believe that his well crafted master strategy was laid waste by a silly teenage girl. Still, he has overcome greater setbacks. He vows to learn everything he can about his new enemy, which it turns out requires only a quick social media search. Armed with the knowlege that his new foe is a time traveller, Lord Nemesis begins a new scheme. He will master time itself, and then he will deal with that little interloper...
  6. What a fascinating topic! I love the diversity of answers, and being able to see parts of my process reflected in the processes of others. Most of my characters have a bio story, even if I haven't posted it in the biography space*. I'm a bit of a perfectionist about my delivery though, so I often go through many revisions before the story is "ready for print". Like a few other posters have said, most of my characters are connected and share the same universe-well I suppose it's a multiverse, seeing as there are five shards. Right now some only exist as vaporware in my head, while several more exist as in-game charactets, but waiting are in the "bio" queue. At some point, I will achieve my goal of giving each character a bio that suits them, and then I can...create a new concept😁. *I was gonna complain about the size of the biography field, which is too small and can get wonky with formatting, but then I remembered that DCUO doesn't even give you the option of creating an in-game bio for your characters, and decided to not to.
  7. Thanks for hosting this amazing event! Hope everyone had a blast! I got some screenies of the Atlas Pride Parade, so I made a gif. Hope you all like it! Happy Pride!
  8. Scarlet Scourge? Cardinal Sin? Crimson Visage? The Red Pill? (mostly joking with that last one :D)
  9. When Live went dark I found myself missing control in general, and specifically Seeds of Confusion. There is something so satisfying about leaping over a group and flinging seeds, landing, and watching them duke it out amongst themselves. Carrion Creeper is a close second.
  10. So , I recently was finishing up some things with my 50 tank on Excelsior. I had joined several PuGs running Maria Jenkins' missions, but realized that I had completely blown off Anti-Matter. Since I've done the revamped Tina MacIntyre arc, The Instant Army, a few times recently, I decided to explore the legacy version, the Praetorian War. Once I had committed to that, I knew I was going to do a Hero's Hero (Maria Jenkins' legacy arc) if for no other reason than to get "Statesman's Pal" and some nice screenies. The arcs are largely the same in terms of plot. In Praetorian War, Portal Corp detects dimensionsl anomalies, you investigate and find that Praetorian science bros Anti-Matter and Neuron are competing a test-tube measuring contest to see who can impress their boss the most. While in Hero's Hero, the Praetorian scanners go out, and while your hero is dealing with that, those dastardly Praetorians swipe our Statesman!(as opposed to Positron) One of the biggest differences in the old versions is the Praetorian mobs themselves. Some Praetorian AVs use reskins of existing assests for minions (e.g. Blue and Silver clockwork), but most have minions who are thematically appropiate to them. For example, Dominatrix's goons are bondage themed, while Bobcat's posse is made up of catbois. The Praetorians of pre-Going Rogue, were silly in other words. More of an homage to DCs original Earth 3 than the newer rebooted dystopian version. What's most interesting to me though, is that these arcs get referrenced by the contacts during the updated versions. In Instant Army, Tina MacIntyre says, "I can't make sense of the political situation in Praetoria. It's not like when they first invaded and we had no idea Anti-Matter and Neuron even knew each other let alone were rivals. Now it's all Praetor this, and Praetor that."(emphasis added) Later in Hero's Epic, Maria Jenkins mentions, ""A few years back when we discovered Praetoria, Statesman, rest his soul, was kidnapped by Tyrant and held in bonds." Both of these quotes show that the events of the legacy arcs happened, but when why, and how? My theory goes like this: In an attempt to get an edge on Praetorian Hamidon, Cole ordered Anti-Matter and Neuron to scan for other sources of power that he might exploit to finally defeat Hamidon. When they discover Primal Earth, Cole manipulates his two squabbling science advisors to "impress" him by building an army. Cole knows these two are likely to fail for different reasons (Anti-Matter always chokes, Neuron is a bad scientist), but it will give him the intelligence he wants on this other world. With the information that they would have been able to observe, Cole deduces that he can hide his true intentions by cloaking his actions under the guise of acting as "super-villains". Instead of sending soldiers in IDF gear, he (or more likely Marauder and Chimera) recruits operatives from within the Preatorian armed services to act as "minions" (although a case could be made that the Blue and Silver Clockwork were predecessors of the more modern versions, and the RAM and SPECTRA series robots were forerunners of the Warworks). After Keyes and Berry fail, Cole goes to work on his next scheme, namely luring Primal Marcus Cole to Praetoria to see if he can steal his powers( I'm spitballing here). Again, as your hero fights against the forces of Cole, but they are in disguise in order to protect the order that Cole has so carefully built. Finally, when Cole has found no use for Statesman, he allows an Olympian Guard Clone to pose as "Tyrant" with a captive Statesman, In this way, duping the heroes into thinking they have bested the Praetorians. In reality though, these actions simply confirm Cole's suspicions regarding the Primals. That is, they can't be trusted, and they will lead to the destruction of what he has built in Praetoria. Thus, he begins directing his forces to prepare for the all-out invasion of Primal that we see in the Going Rogue, the Alpha Strike TFs (tinpex), Sutter and the I-trials. As to the when, this is where time in the city gets fuzzy. The initial launch of the game assumed that it was just after the Rikti invasion. The game now is likely meant to be set after the destruction of Galaxy City. It seems like we can infer, that the events of these arcs is meant to take place sometime between those two events. Anyhow, what do you all think?
  11. Kindly One: In 67 BCE, Mae was a Gallus, a transgendered priestess of Cyblele, in Phrygia. During a famine, the women of the city, led by the Gallae, petitioned the satrap for relief. To their horror, he turned the city guard loose upon them. Knowing that she and her sisters were doomed, Mae called upon the Kindly Ones to avenege them. To her shock and horror, they obliged. Mae and her sisters watched as the bloodthirsty Furies tore all the inhabitants of their city to shreds, save them. When the carnage ended, the Keres approached the Gallae and offered them a choice: Join the Furies in eternal vengence, or die like all the rest. Millenia followed in which Mae and her sisters punished the wicked and powerful in the name of the Furies. Until the day the dark lady appeared. She stank of magic as old as the universe, and demanded the death of a child. The plight of the child awoke a spark long forgotten in Mae. For the first time, she defied Mother Keres, and refused. Mother Keres raged and fumed. She callled Mae and her sisters ungrateful, impure, not real Furies. The spark that had awakened in her grew to a raging flame, as she challenged Mother Keres. In the duel that ensued , Mae slew the Keres. Though she has earned the enmity of her former comrades, she and her sisters were finally free. (Kindly One Lvl 50 Water/Plant blaster on Reunion)
  12. I get it! Honestly, I'm a big fan of your post-TF nightmare stories, so when I saw that you were talking about our TF, I couldn't resist. It's actually quite an honor to know that I got to participate in one of Excession's "TF Horror Stories". See you around the city!
  13. Awww, you didn't have a gneiss time, Ex? I'm sorry to read that. (For real, I was Ms. Moxie😁) I thought it wasn't such a bad time. Sub 2 hours (by like 2 minutes). Nobody rage quit. No overt team team drama.(That I saw...I didn't have the star so everyone might have been complaining about how the cute tank was hogging all the attention>) But I feel you; it was long. Sometimes you luck out and get the small maps, and teammates with the powers that make stealthing a breeze, and sometimes you get...a chance for lots of recipe and salvage drops? Ironically, I was gonna run to p2w to get TT, but my twinked funds had run too low and I didn't want to waste the time of having to do all that. These are the viscissitudes of hyperleveling a character you created earlier that day, but what can you do? I think I only died the one time, but the lack of buff support was...painful at times. (I was sucking wind by the 2nd or 3rd defeat all, damn endurance draining wind-up toys!). Anyway, I had a good time, even with the difficulities above, and I would totally do it again. Peace! P.S> Here's a pic of us all whaling on the CK! We'll always have Skyway!
  14. I'm pretty picky about my character bios and the 1023 character limit is a pain, so to avoid needless revision, I try to workshop out ideas before I put it in the I.D. field. As for content, sometimes I do a (relatively) straight forward origin story: Sometimes I do a character narrative: I did a few that were meant to simulate press releases: My current favorite bio belongs to my time displaced teenage super-nuisance posting to her social media account:
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