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Everything posted by n00baka

  1. Also, I found this out the hard way, but Translocation can only be used when Mystic Flight is active.
  2. I'm still fuzzy on how that whole system worked, but it sounds like a good idea to me. So if I set my toons as Vig, do I show up on local map searches ("Search For Players" option under the team tab) for whatever side I happen to be on? How about on the other side? Going Vigilante is more of a change in contacts than anything else. You go Vig, and can now travel to Red side and access the newspaper missions and use Arbiters and quartermasters and such. You can still access all of Blue content, but they turn Inactive while on Red side. You can EARN Red side contacts, but they won’t talk to you until you go full Villain (either through Tips or Null Gull). All of that holds true when going from Red to Blue. Honestly it’s the best way for me to play myself. Make a Hero / Villain, then if I see a Task / Strike Force I want in on, or a team my level searching, I’ll change alignment and hop over to join. With such a small player base, I feel like that should be the standard, and the actual “Hero / Vigilante / Rogue / Villain” titles and powers should be pure flavor. Villain in Paragon? Go ahead! Hero in Rogue Isles? Why not? Opening up the game to everyone would help distribute players better. No one bats and eye at jumping from Steel Canyon to Skyway for level 17 missions, so why not make it that easy to get to a Cap au Diable team?
  3. I'm glad this thread popped back up to the top again, because I've been thinking about it lately. I don't think an incentive for playing one side over the other is the way to go. Those who enjoy the side that doesn't get the bonus xp or inf or whatever the incentive is will see it as being punished for not playing the "correct" way. Instead of trying to force players to play one side over the other, I think the solution could be removing what makes the two sides (or three, if you want to count Preatoria) different. I would propose removing the restriction for forming teams between the sides all together, and allow all alignments access to all zones. Yes, that would mean Heroes in the Rogue Isles, and Villains in Paragon. This would remove the need for Null Gull to switch and allow players to basically "pick the alignment power they want" and not restrict where they can play. This reduces the team search problem away from "are they accessible" and into the realm of "are they around the right level". But how to get players from one side to the other? Right now there's only a few ways; Midnighter's Club (behind a badge) and Pocket D. In addition, I suggest adding a transport in each zone near that zone's Train or Ferry (just one if the zone has two or more) that can act as a one way path to the "opposing" side. A standard helicopter with an NPC standing outside it as the "door" you click on would be ideal. This one way transport would, when clicked, provide a list of possible zones to travel to, much as if you clicked on a train or entered a ferry, but only for the opposing side. Go to the helicopter in Mercy? You get a list of zones in Paragon you can end up in. The reason I'd want it as a separate option instead of the current train, ferry, or portal (in select zones) is to reduce the size of the list as well as limit it to one side of transport. I know there's a bit of flavor break in this, as there has always been a solid line between Hero / Villain interaction in the past, so I understand and welcome push back on this. This could be an opportunity to address the reduction in players in an in-game way. Give the NPC door a line or two explaining that "with the sudden disappearance of Heroes and / or Destined Ones, we have agreed to work with Paragon / the Rogue Isles to stabilize the situation. Officially at least. We know rogue agents exist and Ms Liberty / Recluse can't be trusted to keep their word, so be alert." I personally feel that opening up all parts of the game to all characters is more beneficial than attempting to provide an incentive to play one side over the other.
  4. I don't really mind the caves, any of them, really. But the Blue caves don't bug me at all, I wouldn't change any of it.
  5. It happens! I just got a little excited thinking something new was occurring in the Hollows I missed, but then got sad but hopeful! :D
  6. I grabbed it on my WS late in the build for kicks and giggles, but I’ve found it interesting to use. The build has perma-hasten already, but I can snag a fourth pet from it. And that’s actually kinda all I need it for. Occasionally I can use it to refresh my med pool Rez on a team wipe, or if I go down, I can Rez and use it to refresh eclipse, mire, and my Rez. Rare events, sure, but they can help turn the tide of a TPK. Sometimes.
  7. Kraken spawns there. Pretty sure Kraken only spawns in Perez Park.
  8. I loved the redesign when they did it, and I love it now. Sure, I have rose tinted memories of hovering over the map to get to a mission door, but I know they’re rose tinted because I like the current zone better. And it’s still a Hazard zone. Street sweeping there is more dangerous then other zones as the spawns are larger on average. My only gripe is that I will still out level the zone before finishing all the contacts in it. Even starting as low level as possible, and doing the bare minimum of missions, I’ll end up level 15 before finishing with With the Troll contact (who I can’t remember the name of atm). Ouro and turning off XP has been the only thing letting me finish that story line.
  9. I don’t thing throwing incentives onto Villain content would encourage more players to play Villain side. It would encourage some players to switch just enough to do that particular content, and nothing else. Then what? Put incentives on all Villain content? Then it feels like a disadvantage to play Hero side and balance still isn’t met. As others have said, Hero side has had the high population since day 1, for probably a variety of reasons. And it’s never balanced equally dispute how easy it is to switch. Even now, when you can change at level 1 just by walking to Pocket D and talking to a seagull, you still find a disparity in the numbers.
  10. How tragic. It is. The forums are the most accessible and obvious place for the announcement. Especially since that’s where they said they’d post it.
  11. For a while after I made my WS, I had a bug where the screen wouldn’t shake and there was no huge puff of purple when the character went into Nova form. It was still there when they went Dwarf, and I just kind of assumed that was an intentional change. But after a Respec, the Nova form got the big animation and screen shake back. It made the transformation feel smoother and faster (it wasn’t faster, but since i could see clearly sooner, it felt like it was). I’d like for both to officially be removed from Nova, with a minor desire to remove it from Dwarf. My biggest wish for that would be to have it in the Power Customization menu as a ‘Minimal FX’ option.
  12. I think some spawns and missions could use another look at and adjustment. Wincott in the Hollows has the same problem. He will ask me to hunt down the Outcasts, only for me to find more Skulls than anyone else. Same with the Trolls, until you start branching out to the higher end sections further from Wincott. My Lvl 5 self can make it out that far, sure, but I won’t be able to take on the level 9+ groups. I’m guessing a lot of these missions can be traced back to before certain events and stories occurred, but were never altered to adjust for the new spawns in their zones.
  13. Sally like typing detected.
  14. I like this idea a lot. I know that I personally won’t use something if it clips with other costume bits, and when this was run by a company that wanted to have a professional and polished look to their work I would have been against it, but for the here, the now? I’m all in favor of letting things clip if it means people can complete a look they like.
  15. I've always been a big fan of the forest maze in Perez Park. Is it an absolute nightmare to navigate (without vidiot)? Absolutely. But it's an old school hazard zone filled with death around every corner!
  16. When I saw the Sentinel as an option for the first time, I honestly thought the Primary would be Assault. It made sense to me to pair that with a defensive set, because as you move in and out of melee range, you'd want some way to survive better. When I saw it was actually Blast as the Primary, I thought maybe the powers would be a little different. Nope. Same power set that you can find on Blasters, Corruptors, and Defenders. And while I would love with all my heart for an Assault / Defense AT set up just like the Sentinel, I know the answer is NOT changing the current power sets from Blast to Assault. The idea of the Cottage Rule is a good one, and should really only be broken in extreme situations. Whether this situation is extreme enough to justify it is up the Developers who designed it, not me, but I would say it isn't. The current AT functions with the power sets it has (ignoring the Inherent), and forcing players to adapt to a change in what powers they have would be a terrible idea for the most part. I also don't know if adding Assault power sets as primary options is a good idea either because, for better or worse, they play and would have to be balanced a little differently. Really, this just feels like a quagmire with no real good answer, and should be taken as a opportunity for learning for developing future ATs.
  17. FWIW, quants and voids do not replace existing mobs, they are added in, and always have been added in.
  18. Whoooboy, those two builds are impressive! And there are a lot of similarities, so I can use those to help guide me, but I want to know: Are those leveling builds, or "final form" builds? Final Form builds are certainly nice and helpful, but may be more above my abilities at the moment. For example, I see Taunt isn't on both, and even the one that has it is much later then when it's available. Is Taunt important while leveling, or is it an optional "if you like it / play group needs it" kind of thing? I also skipped Spine Burst for the moment (figuring I'd respec into it later) in favor of Lunge for more of a stable attack chain. I feels like that's a good idea, but... what do I know? Stone Skin seems to be pretty loved, but again I skipped it in favor of other powers I (probably erroneously) thought would be better. I haven't looked at it's numbers, but I planned to review it during the respec to see how to shift things. I do like the idea of a Granite build with enriched Psi resist added in through IO sets, so I may lean more in that direction personally. So until I reach the point where I'm building around IO sets and Incarnate levels, do either of you (or anyone else, honestly) have a little build advice for Stone Armor or Spines while leveling? Anything that sticks out as obvious to you, but I'm going to look at and go "nah, that's not intuitive"? Big thanks again for everyone's advice, my character is growing little at a time and I'm enjoying it more then I thought I would!
  19. This every single time. How long am I supposed to deal with the once in 5 minute waves? Hoping this was fixed on Homecoming, I actually waited 20 minutes the first time I did it here but then decided to just let the Fir Bolg go before I lost my sanity. Sometimes I'll also intentionally fail missions if they are particularly annoying or if I just want to speed up the completion of a story arc. This one bothers me in large teams, but small or solo I enjoy it. At least as much as one can enjoy a Defeat All. Because that’s all it really is, all those Fir Bolg running are just the normal spawns, so I’ve found circling from the escape point to the mission entrance and clearing everything speeds it up. It’s still a Defeat All mission, but that at least keeps me busy instead of standing there. Like the damn “defend the ritual” in Croatoa where you have to save three hostages, lead them to the exit, then stand around and defeat waves. I’ve often just set Taunt on auto fire and walked away while a single Redcap swings at me. Now that’s one I would auto fail if I was inclined to do that.
  20. I’m really grateful for all the advice and warnings. I may be a masochist, but I doubt I’ll go for Titan Weapon, that just sounds like a cry for help, lol. So as of now, We Are All Trees is a tiny level 13, but has been going strong. Granted, it’s hard to do poorly at that stage, so we’ll see what happens closer to 20 when the lack of Enh start affecting me. I’ve gathered that Acc, End Red, Rech are the three main Enhancements to aim for in he lower levels, and that’s been pretty solid so far. Once I start looking at sets, should I be trying to push for a Smashing / Lethal defense soft cap? Or should Recharge be my goal (it is my default set bonus)? I will go look in the Tanker section, see if anyone has already answered my questions, or provided a bit of knowledge I can steal, then ask for more advice there to get more eyes. Oh! One more thing: Is the size of Granite related to the size of the character, or are they independant from each other?
  21. I'm afraid I am kind of stuck on Stone Armor for some reason. Probably the aesthetics. Since I haven't seen much on leveraging the defenses of Stone, that brings up an interesting point. It has some weird divisions of Defense and Resistance and I'm not sure why. Any advice on that end? And I guess I'm interested in knowing if it's a good idea to pick both damage auras, or would one be better then both? If I do feel the need to try a different powerset, it might be Shield. But I did have my heart on Spines, for some reason.
  22. I’ve played a long time, and really only played Brute a little. The melee ATs never really appealed to me, honestly, and the WS always gave me the “look at me, I’m a tank!” feel when I needed it. But here I am, after making a Spines / Stone Armor Brute going “wow, this is fun so far, but where do I go from here?” So I checked the board and didn’t find anything for Stone Armor, and I’m sure there’s a reason, but I’m hoping to solicit people’s opinions on the combination, or individual Powersets. Keep in mind that I’m pretty new to melee ATs, so talk to me like I’ve never done anything but team with them, because that is pretty accurate. At best, his would be for pretty casual play, no record breaking plays by me, tyvm.
  23. I agree this would be a nice change, but it makes me wonder why they didn't implement it when Ouro went live. The concept is that you're traveling back in time and completing the tasks, so when you get back to the present they should remember how you helped them out back then. Maybe it was deemed unnecessary because they would just be in your Inactive tab anyway. Maybe to run the system they had to make "fake" versions of the contacts so you can repeat the content (think about how you have to 'earn' the phone numbers of contacts no matter how many times you run their Arc, for them it's the first time). I fear we may have to settle with the Souvenir we get for completing an Arc to show our impact in the world.
  24. Having the missions given at max level isn’t really all that it’s cracked up to be. Not all factions are made to do that, and those that aren’t don’t scale in power or abilities up in the right ways. Imagine the difference between level 5 CoT vs level 50 CoT. There’s a pretty big gap in number and quality of abilities. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but I suspect most people would be unhappy with whatever implementation is ultimately used. At the very least, however, I would like for Radio missions be unlocked for all zones they exist for once you hit 50. Make it so detectives below your abilities don’t try and give you new contacts, but allow them to grant the bank mission for the appropriate zone, if possible.
  25. So wait. You made a Grav / Time knowing that Grav didn’t cater to your desire for -KB, or at the very least leveled one up enough to see this? And now a change to other power sets has made it unplayable to you? I’m going to admit to not having much sympathy for your choice to not play the character.
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