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Everything posted by Maagic

  1. Welcome back! Best place to start is here https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/53-getting-started/ That'll set you on the right track. Good luck, and see you in Paragon City!
  2. I believe so. I've repressed much of it šŸ™‚ I had another similar mission where I cleared everything and couldn't find "The Last Blinky". Well on my map I see something labeled "????" so I go there and there isn't anything in that particular spot. So I get someone from the Help channel to come in and see if he sees anything and he found the blinky for me. It was hiding behind a pylon in a room with a lot of ambient noise and I couldn't hear it. I clicked it, and at the "????" spot an ambush appeared.
  3. OMG me too... I didn't think I'd EVER finish that mish. It was a Arachnos map for me.
  4. I hate when I hit Tab to target an enemy that's currently in my face but the game targets bad guys in a mob .5 miles away
  5. Could you go back with the Oroborous stuff and get the contacts you need?
  6. Hi New, I'm Maagic šŸ˜› I'm having a ton of fun with my Archery/Tac Arrow blaster. I got Sands of Mu and Nemesis Staff (Free prestige powers) incase the baddies get in my face.
  7. I tried Mid's because that's what you said to do in the Guide. I'll give Pine's a try. As for the tickets, I did choose Architect rewards, got the 500+ tickets the first map, 250ish on the second map and zero tickets on the space map and all runs afterward. I swapped the tickets I had for rare salvage like you said so it's not a space issue.
  8. I tried importing this into Mid's but got an error. Said it was "Outside the bounds of the array". Also I only got the Architect tickets on my first 2 runs. All runs after that gave zero tickets.
  9. If I missed this in a previous thread, my apologies. My search fu is not strong. Is the time limit on the double XP thing in game hours or actual hours? If I buy 4 hours worth, play for an hour and come back say, 6 hours later, will it have expired? I typically just buy enough to cover my current play session, but occasionally I'll log in and go straight into a mish, forgetting to re-up first.
  10. I'd rather they just finish the smeggin place so I don't get stuck there for an hour like I was the other night. I kept rubberbanding on some invisible barrier near the tram. I could see it, but couldn't get to it.
  11. This has my OCD going into overdrive. I like my map to be on the right side of my screen, but every time I bring it up it's either docked in the center or on the left. Is there any way to make it stay where I put it?
  12. I'm old, ok? šŸ™‚ Plus I also beta tested CoV so the dates kinda overlap a bit. The CoH end of beta event was a hoot. All the devs hopped on in their respective avatars and proceeded to kick our butts halfway to Oroborous. I loved every minute. I did manage to land a punch on Positron though šŸ˜›
  13. Indomitable. I spent a good half hour last night up there going through all the emotes
  14. If someone had told me back when I was beta testing COH (2005ish I think) that in 2020 I'd still be playing COH, on a HP laptop no less, I'da told them they wuz crazy. But that's exactly what's happened! I feel like I've rediscovered an old friend who has married/divorced/remarried and had kids. Lot has changed, but some things are still the same. I've got 3 characters to level 8 so far and had to take a break to tell everyone involved with Homecoming THANK YOU BEYOND WORDS for doing this. Sadly I wasn't able to raise a torch on Shutdown Day, so here is a pic I took last night. City of Heroes is dead. LONG LIVE CITY OF HEROES!!!
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