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Everything posted by Naraka

  1. People don't like intangibility powers. Why not address that? And I don't mean by removing intangibility or just changing intangibility to just a simple hold effect. The problem is a lot of the content is too straight forward so esoteric tactics and effects either never get used or come off as detrimental. What kind of enemy or power could be introduced that incentivizes the target not be there? That might be harder to think about since no one wants to give the foes in the game any teeth.
  2. Eh, name something that would be considered challenging that no one would consider annoying. I think the set-and-forget aspects of the game undermines a lot of what could be considered difficult in the game. I wouldn't particularly recommend the OP's change or any change, really since the game is already established and there isn't a need to make sweeping changes anymore...but adding some aspect to the game that directly counters set-and-forget toggles should have existed. Similarly to how we have debuffs to counter buffs and mez to counter certain actions (and protection to counter the mez), there could have been a subset of effects that target power usage...or they could have added these effects to certain mez to add more utility to them...like if Knockback had the chance of turning off a random toggle on the target. Of course, you'd also have to change mobs' powers to incorporate more toggle powers too to give that utility some added use.
  3. Go start any armor powerset at level 1 and see how indestructible it is. Spoilers: none are.
  4. Grrr, this aggravates me. You're comparing SR to other more "modern" sets but exactly how? Are you taking into account pool powers? Are you leaving out IOs for those other sets too? WP is great and all, but against a single hard target and no IOs or tough and weave, you better hope you picked up that tier 9 or that revive ability. Without a hoard of foes to back you up, you can just as easily succumb to the difficulties that SR faces too. There's also the funny prospect of "dodging" debuffs that defense sets benefit from that resist sets have to eat. At what point do we accept that pros and cons can and should exist for ATs and powersets? Yeah, SR scaling resist isn't going to be your saving grace for AVs but it's going to make crowds of foes your buffer (just like *gasp* WP's scaling regen!). And Bio's claim to fame is just its variety of options. Yeah, it's great, but how many are actually using Efficiency mode? Or Defensive mode for that matter? It's all about the Offense and that's why Bio is so good, because IOs can take care of those other two.
  5. I heard Whirling Axe has crappy DPA compared to other PBAoEs.
  6. I'm not against gap closers, per say. This notion of "add more gap closers to more pools" is just unneeded extravagance. There are plenty of gap closing options as is. Adding more is just bloat. Just because pool A, C, D and F have a gap closer, apparently every pool or more pools need them? Why? Eventually, we're going to see people looking at pools B, E and G saying those pools have toggle defense so every pool should get that too. The beauty of the system is, if you prioritize certain types of powers on your characters, your characters are going to look cookie cutter. But there are plenty of other options. You're not wrong for making cookie cutter builds but you are wrong for expecting sets and pools to be as cookie cutter as your builds and call that variety.
  7. Power creep. That hurts everyone. You may not feel the hurt now but you will start feeling it a few months or so down the line. When the barrenness starts to spiral or your interest starts to wane. The worst part is, you won't even realize you took part in why the situation turned out that way. You'll probably look at other aspects of what went wrong and attempt to absolve spoiling the game over time rather than just admit, maybe leaving some aspects the same might have lead to a better outcome. Damage over time is tricky, you know. The other aspect I pointed out before wasn't even addressed so don't go saying no good points were made. I'm not against gap closers for melee, but that could be left to a whole new melee set as it's gimmick. Melee do not need more gimmicks, or is full mez protection and some debuff resistance not handy enough? Your gap closer is not being affected my immobilize. You have not made a good argument for lessening the requirements for Spring attack. At best, it might have opened discussion for making it recharge faster. You DO have enough pools and power picks to take it. And if you dare utter "Leadership" or mutter about Hasten or Weave, you've lost. You can take them and the leaping pool... Just because you can't take them all with no accountability means nothing. Do you want to lose inherent Fitness to get easier pool picks? I doubt you do. Or maybe pushing travel powers back to level 14+? You have it so good and the way you show your gratitude is to demand more lol
  8. Sometimes, it's a good thing we all don't get everything we want.
  9. Because you CAN do that in CoH which is WHY you don't need to copy a game that can't.
  10. I didn't ask about their leap skills, I asked if they can do a combat hop OVER a boss with just the character directional keys (or at all).
  11. Those modern games you're comparing don't have extreme speed and movement options for combat, tho. Can you fly in combat in Black Desert? Can you innately hop half a football field in combat without using a limited skill in Final Fantasy 14? Can you freely teleport around in Guild Wars 2? It's a foolish comparison because it ignores that COH has flight, super jump, teleport and super speed as pool powers for every character or that one can get buffs or bonuses to build for extremely fast combat movement. It also ignores that the slower deliberate animations of this game still wouldn't give you seamless and responsive leap skills but rather janky ones that have animations that would lock you in after using them. But I think the real flaw with the suggestion is the homogenized nature of it. Just giving every melee the same generic attack is boring. Even in modern MMOs, they diversify these skills by granting then at different levels and they aren't just for melee types. So the idea is just wrong, it's boring, it's controversial (you might not think it is but the 7 pages begs to differ) and it's unneeded.
  12. The power is there to grant the resistance, not to check what positional. I guess it was poor wording. The power would be there so that when a positional is checked, it grants resistance if that attack lands.
  13. I was going to server something like this as I read the necro'ed OP. But instead of attempting to make it positional resistance, it could be something like positional reaction flags. Basically, give the NPC a power that checks for a positional and if it rolls a hit, the power grants a stacking buff. That buff could technically be resistance, a heal, absorb or whatever and it can give that buff to whatever be it for resistance or multiple resistances. It wouldn't really be positional resistance but rather a "you might want to hit that enemy with something other than the positional it defends against" deterrent.
  14. You say my perception of your post is hyperbole then you post this. You're breaking this down into right or wrong choice now when, in reality, it won't matter if you choose either because the same result will happen: mobs will be dead. Lol I'll continue to hyperbolize your point until you embrace this. It's not that serious.
  15. Weren't they having this debate in the Vigilance thread too? I thought it was established not getting the damage buff while teamed isn't having your damage lowered but rather not having your damage buffed which have obvious differences. In this circumstance, you're not losing the damage spike utility, you're just not getting the same utility. The way you're wording it is like saying you're getting no damage and are left with demoralize. It's fine to say you're not getting as much DPS with slow AS but getting Demoralize in its stead. All in all, we're just having a semantics argument now because you don't gain nothing for using slow AS nor do you lose damage for nothing. Now if slow AS were numerically superior than fast AS, there would undoubtedly be players complaining they feel punished every time they can't get slow AS off or that tying so much of the AT's potential DPS into a slower ST attack is ruining teamplay or that fast AS cost too much END for the comparatively mediocre damage it does. Perhaps I'm biased but I think it's fine to trade damage for survivability. The real problem is that the game de-emphasizes survivability because it's so easy to obtain.
  16. Then what are we arguing about? The benefits of hidden AS tend to be mostly tactical and defensive. EDIT: to add to that, the minor to moderate (that annoying mob you targeted is dead before it could activate anything) advantage that comes with a hidden AS is at the cost of how much offense? Maybe it is a large chunk of comparable DPS but you're also not rolling 0 for that exchange. You're still getting a large crit out of the deal. This is further exasperated with sets that don't have high DPA fast animating attacks like Elec, Kinetic and Spines that can blast out a huge crit to eliminate a target before their debuffs are applied on you. So maybe you have accepted the utilities of hidden AS but it's just certain sets you are more concerned with (the ones with multiple high damage fast activating ST attacks inherent to the set).
  17. Regarding AS, I don't think you complaining about slow AS is going to get you the desired solution. If anything changes, reigning in fast AS is more likely since the changes rolled out for it were partly slap-dash on live. On top of that, placate got it's effect buffed which would make any new possible buffs to slow AS even greater. Personally, I think it's just more preferable to accept you don't like slow AS and avoid using it while those that do like slow AS keep course. The moment you start pushing meta into this is when you start screwing with rebalancing for no other reason than a perceived numerical inconsistent in a DPS spreadsheet.
  18. I do have a nagging contention when people compare hidden AS and combat AS because the comparison is often ignoring any tactical considerations, like obviously AS while hidden only notifies an enemy if and when it lands so the fight starts at the moment of notification. Secondly, if AS misses, you remain hidden allowing for the use of another high damage ST attack. Is this calculated in their comparisons? Who knows. And it often feels like when these comparisons are calculated, they are only comparing hidden AS vs combat AS...as if you don't have the option to use either depending on the situation and use intuition to make that decision (for example: I wouldn't bother trying to use hidden AS mid combat, just at the start). Another minor point about Demoralize, it isn't resistable so it is a flat -7.5% even on high level bosses/EBs...but the funny thing is, AS was made usable in combat primarily because players complained it was useless in combat or without Placate...now they shifted the other way and push this mentality to not use it from hidden...that just outlines that they made combat AS too strong and unless you want that changed, I'd just keep whatever speed-run advice under your breath lol All in all, the purpose of these powers are utility and defensive in nature. You might make an argument that, since Stalker's Placate has defensive and offensive utility, that maybe Confront can be given a similar upgrade. My initial thought was giving the power a longer recharge and adding in a kind of "negative crit" to the target, granting the enemy a power that has a chance of doing half damage and maybe giving you or any other Scrapper a higher crit chance on that target. I do like your suggestion of giving you an "ignore other hitboxes" effect tho.
  19. There were a few points regarding AS I think you didn't cover but for the most part, it keeps the important points in the forefront... But this part I quoted I feel is important to correct. Using pools to get the desired effects doesn't just work in a vacuum. It works period. I think you just choose unoptimal wording there. Speed, Leadership and Fighting are also "wants". Those powers aren't among a set of special pools that limit then in a unique way. Having limited choices in this regard is working as intended and is already balanced (don't take confront but instead take combat teleport or something). Now I understand what you actually meant (or perhaps not), not having enough room for every pool for a meta build seems like a "not an actual problem" problem in the grand scheme of things. One has to remember just how many changes to pools have been made to make them more accessible and useful...
  20. Extremely anecdotal. There's no way a blaster is more sturdy than a Sentinel. Just because my blaster didn't die while the Tanker did means nothing. I say both Scraps and Sents can be build to similar levels of sturdiness and even admit that just looking at raw numbers, the Scrapper can have higher numbers. But my point was, with the tactical usability of range (and not relying on melee), both the offensive capability to engage faster and target more nimbly, and the defensive utility to be able to stand outside of debuffs, outside the range of enemy melee attacks through control, debuffs or hovering coupled with their unique armor changes will eventually have the Scrapper further behind in survival. But then I wouldn't put it past players to downplay or just ignore range in the comparison as is typical for the dumbed down meta to focus on all out offense at close range and abusing soft capped defense.
  21. To me, it always feels like nearly everyone is rushing content at full throttle rather than grasping to stay afloat. Even with Regen, I don't feel pressured that I'm left starving but rather bit off more than I could chew and lived. Are you not using IOs on your Regen? If not, try running a SR without a boat load of pool def or bonuses and see how starved you will feel, or just about any set that isn't Willpower, Bio or Rad. If it isn't starved for mitigation, it's starved for END or starved for sustain.
  22. Part of me wants to say help out set bonuses that are inferior but another part of me says innate (stuff provided by powers) Regen is kept valuable because IO sets can't touch them. If anything, def and resist bonuses should feel similar to current Regen bonuses... Or maybe find a middle ground and slightly buff Regen bonuses but decrease def and resist bonuses. As is, resist also provide mez resists and def provides multiple types of def... So maybe Regen could provide +END and +END could provide Regen.
  23. You are trying to solve a problem that was specifically implemented into the game by the devs. One of them being capitalizing on movement for safety (you still can but it's slower) and the other is limiting melee. Melee characters already enjoy a plethora of benefits to include practically ignoring mez, often time having potent resists to debilitating debuffs and having extra potent attacks because they are more limited by range. You AREN'T MEANT to just ignore the built in limitations inherently... You have to build for it... Like taking more ranged powers from pools... Or taking certain mez powers from pools to snare enemies... Or taking certain movement powers from pools to close gaps... Starting to see a pattern? The different ATs have weaknesses for a reason (with melee having the softest if limitations) and the pool powers exist to serve the purpose of helping to get over some of those weaknesses (among other uses) and at a cost. Your suggestion, while it may have started with good intentions, is just power creep for power creeps sake. There is no reason melee need gap closers because they are meant to have range as their limitation. Sentinel's claim to fame is literally getting past that with none of the other downfalls so why don't you just play those?
  24. With all the IO bonuses and perma this and perma that, you think there's famine here?
  25. My initial thought by the title, I thought you were going to say diminishing returns on IO bonuses. The others are right, though. Debuffs would then be the meta for this mode. How long does build up last? To the OP's credit, it's an option. You can choose to do it or play the TF/SF on another setting. Off the wall types of settings should be something to spice up the game and force you to play differently, not tuck you in and present you a mug of warm milk.
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