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Everything posted by Naraka

  1. You're too woke! If you want to think further, how many people do you see getting robbed in Rouge Isles vs Paragon City? As a civilian, which is safer place to live?
  2. I suppose I'm just of the opinion that this really doesn't matter. I don't really see a need to "keep" players on one side or the other especially because of Null the Gull. Even if players come for the rewards and then swap back, it's not like they are gone for good. They're going to greedily come again to get more rewards.
  3. I've only read half of the first page and I can already see the general consensus that really will sort of fly in the face of players that already like villain side plenty and doesn't really assist in helping make villain side "fun". The prospect of player agency and not wanting to be a lackey...while I can understand the underlying desire to make your villain a villain in your own way, I feel it really is ignoring the limitations of the game itself. If you want player agency, what better means of creating your own plans is there than creating your own missions in AE and then executing those missions? Maybe make it so you can "target" your AE missions which basically allows you to pick locations on the map to start the mission so it feels like you're planning out the crime and then literally going to the place to commit that crime...but overall, the story really doesn't have the framework to do what you want for *all* the content. It just cannot be done. The positive aspect of Villain side content is that most of your contacts and the story shared has flavor. Compared to hero side, most of the contacts, missions and arcs lack flavor but that is very different when you go red and look more into who your contacts are, when they show up again in other arcs, their goals, etc. Basically saying, what probably could be focused on is making sure you keep making flavorful contacts, dialog and stories. Trying to chase the specter of agency will likely just be a bar too high to reach. There's nothing wrong with being a lackey. There's nothing wrong with being double crossed. The main thing that matters is if you come out on top and that's usually what happens. Rather than being curtailed into specific story threads attempting to make you the "big bad", give me something to explore more of the spectrum of "evil". Put me under the boot of someone so I can revel in stabbing them in the back. Give me a sadistic master/mistress that wants to test the depth of my depravity. Let me be lost in my insane psychopathic bloodlust and a benefactor acting to direct me to do the most harm (or the least damage to themselves). The "drab" argument against villain side is typical. I won't argue opinion. I will say I think they should likely make night night-ier as on both sides (red and blue), night just looks like a washed out day time. If night looked like night, maybe we can keep the different sides distinct. Being run down, I also am indifferent to. Many of the zones in Paragon are also run down which contrast with the more brighter zones. I don't think red side needs a "pristine" or clean zone. It could use better representation of a "rich" zone which is somewhat reflected in St. Marshal but the rich portion is kind of tiny. If you're adding anything to the zones, add more to the busy city portion of St. Marshal and nothing more. Make it a beacon of gambling and debauchery in the (*ACTUAL*) darkness of night. I'm usually against adding more useless zones but if you devs want to flex with some zone/map building and you don't want to upset people that want St. Marshal the way it is, making a new zone for the "rich" zone wouldn't be horrible. Again, I just think all that's needed is that night should look like night and light up St. Marshal with them neon lights. Lastly, I think the main issue with villain side that most tend to agree on is Arachnos in missions. But also Longbow. There are other agencies like Wyvern but many of these "hero funded" vanilla factions not only end up having boring powers but also boring aesthetics. Adding more variety in missions would be a huge plus but also maybe some rouge/vigilante factions with some variety in their ranks.
  4. Who else gets the Body Armor power? I think just adding +3 mag protection to Hold and Stun would make that power an attractive option for Blasters. No other option in the Epic Pools give mez protection without some stipulation like a crash or only affecting self.
  5. Well if you build your character to minimize danger and/or maximize survival, don't you think that's the whole point of your build? To characters without heightened survivability through powers/IOs, the stacking Vengeance just might also increase the foe's lethality by increasing the time of engagement. Ultimately, that is going to determine the possible threat foes have to players: time of engagement. If the foe can't last long enough and withstand your volley of attacks, they will pose no threat. On the topic of Fake Nemesis, I think they should activate their PFF earlier and more often, perhaps with a half'ed duration. If you think about it, the most danger is likely going to be the first couple seconds when your team/yourself is likely going to use Buildup/Aim/high damage AoEs/AoE controls/AoE debuffs. In the case of my Stalkers, I can completely destroy them in about 3 attacks before they even get a chance to put up PFF. It would actually make them tougher if they put up their shield right at the start, the moment they are aggroed to try and avoid some of the AoE effects then bring it back up occasionally to screw with those winding up their big damage only to get it absorbed into the shield.
  6. I disagree. I think such a strategy would be very effective, particularly on a team consisting of ranged support/attack users, you'd just need to coordinate with your team. Any kind of patch control that can be seen, avoided or have enemies be drawn into would make for relatively safe engagements. On the side of non-raged teams, the damage isn't that high so as long as that melee has KB protection, they can swoop in and melee the helpless foes while taking just a bit of fire DoT and then move out of it when the foes are done or you take too much damage. Kind of stinks for Fiery Aura who would wholly resist the damage but not be able to melee inside the patch as safely because of the KB. Overall, I think posters are viewing things through the lens of what can be accomplished now rather than from a more unbiased perspective. You have to consider what tactics would *work* rather than which tactics are *perfect*. Tactics that work will overall neutralize some of the danger but not all of it but that will look unworkable from the perspective of players wanting their tactics to neutralize danger with no downsize. Like having a Plant or Mind controller abusing confuse would still be a tactic but mainly only with melees that have inherent confuse protection which is going to be your Shield, Stone, SR, WP and Nin melee characters or if you run Tactics to give you some stacking protection to Confuse. On the side of this suggestion, it would be more useful to have teammates who have more knowledge about powers in general to help coordinate a team (like, I had to look up which armor sets had confuse protection which would help if your team wants to utilize confuse powers). This side of the suggestion, it's mainly a spam-fest. Just use what you got and it all stacks additively. I do feel certain concessions can be made with the affecting self. Damage auras shouldn't affect their user but they should affect allies. I think control auras in control sets could also have a stipulation to only affect foes with their control effects if you think about it in the context that powers within a closer range to the user, the user has more control over who they hit. This would affect powers like Arctic Air, Conductive Aura and Hot Feet. And expanding on that, having some kind of enhancement or power that lessens some of the friendly fire effects could be an option for those aiming for more team friendly builds. It wouldn't eliminate the danger but lessening it in some powers, going by the above stipulation that powers emanating from the user have higher control over who they affect. This would namely be aimed at PBAoE effects like Heart of Darkness, Cinders, Glacier, Flash, etc, having some kind of enhanceable chance of not affecting allies. If you think more on it, this would require planning every time you join up on a team. Basically chatting about your powers, who has what effects and different ways to maximize their use. Maybe you decide to use the confuse route and everyone who has Tactics run it for the protection...so long as the confusers aren't Dominators using domination, you should be fine and perfectly safe. Maybe you're rocking a Fire and Ice controller, combined they have controls that are easier to manage the friendly fire aspect since their controls are close-quarters (that's an aspect I don't ever hear people discussing, that some sets get roped in with PBAoE controls while others get safer options...well now a distinction between their utility can be made vs the ranged option being safer than the close option). Or focusing on just CCing trouble targets when team tactics are unsure. This post is mainly on the perspective of control sets on a friendly fire team. I think it makes teaming a lot more complex and involved considering your controls can have negative effects if not utilized carefully. You can still make standard teaming very safe and it might introduce tactics and power usage that emphasizes defense vs offense...like having Personal Force Field on your blasters to stay in the danger zones or coordinating Phase Shift so your debuffers, controllers and/or nukers bypass hitting teammates. It all sounds pretty interesting, actually and makes me think having some other new powers, like a short duration (like 8sec) short rech (like 35sec) phase shift power would be something more sought after. Such a power in the current game is pretty useless. More PFF type powers (Afterburner kind of acts like this now but I doubt people take and slot it for defense) would also be nice. This opens up a lot of options for desired effects.
  7. I have run cave missions with Grounded. Your issues are mostly exaggerated.
  8. Travel Power Suppression doesn't remove your momentum. If you're using fly, for example, and you shoot, you'll still slide through the air. At most, it might suppress the +movement, but if you have slotted swift/hurdle, you can still get a good amount of momentum in combat. I think the most fun would be for ATs who can fire at range, basically keeping on the move while shooting. It takes some finesse to maneuver on the ice which is part of the fun.
  9. On my elec armor characters, I occasionally do get KB'ed when I do jump around which only reminds me that KB doesn't work in those instances...but it's such a rare occurrence, I am constantly *re-reminded* when it does happen. Or to word it more plainly, it's not common to be KB while jumping. For one, the foe has to be using a power on you that triggers KB, two it has to actually land and three it has to be timed to trigger for the duration you've left the ground...i.e. if the target uses a KB attack and I jump, it would calculate I had KB protection...if I am landing and they trigger the KB attack I will fall down. The "state of the team" tends to revolve around effects your teammates provide. To put a bit of perspective on you, being Knocked down doesn't = defeat. You can be knocked down for a second or so and *gasp*...your game doesn't end or you're not dead. If a situation occurs that you died while knocked back, it probably wasn't due to the knockback since that would put you on the ground in the first place.
  10. Going a different route of consideration besides the standard "It wouldn't work" since I'm sure the OP doesn't think it as a solution but a hypothetical. Instead, I'd just take the circumstance presented and see what I would think to do if I were in such a game mode. Firstly, I'd assume that certain effects wouldn't be "all targets" just to keep utility in powers that inflict confuse. These are specific PBAoE heals/buffs. Such effects would still be AoE but only affect allies so that, if a foe is confused, they will still only affect the opposite faction rather than having no effect. It would also keep the Leadership pool from just being a thorn in everyone's sides. I'd also go on the assumption that your own AoE attacks don't hurt yourself since it wouldn't make since that a ranged AT using a PBAoE nuke would hurt themselves with their own nuke or throwing their TAoE at close range wouldn't also blast themselves. I'd also assume that powers that have a 16 target cap would still be limited to that cap so adding a teammember in there would take up one of those targets. Taunting effects should also probably be limited to opposing factions too...it wouldn't make sense to "friendly fire" taunt. With those circumstances, I'd say cones would suddenly be very useful since you can direct your attacks to cause less harm to all allies, maybe only putting certain sturdy allies in the radius. You might not fill out the target cap but you could still be hitting some foes while completely avoiding targeting your allies. Tactics might be more of a detriment. If you have allies with high defense but only slot moderately for Acc, you could probably still spam a lot of AoEs, rarely hitting them in the first place and keeping tactics *OFF* would keep it that way. Obviously, single target strategies would be your best bet. It's the safest option. It would still likely be good to have volley fire action, having your team queue up their AoEs together before the melees rush in. After the melees are in place, you probably want to cool off on the AoEs. Someone mentioned control ATs not being welcome, I disagree and say that they'd probably end up being the proxy tank on a team of mostly ranged ATs. The controller CCs things in place and everyone else just plasters the mobs with AoEs. The problem would be if you're a lone melee in that group to which it might be helpful for the ranged ATs to coordinate targeting the furthest foes in a group rather than the center. A lot of people were boo booing on armor set Tier 9s but with the extra survival, you're practically completely safe save for situations like an Invuln melee with a psi nuker. I can also see Dark Miasma being less popular since a lot of its premier effects are AoE, namely Tar Patch and Darkest Night. I can also see Storm Summoning being difficult to use. Kinetics would likely be more safe than Storm if only because most of its effects would likely not cross that friendly fire line (fulcrum shift specifically targets foes and allies so it'd make since it wouldn't be affected). Tankers might feel a bit safer regardless of friendly fire, the team just might have to coordinate their AoEs a bit so not everyone is firing them off at the same time...basically, if the Tanker is being pushed to red, stop using AoEs. But I get the feeling a Tanker has the chops to be built to stand in a sea of friendly fire and still perform. Also, bring on your Granite Tankers/Brutes! Also, bring on your Force Field support! If everyone is at 55% def to all and no one has tactics running, save for some auto-hit effects (that you should coordinate), everyone should be golden for the most part. I could possibly see some kind of extra stat added to buff sets that specifically decreases the damage of friendly fire. I also see this causing very specific meta builds focused even more on defense than currently. Fighting pool might even be more mandatory than it is now with Maneuvers also being a staple to eek out more team defense. If buffs like Insulation Shield/Ice Shield/Sonic Barrier/etc ended up affecting foes and allies if used, the obvious solution is to not cast it during combat or at the very least, wait until there are far fewer foes left when you do. ST focused buffs suddenly seem a lot more interesting if that is the case. RIP Masterminds.
  11. Was just playing some characters with fly and thought about another concept for a variation on the Prestige Power Slide. Similar animation (so you're sliding) but it removes friction so if you've got Super Speed, Super Jump, Fly or some combination of Swift, Sprint and Hurdle slotted to get you some speed, you'll continue to glide in the direction you were moving in for a few seconds. It could be a P2W travel power or maybe a whole new power in a new power pool or maybe replacing a power in an existing pool. You could remove Stealth, put Invisibility in its place (since you can't run both and they don't provide any unique benefit besides one having higher +def), add this travel power in place of Invisibility and categorize it as a travel power choosable without any other pool picks. Call it Creeping or Furtive Sneak or Sneaking and it moderately improves all forms of travel speed (run, fly and jump) but gives a large decrease in "control", that control being how easily you can stop on a dime. You could also add a huge global -interrupt if that can assist in powers with interruptible activations like snipes and Assassin's Strike. What's the point of this? Fun. You can technically activate powers while still slipping and sliding around, mostly usable on ranged attacks but still functional to activate on melee powers. Conceptually, it would fit right at home on an ice-type character or someone who manipulates kinetic energy. Or maybe if they ever add roller skates/blades as boot options.
  12. Well, you said MMORPGs aren't hard. All those MMORPGs that laid the ground work over decades of play for the more modern MMOs usually had encounters/situations/mechanics many of the new era would consider "quite unfair".
  13. We technically don't *need* anything. We didn't need Shock Therapy but now it's a support set. It's usually the go-to option for things we don't have. One could possibly add or change an existing set to accommodate more concepts or mechanics, but with many add-ons and changes, they are either very generic a plain (Martial Art's alternate animations) or undesired (people don't want the Charge mechanic added to Energy Melee) so you could incorporate new ideas into new sets or ATs instead. That said, one thing I want from new sets isn't particularly a unique coat of paint (although that's a plus), I personally desire new playstyles and mechanics. -Regen, while useful in some fights, is a very boring effect. It hardly does anything in normal fights so building a set around it without some other style difference is a hard sell for me. Consider that Beam Rifle also has -regen...but it's main mechanic is Disintegration which spreads to nearby targets and increases the damage of your attacks. I guess this set does have a modified Voltaic Sentinel which is kind of rare but none of the powers plays off of it. Something cool I'd like to play with in the game: maybe a multiple-snipe blast set...or a self toggle power that turns your next blast into an interruptible "snipe" that powers it up. Sort of like a "hold down the button" charge mechanic (which I don't believe is possible here) or a kind of reverse Titan Weapon's momentum where you turn on the toggle and the next blast can to "power up" until you turn the toggle off for bigger damage and grander effect.
  14. All polls are rather pointless, especially those that aren't regulated, because how data is interpreted can be at the whim of the bias of the interpreter. Your post can be an example of that. Not criticizing your opinion, just stating the realization. People get paid good money to skew polls and surveys.
  15. I have no issue with stating criticism of a suggested idea or offering alternatives. The problem is, some people take things way too personally (both the people who make suggestions and those that criticize them). I like to level with people who seem to have more knowledge or experience in a subject too, but I also don't like to be condescended to. As for the reality of suggestions, that's often why I can take a contrarian position on things, because I realize most aren't going anywhere. With suggestions that are going somewhere, that's likely when you'll see the most personalized attacks going on if you take into consideration the ration of *moving ideas to not. *Clarification: example of moving ideas are feedback and suggestions for changes being tested.
  16. Group #1 seems rather nebulous but I suppose that is where I'd fit. Although I don't just solo, I mainly do TF/SF in teams and solo story arcs. But then I can also fit into group #4 since I do like making competent characters and be challenged in the content I play. Although it's not really about creating and testing builds but rather experiencing the different combos for myself since you will hear people complain about a set or rave about a set, rather than going by word of mouth, I'd rather decide what is good and what isn't. Like when I made a Savage Melee Brute, all I heard was how nice that set is but it felt feeble. Trying Energy Melee, all I hear is how it's garbage...but it's fun stunning *everything* and it looks good with your own choice of colors. I could also be a part of #5 since I'm a team player. I'd sooner hold back using some of my powers so that everyone on the team contributes before I go about carrying anyone. In that respect, I want to be challenged to adapt to the team and the foes present. Practically every quality stated there I fit...except I don't use other people's builds and I do like making my own builds with varying levels of specializations. However, none of these groups speak to the qualities I feel are most descriptive of my participation in the game: while I do discuss a lot about suggestions and changes on the forums, arguments and all, I am a rather quiet player. I don't complain some ranged knocked back my target, or foam at the mouth when I see Dimension Shifted foes, if a party member is carrying me I am indifferent and content I don't like I don't play. My game revolves around alts, not because I like making builds but rather I like making characters. Like, if my main character is a martial artist and he had an experienced teacher...I'll make that teacher as a character...or if my main character's mom is an inventor that makes support tech for law enforcement...I'll make someone who's using her tech...or if that mom had a rival in university who ended up in the dumps and now tried to get revenge for stealing her ideas by making magic robots with weird powers...I'll make that robot with weird powers. And those examples aren't made up. That's my game and if I start getting bored, I stop playing for a while. It doesn't mean I'll never come back or that I am completely hook on this game. It's just a game to play on the side of doing a bunch of other stuff. [EDIT] and since I seem to be a part of multiple groups, it's not such an easy divide, I would assume.
  17. Eh, there was more to the argument than that though. One side pointed to the lack of KB resist, the other pointed to it's 5pt higher KB protection (10vs15). One side pointed to its nullification while in the air, the other pointed to it's passive nature and it always being active. One side pointed to its stifling nature in funneling you into certain travel powers, the other pointed to it being a flavor aspect of the concept. I feel both sides seemed pretty even. I never heard any compromises, like lowering the KB protection to 10 and putting it into Static Shield or anything. Why should Elec get passive comprehensive KB protection, exactly? I guess you could point to Scrapper Ninjutsu which I feel is kind of a cop out but it also gets lower value KB protection and resistance for being passive. Neither side budged on what they wanted.
  18. We can't even do that because people that get too serious start complaining as if we're here petitioning to have the game changed instead of having discussions on our personal perspectives. Do you actually believe we are trying to change the current game? But I bet that didn't stop you from taking that position and then vilifying their opinions. People start throwing around their egos more and more, losing the perspective of the thread's intent.
  19. But as has already been demonstrated and explained, none of those ideas you just made will make defense or recharge less enticing. There really is no other suggestion to accomplish a better balance. The only other option is put more settings on the treadmill which doesn't really balance anything. Either those setting will replace the current +4/x8 or no one will care because it's optional.
  20. A good half of my characters don't have travel powers though. I have done work in the shard before, it's just not as common as leveling up alts through the standard content. Putting them in more missions in the game, I wouldn't be against.
  21. You didn't have to go that deep, as I got your drift around the 1st or so paragraph. I was already willing to discuss the shifts to toggles but might have been trying to get across that both removing the crash *and* lowering the recharge while also making it a toggle might be a bit much though. That out of the way, I believe I was talking about someone else's suggestion in another thread about tier 9s giving extra powers using the temp power tray. That might be something to consider when giving some utility that varies between each of these tier 9s. Although that would also require making new powers which is likely a huge workload to the HC team, especially if there were more than 1 of these temp powers.
  22. Yeah, there are entire Youtube channels dedicated to talking about HxH, the characters and Nen in general. It's basically the power system of that series. Ultimately, with Nen, you can do anything if you understand and train Nen. Your imagination and willpower are your limitations. Bio and Rad aside, do you play those sets for the damage, sustainability and utility of the tier 9? Or is it the rest of the set? But including both, I think it's been said they are both stronger performing armor sets (possibly even overperforming). If that is the goal, to make all armor sets perform stronger, then that should be the stated goal not obfuscated by promises of making the sets more fun and dynamic. And in that respect, it actually made blasting less dynamic. Now the ranged nukes are more akin to extra strong AoEs and the differentiation between sets is decreased because all sets get crashless nukes instead of it being a feature or stipulation of certain sets. What about instead of a crash after the armor tier 9, you have to be in a weakened state before you can use the power? Can even put a heal in there...I think the OP talked about mechanics to "reset the fight". There's very little space for growth, really. And by high levels, you're also looking at Incarnate powers.
  23. Frankly, I would argue that making the tier 9s as accessible as possible makes them *LESS* interesting, likely because you have to balance that level of access into the power's effects. Powers that are less accessible, available less often, have stipulations to be concerned with can be more powerful. Or maybe our philosophies don't line up. I feel, in the realm of a game, a system like the one that exists from HunterXHunter is more a demonstration of balance as you can put more limiting conditions on your own Nen to make your Nen much more powerful. Concepts like postmortem Nen are some of the most powerful abilities in that system and usually require the user to be dying or dead. That introduces a *truly* dynamic system with a large spectrum. A toggle that you just have to turn off is less dynamic than the current iteration of tier 9s.
  24. Before I make some statements about your posts, I'll just remind you that I'm pretty contrarian when it comes to the forums. Not to be combative but to spark discussion and to get people to engage with topics that might not get brought up or focused on. That being said, I agree that I'd probably enjoy CoX more if the powers and combat had a more dynamic feel. As is, it's pretty strategic in how you plan, position and target for your skills. So I do like that dynamism point you're making...HOWEVER, that is literally antithetical to those of the min/max side of the game. They don't want dynamism, they want static. Consider there is an AT whose concept is built around these dynamic shifts of unlimited power and more meek reservist styles, and what do you think the meta does to it? They completely circumvent these shifts and fight tooth and nail to keep it that way. In case anyone reading this post don't know, I'm talking about the Dominator and specifically the Domination power. In that example, dynamism and the mechanisms to circumvent the shifts in this power don't really coexist well in the game's meta. It's do or don't, perma or bust. If these powers were still dynamic and not perma and mainly only boosted survival some, I don't really see them being much of a capstone as a toggle either. There's not much further you can go with the armor sets because survival is pretty much hard limited by hit chance clamp, resistance caps and HP. So the spectrum lies with "not dying" and dead. Where does the rest of the set lie on that spectrum? Likely somewhere in between, closer toward "not dying" so the only growth left is pushing the rest of the way the full extreme of "not dying". There could be stuff like utility added to these powers, but as toggles with such fast cooldowns, you're really boosting a set of ATs that likely don't need more help in that department. Still could be an avenue to go toward but consideration really should be kept on inter-AT balance. If you're adding in utility to these ATs through the tier 9, why should it have no price? Okay, so it's a toggle that will become really expensive to run after a time, but is that actually a price? It's only a price to those that want to try to perma it but to everyone else, it's just extra cheese. It's a pretty nihilistic perspective but it's true. Next time you discuss changes about IOs and rebalancing them, are you on the side that wants to keep certain bonuses like def or rech the same? But if we're talking more pie-in-the-sky here, why do the tier 9s have to function the same for each AT? Why can't 1 of the ATs (such as Tankers) get a much more milder buff (like shaved down to 10% of the buff they get now) but also apply that buff to teammates? Making them a semi-team support....while Brutes get a more offensively fueled toggle that eats away at their fury? I guess, to me, these blanket suggestions, while somewhat "easier" to grasp and apply, only goes in so far as to be easy to implement but extremely difficult to balance. It'd be easier to just re-asses the power from the ground up, to include the AT and their role on a team.
  25. Having read the 1st page of the thread, my thoughts started to drift away from tier 9s but to sets as a whole. Something I notice is that, as posters roll ideas off each other, the mentality seems to start revolving around min/maxing. Looking at what sets lack and trying to take any avenue that powerset has available to fill that hole or make up for that lack. That isn't how you min/max. You min/max with your power pool choices, your slot choices, IOs and powerset *combinations*. Especially with armor sets, they are suppose to have kinks to exploit, and you the player use your knowledge to cover that kink or avoid getting it exploited. That all being said, if you're going to redesign the tier 9s, you likely have to do it on a set-by-set basis, not through a one-size-fits-all change. Some sets, you might be able to sell it as a short duration toggle with no crash, others are likely better as long recharge clicks. But beyond that, why is there always this push for sub-3min recharge times for everything? AoE holds, I could kind of see with a lower cooldown but what purpose does having this power on a 2min cooldown (once you slot it)? Wouldn't it be easier to change the power to a toggle but *keep* the recharge and if the power is deemed not too strong, you can then lower it. But if this toggle starts off with a low 3min cooldown and you find some unplanned interaction that makes it way stronger than anticipated, you then have to look into nerfing that thing which is apparently taboo. But the sets can already accomplish sustainable performance on decent difficulty settings in teams. What is the goal here, performance wise? Not talking about what you want out of the power or powerset but how does this function on a team? Team cohesion is on a shaky platform as is. Is this suppose to make teaming better? Solo better? Are we looking at shaking up sustain numbers across the game? While I wouldn't mind a change to tier 9s overall, there's also that voice I hear that chants when discussing bringing certain changes around to things like IOs: "Just leave it the fark alone." It echoes when I discuss things I want to change as well as when I'd rather they stay the same.
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