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Everything posted by Naraka

  1. It doesn't make the players that like the electricity-themed animations happy. Besides, I'm sure the animation doesn't play if the teammate you're casting the buff on is moving or using an attack, only when they are standing idle.
  2. I wouldn't file it under never, at least when you look into other mez protection powers in other sets. Faraday Cage from Electric Affinity is rather ridiculous if you consider it buffs resistance, benefits the user, has a low enough cooldown to be perma without slotting AND can be cast while mezzed. Giving specifically Empathy and *maybe* Pain Domination AoE versions of mez protection that doesn't affect the user wouldn't be game breaking. My main fear would be the prevalence of AoE buffs taking over that then makes sets with long recharge, long duration ST buffs obsolete and thus pushing every set into having PBAoE buffs that likely affect the user as well. It really starts pushing not only powersets but ATs into a homogenized direction.
  3. You're not going to win an argument of whether someone should or will be offended. Although that makes it sound like I'm trying to "own" snowflakes or something, which I'm not. It's more that one side trying to communicate with the other but hitting a deadzone and therefore it ends up being a bottomless pit of back and forth. Personally speaking, the whole "seizure" animation thing, why is it okay for it to exist at all if this is a harmful or trauma-inducing spectacle? Is it just okay to see a hoard of foes doing the same animation because they are nameless NPCs? Or that they're bad guys? AFAIK, the electric chair was replaced with a more humane version of execution for a reason. That's just my perspective. Another possible avenue of change might be to ask a modder to find that animation and just replace it with something else, like the "frozen" hands up animation instead so that the animation won't occur on allies or foes ever. There are other mods like audio and visual fx mods for effects that hurt people's ears or cause them to become ill. If there is a desire, I'm certain there is some kind of way to get it removed for your client.
  4. That's just your opinion. I think it's fine. I wouldn't be against adding an option to tone down visuals for yourself though.
  5. Well it wouldn't only be Defenders. It'd be Defender and Corruptors namely because they are the ATs that rely on it for self support so convenience is also a means of self support. ATs like Controllers and MMs have pets and control powers to support themselves so the convenience is namely to appease team members and those that don't like to click things. It also keeps niches separate. As is, a Controller is more mitigation and support than a Defender namely because a Controller can tank, debuff and support (they even have damage with conditions). But as is, convenience is being doled out to the detriment of niche role definition. For example of extremes, what if all these types of buffs were made splash buffs for everyone (things like pool buffs) to the point that more people started taking them and stacking them? It underminds taking an AT meant to perform that task. On the opposite end of the spectrum, imagine if Leadership toggles were suppressed on non-support ATs/SoA in some way so it doesn't hit as many allies or at such a long range...you might not end up with everyone running maneuvers and stacking it to get the equivalent of a FF Controller's shields. Not saying that buffs on non-buff ATs need to be made crappier, but convenience should also be a consideration when balancing powers and ATs.
  6. Personally would have like "splash buffs" to be a perk for Defenders and Corruptors only with Defenders having the maxed range while the Corruptor having the "still gotta huddle or need to toss out a few nets to get everyone" but it's whatever. Now, if you're making buffs AoEs you probably need to take into consideration balance and set goals. Does Increased Density hit multiple allies at once?
  7. The guy apologized profusely for "harming" your perspective multiple times already. Do you need a personalized apology as well?
  8. Might be able to make a Spark Blade inspired set using a Katana and pistol. Throw in some teleportation for flash and concept.
  9. Well, you're wrong...but it's your opinion so have at it.
  10. You know what else could be considered "difficulty"? Powers that require consideration, planning or sacrifice to use. A lot of the situational powers have been changed to spam powers. You do that and the pool of spam overflows and all you have to do is overwhelm the content. So even +4/x8 AVs ends up being just a bag of HP and a DPS check. Granted, I've not had to go up against 16+ AVs myself but if it doesn't encourage some sort of tactics change it's likely going to be just as boring or monotonous as spamming AoEs to down normal spawns.
  11. That is only a relevant option if doing so (adding incarnate content) locks incarnate abilities out of normal content in some way. Making more incarnate content doesn't actually help players that simply want to enjoy the non-incarnate content with less cheese and cookie cutter builds. But the point isn't to eliminate cheese or cookie cutter builds and team but rather not make such as prevalent as it currently is and the way to do that is still merely a topic to be discussed and elaborated on. That being said, you said a charge mechanic isn't needed for Judgement powers. Care to elaborate? Exactly why do you think it's not needed? And saying "Judgement nukes aren't all that important overall to a character's DPS" isn't really answering the question. Should a power like Judgement just be free chicken for extra damage? Should we just start giving out more damage? Or should we start putting conditions on them?
  12. Is that not what the difficulty options are there for? That players feel +4/x8 solo is a build goal might be a generosity of the current set-up and not intentional. There's also the option of turning bosses off.
  13. I'm a novice when it comes to MMs. Most of my MM builds are just for fun and aren't very optimized but I did have an idea for a concept that I'd like to bounce off you guys: MM Powerset Primary - Arcanist The arcanist is someone capable of animating or materializing energy and matter to then perform specific tasks. Either through use of magic or some other special means of science or technological activation, these objects act through the power of a central command that is the Mastermind themselves. [Aside ~ The concept I'd like to create is a MM that isn't using "pets", per say but all the power is emanating from you. You are a Doctor Strange manipulating magic or a Telekinetic controlling objects with your mind or a Green Lantern creating constructs with your power ring. Animation wise, I'd like to have 2 alternates, one where the user is holding a tome when using the powers and another of just concentrating with no props. No drawing of runes or flashy FX, just turning a page or concentrating and up floats the objects.] 1. Conjure Cold (ST cold/lethal, special): Summon a cloud of cold that projects a blast of ice at your foe. Depending on your level of concentration, your conjured cold will shoot either an Ice Blast or a Freeze Ray (lowered damage from the normal version). It's not actually a pet, just the animation for the attack. 2. Vorpal Swords (Summon pet): Animate 1-3 swords depending on your level to float up and attack foes. Vorpal Swords have a chance to benefit from your connection, occasionally giving them access to more attacks. Vorpal Swords use Broadsword, Katana and Dual Blade attacks as well as the special ability "Spear of Light" which is a ranged energy damage attack. 3. Conjure Fire (ST fire damage/DoT): Summon a cloud of fire that projects a heat flare at your foe. Depending on your level of concentration, your conjured fire will shoot either a Flares attack or a Fire Blast attack (lowered damage from the normal version). Again, it's not actually a pet, just the animation for the attack. 4. Focused Connection (Passive, special): The strength of your connection varies on the situation. But when your connection becomes focused, 2-5 of your animated constructs have a heightened connection, granting them additional attacks. This only affects your pets, not yourself. Think of it like a temporary pet upgrade that lasts for around 25sec that is randomly pushed out to your pets every 10sec. The disadvantage is this upgrade is temporary and random while the advantage is all your pets only ever require this 1 upgrade to be at max capability. 5. Conjure Storm (TAoE energy damage): Summon a lightning storm to expel a torrent of power at your foes. Depending on your level of concentration, your conjured storm will shoot a ranged Chain Induction attack or a Ball Lightning attack (smaller radius). This is not actually a pet, just the animation for the attack. 6. Animated Staff (Summon pet): Animate 1-2 staves that move and attack your foes. Animated Staves have a chance to benefit from your connection, occasionally giving them access to more attacks. Animated Staff uses Staff Fighting attacks and the Mastery of Form passive. 7. Open Gate (Toggle Location; Self: Cannot Act, Special): Use your remaining concentration to hold open a Gate. While holding the gate open, you cannot use other powers. The gate closes if it sustains enough damage or you turn the toggle off. It also automatically closes (toggle off) after 30sec. While activated, Gate will summon Demonlings that explode in fire, ice and hellfire upon expiration, will spew Hell on Earth, fire projectiles that Melt Armor and cast Forge on you or your constructs. Upon closing the gate, your connection is focused and your concentration is heightened. 8. Power Orb (Summon pet): You catalyze a focus that helps you concentrate and focus your connection with your construct. Not only does it occasionally boosts your personal concentration (affecting Conjure Cold, Conjure Fire and Conjure Storm) but boosts the chance of focusing your connection while being in its presence (boosts Focused Connection chances). Power orb uses attacks from Gravity Control (Lift and Propel) as well as temporarily summon other orbs at random for a short time (Ball of Light, Counter Spell and Dispel). 9. Concentration Loop (Passive, special): When one of your connected constructs gains a boost from your connection, there's a chance you will gain a boost to your concentration. When your concentration is boosted, your Focused Connection chance is boosted further. The intent is that when you stack this, Focused Connection and Power Orb's buff to concentration and focused connection, you'll have a near 100% uptime on this effect on all your pets. (You can imagine the icon having a passive boarder around it instead of the targeted AoE boarder). Clarification: Focused Connection = pet upgrade. Concentration = upgrade to your attacks. Tier 1 Pets: Vorpal Sword Vorpal Edge Vorpal Blades Basic Attacks Hack, Parry Gambler's Cut, Dragon's Roar Power Slice, Ablating Strike Upgraded Disembowel, Spear of Light Divine Avalanche, Flashing Steel Spear of Light Sweeping Strike Spear of Light, Weaken Combo Tier 2 Pets: Animated Spear Animated Glaive Basic Attacks Mastery of Form, Mercurial Blow, Serpent's Reach Mastery of Form, Mercurial Blow, Serpent's Reach Upgraded Innocuous Strikes, Sky Splitter, Guarded Spin, Build Up, Taunt Tier 3 Pet: Power Orb Basic Attacks Lift, Propel, Time Stop Upgraded Distortion Field, Energy Torrent, Conjure Ball of Light, Conjure Counter Spell, Conjure Dispel Misc Pets: Gate Demonlings Ball of Light Counter Spell Dispel Summon Demonlings, Hell on Earth, Melt Armor, Forge Claw Rake Cold Burst or Flame Burst or Hellfire Burst Burst of Light, Surge of Light Sonic Barrier, Scream, Howl Power Blast, Energy Drain, Siphon Power
  14. But as was mentioned by @parabola, I think putting more of the attacks' damage into the different damage types would be a nice defined mechanic for this set.
  15. Then you're attacking a strawman. I didn't say anything about needing heavily min/maxed optimized builds AND you don't even need such a build to make the content trivially easy in most cases. So you can either use a better term to describe your disagreement with my point or you can stop strawmaning and wasting your time. And by "gimped" I'm talking about some intentional flaw either left open or self-imposed limitation that ignores taking certain powers. Considering the quote from the original post of yours I quoted, I suppose the advice was also in jest. My argument was, part of the game is building up your character. It's the same as creating a costume, writing a bio and meshing with a team. Saying "don't use heavily optimized builds" commits both the flaw of telling a player not to play the game, essentially AND assumes you need a "heavily" optimized build for this to be a problem. I don't assume anything by your terms, I'm criticizing the premise of your position because regardless of what you actually said, I'm also taking into consideration what you actually meant as well as what can be assumed by others.
  16. Having a build that isn't intentionally gimped or happens to use some IOs doesn't equal "heavily optimized" so you probably could stop using that. Any competent team of 4 that has cohesive power choices and synergetic collaborative tactics can make a lot of content trivially easy. Add another 4 team members on top of that and you get steamroll. Your repeated emojis seem like you don't understand that. Do you actually not understand a "standard" build can use IO procs, franken-slotted attacks and a few sets to iron out some endurance management or having a support oriented build utilizing a well rounded set of support can make the content quite easy? I thought this was common knowledge that people were steamrolling things before IOs. Did you want me to reply to this seriously? It would be embarrassing for you if I did so I thought I'd ask first.
  17. I'm a novice when it comes to MMs. Most of my MM builds are just for fun and aren't very optimized but I did have an idea for a concept that I'd like to bounce off you guys: MM Powerset Primary - Arcanist The arcanist is a being capable of animating or materializing objects and then perform various actions. Either through use of magic or some other special means of activation, these objects act through the power of a central command that is the Mastermind. Aside ~ The concept I'd like to create is a MM that isn't using "pets", per say but all the power is emanating from you. You are a Dr. Strange manipulating magic or a Telekinetic controlling objects with your mind or a Green Lantern creating constructs with your power ring. Animation wise, I'd like to have 2 alternates, one where the user is holding a tome when using the powers and another of just concentrating with no props. No drawing of runes or flashy FX, just turning a page or concentrating and up floats the objects. 1. Conjure Cold (ST cold/lethal, special): Summon a cloud of cold that projects a blast of ice at your foe. Depending on the strength of your connection, your conjured cold will shoot either an Ice Blast or a Freeze Ray (lowered damage from the normal version). It's not actually a pet, just the animation for the attack. 2. Vorpal Swords (Summon pet): Animate 1-3 swords to reach out and attack foes. Vorpal Swords have a chance to benefit from your connection, occasionally giving them access to more attacks. Vorpal Swords use Broadsword attacks as well as the special connection ability "Spear of Light" which is a ranged energy damage attack. 3. Conjure Fire (ST fire damage/DoT): Summon a cloud of fire that projects a heat flare at your foe. Depending on the strength of your connection, your conjured fire will shoot either a Flares attack or a Fire Blast attack (lowered damage from the normal version). Again, it's not actually a pet, just the animation for the attack. 4. Focused Connection (Passive, special): The strength of your connection varies on the situation. But when your connection becomes focused, you grant 2-5 of your animated constructs hightened connection, granting them additional attacks. For Vorpal Swords, they get Slice and Spear of Light attacks. For Animated Staff, they get Sky Splitter, Eye of the Storm, Build Up and Splinters (a variation on Caltrops). For Power Orb, it gets Chrono Shift and Time Stop. This only affects your pets, not yourself. Think of it like a temporary pet upgrade that lasts for around 20sec that is randomly pushed out to your pets. 5. Conjure Storm (TAoE energy damage): Summon a lightning storm to expel a torrent of power at your foes. Depending on the strength of your connection, your conjured storm will shoot a ranged Chain Induction attack or a Ball Lightning attack (smaller radius). This is not actually a pet, just the animation for the attack. 6. Animated Staff (Summon pet): Animate 1-2 staves that move and attack your foes. Animated Staves have a chance to benefit from your connection, occasionally giving them access to more attacks. Animated Staff uses Staff Fighting attacks and the Mastery of Form passive. 7. Open Gate (Toggle; Self-Cannot Act): Use your remaining concentration to hold open a Gate. While holding the gate open, you cannot use other powers. The gate closes if it sustains enough damage or you turn the toggle off. It also automatically closes (toggle off) after 30sec. While activated, Gate will summon Demonlings that explode in fire, ice and hellfire upon expiration, will spew Hell on Earth, fire projectiles that Melt Armor and cast Forge on you or your constructs. Upon closing the gate, your connection is focused. 8. Power Orb (Summon pet): You catalyze a focus that helps you concentrate. Not only does it occasionally boosts your personal concentration (affecting Conjure Cold, Conjure Fire and Conjure Storm) but boosts the chance of focusing your connection while being in its presence (boosts Focused Connection chances). Power orb uses attacks from Gravity Control (Lift and Propel) as well as temporarily summon other orbs at random for a short time (Ball of Light, Counter Spell and Dispel). 9. Concentration Loop (Passive, special): When one of your connected constructs gains a boost from your connection, there's a chance you will gain a boost to your concentration. When your concentration is boosted, your Focused Connection is boosted further. The intent is that when you stack this, Focused Connection and Power Orb's buff, you'll have a near 100% uptime on this effect on all your pets. Clarification: Focused Connection = pet upgrade. Concentration = upgrade to your attacks.
  18. I was moreso talking about discussion as it seemed a lot of people want to deflect or stunt discussion about difficulty and power balance. By no means are we meant to only discuss or seek solutions *after* we get new content.
  19. Just make them use their own NPC versions of incarnate powers when other incarnate characters are in the party. Or more specifically, make the "incarnate hunter" EBs, have high invisibility that only fades after they attack with a 60ft scan radius every 15sec or so that sees who is using Alpha, Interface, Hybrid, Destiny and Lore slots. When they get a positive scan, they then use their version. Only when they take damage from a Judgement power do they activate their version against your team. So, if the team splits up with the incarnates going their separate ways while the other non/lowbie/new incarnate part of the team sticks together, the incarnate hunter will scan, either get nothing or just Alpha and basically use some weaker powers. If an incarnate team member approached one, the scan would activate whatever powers they use and they'd start activating them (starting with Destiny and then Lore). If that incarnate team member isn't fast enough, they will be up against a mob backed by Destiny...they could open up with their Judgement to wipe them out before that but will have to eat a high accuracy Judgement themselves.
  20. You're bastardizing the joke if you /jranger and then follow up with an entire post explaining why you're saying no. About a quarter, if not a third, of the game is picking powers, customizing a build and slotting enhancements. To tell people not to use their preferred builds is like saying don't play a good chunk of the game. But when are we going to tackle the issue? Because some of us already cordon off a portion of the game, not overly optimizing their builds, play on smaller teams and avoid max level and STILL find the game feels like it's using kid gloves. There's also no incentive to debuff yourself (just shave off a chunk of your build slotting that is a portion of playing the game). Lastly, I don't see a difference with making a thread asking for a means of adding team or solo content (via more difficulty settings) vs asking to have this set or that "helped out". They're all suggestions on a forum meant to post suggestions.
  21. I personally practice a bit of self-restraint when teaming if only because it might make encounters less boring. I'd like to explore aspects to entice players to self-restrain their spam but short of mind control, I don't see it as being a possibility. I'd love to buff sets and fill holes to make sets/powers cool or awesome to make them really special if you pick them, but as the saying goes about why we can't have nice things, this is why nerfs are something that is required. If you wish to want certain things improved that don't work as well as we wished, why wouldn't you accept to have certain aspects curbed so as to keep aspects of the game relevant?
  22. I would say, it exacerbates a problem that exists and persists in varying aspects of the game, team play and customization. If we kept incarnates as we have them now but Thanos snapped all IOs, I think it wouldn't be all that bad. If we took some steps to curb some things, having them made up through incarnate powers would at the very least prioritize build goals as one progresses upward. But it gets to a point that some aspects of the game are wholly phased out (not by only incarnates, mind you...). For example, Judgement nukes are only 1 aspect of the overbloat of AoEs which is contained within the core issue regarding encounter difficulty. It marginalizes aspects of defensive support and crowd control and limits team roles.
  23. I would be hesitant to assign majority and minority labels as it's obviously a controversial topic with nuanced arguments on both sides. What I can certainly state, as @Haijinx said above, is the difficulty of the content and acquisition of the goals has had a toll on the game's balance in various ways. I could list some of them but it's rather moot if the so called "majority" would rather tune it all out.
  24. That's evidence that the quick snipes should be adjusted down (wouldn't be hard to just tie more damage into +ToHit). You can't just keep upwardly adjusting things. Have the sets you're describing as needing adjustment (exception with Assault Rifle but it also has a snipe) and fall below the snipe sets been shown to perform below standard? If so, what is the standard and why are those sets below it? Or why is no one asking these questions and just assuming everything needs more upward adjustments without some sort of reference point? I personally think the old version of the quick snipe was fine. It gave a defender/corruptor a means of advancing their personal damage with team assistance buffs and blasters, well they could lean on snipe but it required specific build considerations or just a team. It wasn't particularly advantageous or cumbersome but since it's now just been adjusted away to be as convenient as possible, it seems to have shifted perceptions to usher in more convenience and functionality. It really is a slippery slope that is willfully ignored and berated for illustrating.
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