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Everything posted by Naraka

  1. Now you're just adding qualifiers. Frustration is frustration but the ultimate end isn't any different whether it's someone carrying the team, adding some seconds to an encounter or making you have to toss out one extra ranged or melee attack. All the extra qualifiers do is shift who feels what frustration but as your initial response points to, this is all just feelings and how you deal with them. It's no different from someone telling me "if you want a harder game, nerf yourself, don't team with certain builds, etc etc". If KB isn't in your spectrum of meta then it's on you to prune your teams/builds, not shift the game to accommodate you. And where do levels come into play? KB magnitude is higher if the target is lower level than you (also the damage). The last example is basically a level 10 Lt vs a lvl 100 Hulk. Ultimately these comparisons are rather irrelevant though since comicbook logic in power levels is convoluted and again, talking about KB, it is wholly dependent on the medium you're using it in. It's plenty "super" for this game despite not being the pre-rendered cutscene type of spectacle you're trying to make it to be. Whether you feel KD is just as super or not is just preference. Also, that last example, the guy was likely dead upon impact. The g forces that accelerated him that fast likely broke his neck. The KB didn't kill him, the foot did.
  2. It's not aggressive, maybe competitive if the competition is defending your stance on the subject. I didn't tell you to learn to play, I argued that the situation you outline is merely a Tuesday in the week of teaming. A lot of things can concern some teams. Not having a melee meat shield can be a concern to some teams but you don't blame the squishiness of the non-melee ATs, you just deal with what you got which is the overall mantra of teaming. So is taking your kills or taking your alphas (Brute gripes). Frustration is a natural response but if you are on a team, at the end of the day it's just another tax you pay for more mayhem. You can get frustrated because things didn't go your way or you can take into account that other players are also doing their thing. I wouldn't advocate for spamming intangible but if I were on a team that had a FF or Sonic Resonance user that put the Tsoo Sorcerer in an intangible state or whatever other similar circumstance, that's just that player doing their thing and telling them to stop can cause the same type of frustration you feel when you can't do what you want. I'm not saying bend the knee or majority vs minority but rather trying to demonstrate that those feelings are a 2-way street. But comic book action is mobile. It's rare to keep a confrontation isolated to 12x12 tiles in a room. When Toad lashes Storm with his tongue and flings her away from her allies, that doesn't end the fight...but then most characters aim to have "knockback protection" so they can't be moved. The Hulk doesn't stand his ground while throwing punches, he grabs and drags and throws and jumps and stomps. Fights can span entire neighborhoods or cities. You have to take into consideration the medium the game is in. Would be fun if KB could literally fling you from north to south Steel Canyon and through buildings if they get in the way but at the end of the day, players don't want that. They want their AoEs saturated and the mob spawns to be neat and uniform. And what do most people want to do? DPS.
  3. Nice try. If you are so close to a spawn that knocking a foe back into them aggros them, that 2nd spawn would have aggroed anyway. If you're knocking anchors into other spawns, that must mean you don't have immobilize. Anchors (and all mobs, frankly) can run into other spawns anyway. Also, have you ever heard of the slang "add" or "ambush"? If you don't have a set of actions for when a 2nd spawn is suddenly aggroed, I feel sorry for you. I can tell you what I do on every character in the situation where another spawn (or sets of spawns) gets aggroed on the team be that because someone Leroy Jenkins'ed, knocked an anchor into another spawn, an ambush, the mobs themselves run and get aggro, etc. If you can't handle that, I don't know what to tell you but I do know that I can tell you that KB isn't somehow put in the hotseat for all adds in the game and attributing your inability to coordinate a compromised team situation isn't even the end of the world so what else do you got? Also, I don't have full IO'ed out characters either. Getting adds on a team is what shakes things up. Trying to make up a narrative of teams struggling and wiping because KB is out of control is amusing. FYI, Shock Therapy doesn't have any foe chains, only ally chains. There is Amp Up but that is centered on teammate's attacks. That is more a subject of player mentality gravitating to a philosophy of "spam". If you can't spam it or mule it, it's useless to most meta-builds. But in general, a lot of powers in the game are meant to be used as tools and you don't wipe out all your tools every time regardless of situation. But this isn't just isolated to KB. A lot of tools have gone by the wayside because people just don't want to sit on their hands with regards to using powers. If it ain't perma, it ain't useful. How many times have people dissed intangible powers? You don't have to spam them but they have their uses. If you want to use other tools to get similar results, that's on you. Well I can think of plenty of media where KB isn't a finishing move. That being said, I still stand by this being an issue brought about by concerns over DPS. The funny thing is, there's nothing wrong with that. Being concerned with meta-builds and such is just a different way to play the game and has its own lines to walk and hoops to jump through not to mention it is more truthful than pretending KB is an issue of team survival or QoL that would assist new players or some such. The argument being made is "trade offs". You seem to believe that the trade off of having controllable KB is...having KD instead. If you need an example of how that is not a trade off, look at Bonfire slotted with KB>KD. Now that power is broken because it traded nothing for the KD except a slot which, in fact, turned that power from an area denial power to an AoE lockdown patch + damage. The example used with Dual Pistols was made because not only are you sacrificing a +dmg power (Aim) for the ability to toggle your KB but you also don't get the benefit of the other toggles. Also, it doesn't change the powers from KB to KD it just removes the KB so you get no mitigation from it. That is the trade off. Being able to control your KB is certainly powerful and useful...but we don't need it. Many powers were not balanced around just turning your KB into KD with no trade off and the game is certainly not balanced around being able to control those effects on the fly. That all being said, I do wish there were a means of slotting powers to make the KB more reliable. As @Galaxy Brain explained, it can be a hindrance if you're relying on that KB to keep you on your feet but it only working a % of the time. That would be the only change I'd agree to with regards to assisting KB.
  4. Welp, time to make a dominator and not have perma-dom. I think it's been demonstrated pretty well there are plenty of set-ups that don't require domination up all the time. Carrying a team, while fun for a while, is practically the same as soloing so why not solo anyway? And frankly, who cares? If you've got a Blaster on the team with damage buffed to the gills tossing out spawn decimating AoEs while you're still dropping a mass CC, are you really carrying? Or merely contributing?
  5. I would think Energizing Circuit (+END, +rech) also doesn't stack. Does it?
  6. Appreciate the feedback. As long as the enhancements are actually working, I'm good. Was actually debating slotting for both heal and res but still undecided.
  7. I'm aware of AoE effects and knocking every or nearly all foes out of a designated choke point can be disheartening, but most KB won't do that. With the exception of powers like Nova, you might knock a handful out of a specific point and regardless of the purpose of the AoE effects, those knocked back ARE controlled so that mostly leaves what actually is the most concern is. It's DPS. If you just so happened to drop down an AoE sleep patch and some someone knocks some of the foes out of it, does it matter that they are no longer asleep because of that? No it doesn't. Does it matter that they aren't getting some of their endurance drained? No, it doesn't. Does it matter that now the tank is missing 3-4% defense because those foes aren't in their aura? You can calculate the survival drop on paper but at the same time, those foes aren't doing anything for the time and if their survival was broken by that bit of defense then maybe that team needs MORE KB. So what else do you have? I'm willing to put my whole argument into the premise that, yes, this is all about DPS.
  8. There goes that esoteric term "super heroic" again lol Well, I'll just say what you define as "super heroic" also has to take into account the medium you're enjoying it in, which is an MMO. Most MMOs either don't have KB or it's very stifled and controlled. A lot of them won't even let you knock an NPC off a cliff. So in reference to most games, it does feel pretty epic which is the spectacle that is being enjoyed the most. In another game, like blade and soul, knocking foes back or juggling them in the air is also pretty fun but you still have players that boo hoo about it because they can't belt out their highest damage rotations. So ultimately, this all comes back down to DPS. People married to DPS checks are why they hate anything that stands in the path of DPS. So this isn't really about "super heroic" vs other but rather DPS vs anything that gets in the way. Frankly, I don't even want some sort of compromise or improvement that would bridge that gap. I think KB is fine. There is no need to appease the playerbase blinded by DPS. Just enjoy the game.
  9. Even with 3 rech SOs and Hasten up, Benumb has a 45sec rech and a 30sec duration (if pines is correct, that is). By making the duration and recharge the same (120 sec)? What does that have to do with Hasten? And both are considered overperforming. Basically, the design goals of the later game were different, primarily leaning toward incentive to pay (even incarnate were locked behind needing paid status). Unless that is the goal of the current build, it shouldn't be what powers were designed around. Their inherent was conceptually a Hyde vs Jekyll style and when players broke that concept, it was duly changed. If anything, the meta forced this power to be changed otherwise there would also be a damage bonus attached to perma-dom status. The criticism isn't that these powers don't benefit from hasten and +rech bonuses, but rather the value of the set and the power itself isn't diminished by the lack of +rech. Domination doesn't compound your offense or survivability by stacking, Phantom Army doesn't stack more than 3 phantoms at a time, etc. Whether the old devs stated they started designing powers to be used in conjunction with perma-hasten is going to be a matter of "pull up resources". If anything, I'd say they started to take more caution so that obscene amounts of +rech didn't benefit powers so disproportionately over time. Why else would they start introducing powers that don't benefit from +rech or powers with durations equal to their cooldown?
  10. And this is what I'm talking about. What you *expect* a power to do isn't always congruent with what the power is designed to do. Having every debuff be permanent ISN'T what they are designed to do. In fights where you need that much debuffing that quickly and that often always end far sooner than the presumed necessity of the debuffs being present. At best, you might shave off a handful of seconds off of a fight which, in the meta-game perspective, can add up to a lot of time over the course of several TFs but that is exactly that: META-game, i.e. circumstances that go beyond the game's purview of design. Illusion Control is balanced around doing more damage than the standard control set thus it's controls aren't as prolific or debuffs as sticky as, say Earth Control or Ice Control. How the set is balanced has nothing to do with Hasten. Without Hasten, Illusion Control would have less viable mass control which is balanced for it's appreciable damage increase but is balanced by not being buffable but still benefits from external CC and debuffs (like from the majority of support sets like Radiation Emission, Trick Arrow, Dark Affinity, Poison, Storm Summoning...like half the support sets out there). Just because an Illusion Controller can't have perma-PA doesn't disqualify all the other control and debuff options available to controllers. Domination was never designed to be permanent and it wasn't designed not to be either. A dominator can function perfectly fine with intermittent use of domination when needed. With the prevalent of IOs and other control powers (not to mention their decent amounts of DPS), you don't actually need the extra controls all the time. And if you're really building balls-to-the-wall meta power-gaming, you likely will rarely get hit due to the obscene amounts of defense thus the mez protection is also not always necessary.
  11. Maybe entitled wasn't the proper term then. I was sort of trying to belt out a response while multi-tasking. I suppose what I meant was "expectation". Having the expectation that a power be permanently on is a presumption on false foundations of the powers system. What you *want* a power to do is different from what a power/powerset is designed to do.
  12. I find it interesting that a lot of replies seem to lean toward "don't nerf hasten!" but if you actually read the OP, they are asking, basically, to have perma hasten inherent to the game instead which is most certainly NOT a nerf.
  13. Well it's not particularly a cosmetic suggestion although it has applications for having cosmetic options. As I've been concurrently leveling a Demons/Pain and Ninja/Shock Therapy, there have been times my pets either get knocked into geometry or get caught up in a pathing loop where they just can't find their way back to me. Don't really mind it slowing me down since I mostly solo but it can hamper performance and outright be a death sentence if you're not realizing some of your pets are missing. I've usually solved the issue by just dismissing and resummoning/upgrading but that is certainly a performance hit needing to do that. Some take certain pool powers but have issues with pets as well (like with group fly) that would be assisted with a pet stow power or command. I've also read suggestions about a pet group recall teleport power for MM which seems a bit round-about as a solution although that might be useful while in combat. I think the only particulars about it I just started thinking of is what constitutes "in combat" for the MM? I can not use any powers or commands, be away from my pets and having them attack, would that be considered out of combat? Or would it be all that unbalanced to be able to stow your pets while in combat as well? You could use it as a defense mechanism to protect them from AoE (you'd get no benefit from bodyguard, of course), maybe even leverage self-affecting powers like Personal Force Field or Phase Shift in tactical ways.
  14. Which ones? And don't say Seeds of Confusion. That's likely something that requires hammering down. The answer to your base question is merely "powers with longer recharge times" which is rather redundant. But I'm not trying to make a case about Hasten at all, moreso a case against making things with cooldowns normally longer than their durations "perma" and thus feel entitled to it. If you want to build for high global recharge to make your Domination up more often, that's on you. You aren't entitled to it being perma on premise though. Same with Phantom Army or Chonoshift: if somehow IO rech bonuses and Hasten get a balance pass to reduce their effectiveness, Illusions and Time are only disproportionately nerfed because they're currently receiving disproportionately higher value from the stat, not because they inherently *need* the stat. It's why I said the premise is an illusion. It's a consideration of perspective from the point of view of the power and not the point of view of balance.
  15. Shows I can slot for resistance but says it's buffing resistance without slotting for it. I put a 25 resist IO in there but doesn't quite reflect the enhancement amount. What is the deal with slotting this? And what does the +resist affect on this power, the resist passive, the ember shield or the ember shield bearer power? EDIT: Also, what are enhancement values suppose to be looking like?
  16. I think your premise is an illusion. What makes you think you were entitled to Perma-PA or Chronoshift? If suddenly those powers could not be made always-up powers, I can guarantee those sets would still function just fine.
  17. Would suggesting a QoL addition be on topic? I'd really just like a MM inherent toggle that "stows" the pets and automatically turns off in combat (or not, I can turn it off myself) that keeps all your pets and their current upgrades. So when you just want to quickly move from 1 location to another, you can stow the pets, use teleport, fly+afterburner, SS+SJ or whatever and once you get to where you need to go, turn the toggle off and all pets are summoned. It's also a pain in large missions having your pet get caught up in the geometry of the map and lagging far behind. Or if you just want to stand around in the University or near Ms. Liberty but want to be low profile, just stow them. Some cosmetic flair can be added too: Necromancy: have a skull for each pet float around you or be on some kind of chain or rope hanging from your shoulder or simply a large gravestone on your back appears. Ninjas: a huge engraved ninja scroll appears on your back. Bonus if there's an animation of opening the scroll to resummon them. Robotics: optimally, changing the robots into a big Gundam that you walk around in would be preferred but maybe just having a gauntlet with a holo display ready that materializes the bots when deactivating. Thugs: no idea. Demon Summoning: having a similar circle of runes like Rune of Protection. Deactivating the toggle resummons them all at once. Beast Mastery: a pokeball for each beast appears at your waist. Mercenaries: optimally, having an upgraded tactical vehicle to ride around in would be preferred, maybe just having a helicopter shadow circle around you, maybe just helicopter sounds while inside.
  18. And like I said, even if it is, that doesn't invalidate the argument lest you be committing a fallacy yourself. Adding options for particularly personal issues can be seen as catering which while not a bad thing, can have other ramifications with UI and player support not knowing all the options or where they are located. There's still a lot of confusion with regards to certain options existing and players just being unaware of them or them being buried in other options or menus. As for modding, I think the difficult part is always finding the portion of the game that handles or contains certain assets. Audio modding is relatively easy if you know where the specific files are. Animation modding I have no clue about. AFAIK, there haven't been any prominent posts about modding animations.
  19. It's not a slippery slope argument but if you want to assume it is, that's on you. I'm merely pointing out creating options to cater to individuals is daunting. There have been suggestions to have certain things set aside as options to adjust in a menu or via null the gull and so forth and I challenged you to imagine if all of those suggestions were put in and how many more would be requested moving forward. But you decided to ignore that challenge and throw out the fallacy fallacy (basically assuming something that has a fallacy in the argument is wrong because it has a fallacy in it thus not engaging the argument). The reason I made my argument isn't to sideline someone's request but rather to put the power in the hands of the requester and seek to mod their client rather than keep pushing to get their boot in to get a minor option put implemented in hopes of appeasing everyone. It's a noble goal but a goal with work put on the backs of others to accomplish.
  20. Play a Mastermind then. I think someone before said that EA is new. People are still adjusting. You probably just need to get used to it. It's not really that difficult and every set has their intricacies to get a hold of but the chain mechanics are quite forgiving with perhaps the only issue being getting the max buff or max heal on the specific target you want. If you're targeting through the foe for buffs, perhaps don't do that. It works but you're then accepting the faults that come with a shortcut. Also, have you tried a targeting macro? Pretty sure you can make a macro that targets GS and heals you in 1 button push. Retargetting the opponent is then just a tap of TAB. Not that tough.
  21. Then you're not looking to find anyone who is in favor of the current animation. If you were, you'd have seen my name. As for their being an option to turn some stuff off...I'd assume there are some limits to how many individual options one can put in a menu here (people have requested so many, imagine if all of them were made a separate menu option). I wouldn't be upset if they added several menu options with varying levels of animation and fx disabled to the point every NPC and character are just T posing at each other but there would always be requests for more. I'm merely saying why not just mod your own client just like those players that don't like the sounds of Sonic powers or Beam Rifle?
  22. Well I'd say reassess the term "dismiss" as one can understand, accept someone's situation and discuss it without needing to make any changes. As described, if a particular individual's suggestion isn't granted, it's a dismissal of a person's issue which I'm certain no one actually wants to do. Both sides can be sensitive to an individual's problems but that doesn't always equate to censoring the majority for it. I still suggest seeking a modder and just having that animation asset removed from that player's client (replaced with a duplicate of another animation) as that is the most imperial solution if this issue is that troublesome.
  23. I think what you're running into is the overall dilemma of min/maxed builds. No matter what kind of corners you file down to make your choices less sharp, a new meta will then dictate what your new choices will be that will then make a sharp choice that you'd want to get filed down too. On the flipside, those not constrained by specific build ingredients to bake the same cookie cutter build, get the chance to pick those cool flavor powers to their content because they also suffer the limitations of their builds. What it sounds like to me is you want your cake and someone else's cookies. As for the suggestion itself, I don't really see it as a problem. If you want to sacrifice build choices for bonus stats, that is a viable choice. If you don't want to sacrifice the power for the stats, that's fine too. If you can only fit 3-4 LotG rech IOs in your build, it's not going to break a build, especially considering the level of content available.
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