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Everything posted by MIGHTYMOUSE1981

  1. Oops so sorry, I might need you to move my other post down below in my signature didn't realize it was in the wrong spot
  2. So, I did a thing, I wonder how could I make a Beyonder type character or Dr. Manhattan-ish without their being an actually Reality Warping powerset, so this my attempt to make one, I would your feedback if you see any powers missing any holds, T-AoE, Range AoE, Location AoE please, do comment and I'll 99.9999% consider changing. I'll be waiting for your feedback, I know..I know, I kinda step away from the traditional Dominator powerset idea I wanted a unique mechanic different than most I hope you give it a chance. So, far down below is what I counted for controls if I'm miss anything like damage, or control powers feel free to tell what I NEED to add. Hold x 2 Disorient Immobilize Targeted AoE (From Mass Manipulation and Erase Toggle power) Knockback Location AoE REALITY CONTROL You are bestowed with godlike powers, and the universe is your playground to manipulate the fundamental forces of the cosmos, such as matter, time, and space, which are now irrelevant compared to your might. Now, with the ability to rewrite reality as you see fit, changing inorganic or organic material with only a snap of your finger, you are a reality warper, and all of existence is your sandbox. Transmutation - You can psychically manipulate the atoms in living, non-living, animate, or inanimate things, making your enemies quite feeble in combat. Also, changing them into a random object, or creature while holding them into place. you may use Rewrite: Alternate with this power when it is available gaining a secondary effect. (Note: it would be cool to see them devolve into any random destructible object or turn an enemy into a plant, Rikiti monkey, or Null the gull, which would be a fun easter egg that a reality warper altered an enemy into him, lol) Ranged, Light DMG(Psionic), Hold, Chance for (-Resist) Strange Physics - Not even Newton's law can't stop you from toying with physics. Up is down, down is up, slow is swift, while fast is lackadaisical this power cause targets to float and turn upside down, distorting space around them confusing their equilibrium, and reducing the speed of most enemies that resist this power. Ranged, Light DMG(Smash), Disorient(Foe), Chance for (-SPD),-Fly -Rech. Nullifying Command - Every word you speak can manipulate the world around you, including your enemies, attacks, movement, and their chance to hit are restricted, causing friendly fire to nearby enemies. Ranged (Cone), Immobilize (Foe), -DMG(Foe, All), - To Hit, (-Resist), Special. Vacuum of the Void - you can warp reality around your enemies, wrapping them in the Void of space, leaving them stranded in the icy abyss of the universe. (Note: the animation I had in mind was something like the hurricane power, but instead of a storm, it would be a swirling galaxy cluster) Ranged, Minor DoT(Cold), Foe Hold, EndDrain(Foe), -Rech Mass Manipulation - You're capable of controlling matter, energy, space, and time on a massive scale. This power is used in tandem with previous one already unlocked, such as Transmutation, Strange Physics, or Vaccum of the Void, but turning your single and cone attack powers into a large targeted AoE for a short period. Toggle: Ranged (Targeted AoE), Special. Manifesting Force - You can control every fiber of your being on the atomic level giving yourself new powers and changing your very own DNA to manifest into new abilities. You can release a massive Aoe blast knocking enemies backward and destroying the earth beneath. Also, you may use Erase when it becomes available. PBAoE, Knockback (Foe) High DMG(Smashing/Energy) Augmented can be used with Manifesting Force giving it a Secondary effect as well. Rewrite - You have made the laws of physics into your plaything with the power to reshape physical matter down to the subatomic level, bending any energy source known and unknown in the universe and causing space and time to obey your every whelm. You obtain toggleable abilities that can change one power at a time that you have already unlocked, certain powers will glow to indicate when they can be used with Rewrite. Toggle: Alternate - Reality can be whatever you will it by turning an enemy into a healing beacon with Transmutation the beacon is immobile but possesses incredible regenerative powers. The Regeneration Rate of you, or your allies, will be greatly increased as long as you are near it. Place Beacon: PBAoE, Team +Regen (Transmutation) Augmented - You can twist the DNA of allies, and even yourself, changing their abilities and giving your team primordial powers with a minor prismatic damage affect when using Manifesting Force, or Transmutation. Ally, Self Minor(Unique DMG), +DEF(All) Erase - The power you wield can displace an enemy from out of this realm with your voice only, or snap a foe out of existence with your fingers tips when an enemy is low on health. This ability Toggle can be used with Manifesting Force, or Strange Physics reducing a targets defense. PBAoE, Foe Hold (Manifesting Force), Foe(-DEF) Rewind - you can make your enemies relive events over and over again, and reopen old wounds by reversing time this power can be used with Strange Physics, Foe -Regen, -Heal, Moderate (DoT) Big Bang - You can recreate the events of the big bang by warping a localized space you send your enemies to witness the beginning of the universe exploding in their faces. Ranged (Location AoE), Extreme(Smash/Energy) Create Rularuu - You have absolute power to the point you can create anything your hearts desire even other beings that exhibits power that is great as yours with this ability you can make an image of an Aspect of Rularuu to assist you in battle Summon Image of Rularuu: Ranged Control Special, Melee, Heavy DMG(Smash). OR Rularuu Form (Alternate power if not favored Create Rularuu) You have absolute power to the point you can create anything your hearts desire even other beings that exhibits power that is great as yours with this ability to become an all-powerful aspect of Rularuu Temporarily Reducing the cooldowns for Manifesting Force and Mass Manipulation . I was also thinking about limiting how many powers Rularuu form could use and giving it +DEF, and +RES briefly making it a little tanky. (Note: Create Rularuu Pet won't be the same size as the NPC counterpart their like a freaking skyscraper LOL, i already know I'm going to get push back with Rulrauu form😭😭😭😭 they so damn cool tho) (Note: Rewrite works kinda like Swap ammo) (Note: Augmented I wanted to have a unique mechanic with its damage, but can change it if it seems to OP (Note: Erase I would love to see a finger snap LOL, the animation should be simple like the Police Drones that causes the NPC to teleport away or Arbiter Drone that vaporizes enemy NPC)
  3. Anything that is 💪 💪 💪 💪 SUPER STRENGTH SUPER STRENGTH SUPER STRENGTH SUPER STRENGTH!!!!! ssj coach.mp4
  4. every day I hope for this back on live there were lots of arguments why super strength was tank and brute only, my argument was that ANIME/Manga Characters have martial art archetypes that had immense super strength, and Chinese comics/characters OMG insane levels of super strength with kung fu lmao, but I can understand if working out the attack values would be difficult.
  5. TANKER: Khissed by the Ghodz Peacebringer: The QuantumQuestion Sentinel: BlackOpsNinja-Hanzou
  6. I love female superheroes but there are archetypes that I've always favored and that's the brawn beefy type your wonder woman, power girl (MY FAAAAV), she-hulk (not that bullcrap on Disney+😒) Zarda, the Power Princess, Anissa (Invincible series), and based on whoever was the artist at the time they would look strong aesthetically...and no...this isn't a fetish lol...It's just my preference on how some of my favorite female superheroes look. I know there are certain things the homecoming devs can, and cannot do...I...understand it was a different time when COH was live, the devs didn't probably think about giving the female characters neutral stances like the males and went with the more dainty feminine pose, but I really wish we could have a more strong-looking female with a strong stance like my toon in the picture without using emotes or the walk stance. I would like to see a bare chest option like the males when under the tights, tights with skin, bikini, robes, sleeves robes, etc. to give that defined look, and here are some suggestions if this is possible: Stronger-looking female Stance solution 1: give females the centered stance emote as a customizable option under a new category" Standing Stance" for which other stances may also be selected. Stronger-looking female Stance solution 2: create a macro that will allow for a permanent standing stance when pressed Stronger-looking female Aesthetic Solution 1: Create a muscle definition option that shows muscular physique for arms, chest, abs, and thighs just like the bodysuit muscle matte and gloss for female characters when using tights, tights with skin, bikini, robes, and sleeves robes. Stronger-looking female Aesthetic Solution 2: an arm body slider (if possible ) I know this might be afar-stretch for bigger arms and fuller shoulders for females. Stronger-looking female Aesthetic Solution 3: used the male aesthetic for females under the new category "Gender" ( I'm pretty sure this solution may not be the best option.... if it can cut down time and effect, but of course, I'm fully aware that there would be a customization issue as the wardrobe without clipping issues (don't flame me on this one guys just throwing ideas in the universe hoping it gets traction.) if you have any ideas that could get our female character with this look please fill free to give me your insight I'm all ears. I
  8. I mean have you seen ANIME there are characters with hulk strength and are martial artists, don't get me started on Chinese comics they are kung fu masters with SUPER strength in their Manhua, I think its a western culture of comics that says only numbskull can lift 100 tons, and don't get me started on this guy below who's a martial artist scrapper with SS. so i think it's safe to say that other countries define super strength a lot different then we do I believe super strength for scrappers would be AMAZING.
  9. I love the Martial Arts Powerset sadly I wish we could update the animations to some of the existing ones, but that probably will never happen, that being said, I would like to see Martial Combat, Storm Kick, in the customization choice in the character creator when creating a MA character for Tanks, Brute, Scrappers, and Stalkers I think it looks much better in animation it doesn't look so clunky and SLOW.
  10. I'm so glad I was working on this when I saw your message to keep the original, pheeeeew!
  11. Thanks for the feedback will be taking a look at this ASAP , i can do 2 range I saw earth assault has them,
  12. by all means, when you are well-rested please give me your critique.
  13. Back on LIVE, I and other players were discussing how we would love to see super strength ported over to Dominators because there are so many super strength comic characters that could actually use their might to subdue the world physically if they wanted, such characters as Superman, world breaker hulk, black adam, etc. not just because their super strong, but they have other abilities that allow them to devastate the world. So, I decided to concoct this powerset for super strength lovers like myself. So, please, be gentle this is my first time 🤣😅. I would love some constructive criticism and will change this set around just to see it in-game. I don't mind any GM taking a crack at this I don't need recognition I'm a team player it's ALL YOURS. I took super strength and re-arranged some of the powers to fit the dominator leveling progression and I added a few new ones of my flavor. if you have a better power suggestion I will 99.9% reconsider just to bring this wonderful Idea to HC City of Heroes. All I'm asking is to have an open mind and a tangible argument of why this shouldn't be in-game as a dominator secondary. I know, I know, most super strength characters have durability, and yes, that is correct, although, there are many comic toons that were super-strong, but didn't have great durability they were really strong. Don't let me get started on Manga/Anime 😂, so I hope you like and leave your feedback down below, so we can get this powerset right if I oof-ed. Superhuman Assault (Revised Set) You are endowed with immense super strength that enables you to toss heavy objects, your very footsteps cause the earth to move. you have the might to devastate the battlefield with physical prowess alone. Hurl - You are able to tear up a chunk of ground beneath your feet and Hurl it at an enemy. This attack deals moderate damage and can knock foes back and even drop them out of the air if they are flying. Ranged, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback, -Fly Haymaker - A slow but devastating attack, the Haymaker has a great chance of knocking your opponents down. Melee, High DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback Foot Stomp - Using your superior leg strength, you can Stomp your foot to the ground, quaking the earth itself excavating it, and tossing your enemies in the air. This is a localized attack against everything in the melee range. PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockup Superior Punch - Your punches create sonic booms that deal a High amount of damage, but most of all can knock several opponents off their feet in a cone radius, unable to attack again until they stand up. Melee (Cone), High DMG(Smash) Foe Knockdown OR (Alternative 4th power if Superior Punch is not Favored) Excavating Toss - you fling a huge boulder at your enemy with one arm crushes them where they stand holding them in place. Ranged (Location AoE), High DMG(Smash), Foe Hold (Another Alternative 4th power) Mighty Throw - you fling a random heavy Object at your enemy with one arm crushing them where they stand and holding them in place. Ranged (Location AoE), High DMG(Smash), Foe Hold (NOTE: I would love for this ability to throw a random HEAVY object like Propel from the Gravity Control power set) Unbridled Brawn - your Super Strength melee strike emites thunderous waves for both normal and power pool attacks such as Brawl, Boxing, Kick, Jump Kick, Flurry, Cross Punch changing they're low disorient, knockdown chance to a high chance for knockdown also increasing your damage and chance to hit dramatically for all your other powers. . Self +DMG +To-Hit (Special), Melee, High DMG(Smash, Special), Foe Knockdown, Disorient (NOTE: this power takes your normal level 1 brawl power, and any melee power pool attack and turning them into Jab or Punch from SS powerset with the sound effects to differentiate that there was a change when triggered, also acting as a Rage ability without the massive penalty, but with a cooler name and a special effect🤣) Knockout Blow - You can perform a Knockout Blow on your opponent. This punch does Superior damage and has a great chance of Holding your target. Melee, Extreme DMG(Smash), Foe Hold Display of Might - you showcase your strength with a destructive hammer fist that shatters the terrain making it extremely difficult for your enemies to traverse below sending massive waves of tremors knocking them down. Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate (Smash), Foe Immobilize, -SPD Cataclysmic Steps - by unleashing your unrelenting rage with every step you make the very earth shakes violently, your foes stumble to stay up, as the earth release deadly gases as a result of your forward movement Toggle: PBAoE, High DoT(Smash/Toxic), Foe Knockdown, Superior Hand Clap - You can clap your hands together with such force that you create a deafening shockwave causing their equilibrium to be off-balance and cause severe brain trauma from their heads rattling against their skulls. a chance of disorient due to the shock to the inner ear which is now bleeding Close (Cone), Superior DMG(Smash/Psionic), Foe Disorient, Knockback Superhuman Assault (Original Set) You are endowed with immense super strength that enables you to toss heavy objects with your mighty lungs you can create super gale-force winds as you jaunt past enemies at supersonic speeds to devastate the battlefield with physical prowess alone. Hurl - You are able to tear up a chunk of ground beneath your feet and Hurl it at an enemy. This attack deals moderate damage and can knock foes back and even drop them out of the air if they are flying. Ranged, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback, -Fly Haymaker - A slow but devastating attack, the Haymaker has a great chance of knocking your opponents down. Melee, High DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback Foot Stomp - Using your superior leg strength, you can Stomp your foot to the ground, quaking the earth itself. This is a localized attack against everything in the melee range. PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback Lungs of Gale Force - this power enables your breath to produce high-speed hurricane-force winds pushing enemies back in a wide cone that kicks up debris, trash, rubble, sand, etc. ripping and slashing at them causing lethal (dot) and can be used to reduce all fire damage status effects on allies while affecting enemies close and long-ranged accuracy, movement, and flight speed. Ranged (Cone), High DoT(Lethal), Foe -Speed, -Perception, -Fly, - Foe To Hit Foe Repel, +Res (Fire, Ally) Unbridled Brawn - your super strength melee strikes cause thunderous booms for both normal and power pool attacks such as Brawl, Boxing, Kick, Jump Kick, Flurry, Cross Punch changing their low disorient, knockback, knockdown chance to a high chance for knockback, knockdown also increasing your damage and chance to hit dramatically for all your other powers. . Self +DMG +To-Hit (Special), Melee, High DMG(Smash, Special), Foe Knockdown, Foe Knockback, Disorient (NOTE: this power takes your normal level 1 brawl power, and any melee power pool attack and turning them into Jab or Punch from SS powerset with the sound effects to differentiate that there was a change when triggered, also acting as a Rage ability without the massive penalty, but with a cooler name and a special effect🤣) Mach Strike - you perceive time at hypersonic speed, raindrops, seemed to have stopped in midair. A bolt of lightning resembles a squirming worm, as you wisp past your foes who seem to be frozen in place unable to react to your attack, in the process, you gain a burst of speed becoming much harder to hit; Target's speed and accuracy have been reduced as well for a short while. Location AoE High DMG (Smash), Self Teleport, Foe –Rech, - Move, Special (NOTE: similar to Burst of Speed with a Jaunt animation perhaps) Knockout Blow - You can perform a Knockout Blow on your opponent. This punch does Superior damage and has a great chance of Holding your target. Melee, Extreme DMG(Smash), Foe Hold Hand Clap - You can clap your hands together with such force that you create a deafening shockwave. This shockwave can knock back nearby foes, and they have a chance to become Disoriented due to the shock to the inner ear. Hand Clap deals no damage. PBAoE, Foe Disorient, Knockback Hyperion Smash - by unleashing your Herculean strength into a single blow while leaping into the air you come crashing down striking the earth beneath you, causing seismic tremors and superior knockup damage. PBAoE Melee, Superior DMG(Smash), Foe Knockup
  14. I mean I can make a longbow character almost identical I've seen some good statesman cosplay costumes
  15. Would love to see the hanaya mask that is worn by the tsoo I been wanting that since LIVE
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