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Everything posted by Taboo

  1. No need to post if you've come here to argue with folks that have concerns or have disappointment with a change. Most of the changes are good and players aren't making blanket statements about the whole page. @tidge but that's totally a buff if you ask @America's Angel @Judasace Your mention is worth a bug post. @ZekeStenzland +1 @Onlyasandwich booster, yep much better.
  2. Is it a bug that there are animations missing for in an out of combat for a number of powers in this patch? Didn't powers formerly have a secondary animation or effect when gaining/losing part of its bonuses? Seems like that should be the case for all the new changes.
  3. Lots of amazesauce in page 2. LOTS. Plenty to like. Some head scratchers, and some wiffs. You a scrapper who utilized epics snipes.. so sorry. You a scrapper who utilized invisibility or afterburner.. oops. Hey PvP got quite a bit of attention the past two big 'patches' but the market still has a couple nasty bugs.. priorities fools! Luckily Respecs are easily acquired.
  4. The irony of a Dev posting, someone failing to be invisible when trying to be invisible, well played. Maybe Drax needs to wait the required 10 seconds. Animations should match effects.
  5. Big patch. New tips pretty cool. Current removals of only-affecting-self for out-of-combat stats may be well intentioned, but ultimately a fail. Comments already popping on how do we know when those stats should kick in & inadvertently negating affects. Feels more random than on/off.
  6. Is it? At this point it is difficult to tell which way is working as intended.
  7. That is helpful. More than some comments. Still can't go as fast as possible until endurance runs out. Nerfed
  8. Misleading. Removed one thing and added something different. Out of Combat is not equal to Only Affecting Self.
  9. Some of these changes are wonderful. Seems to be a nerf. Nice boost it's out of combat.. and defense is spelled with an 's' Wow.. nope it's that lame popup tray guess won't be using this.
  10. Conclusions like some of these changes are Nerfs while others favor specific playstyles over others? I'm just asking to be clear what we are allowed to do and say.
  11. I would like to see the same.
  12. New character at Liberty leveling. Selecting the middle power information option then causes crash.
  13. (1): adivinhar o mesmo que alguém dizer a outra pessoa para não dizer coisas às pessoas. (2): mais uma vez, a mesma pergunta poderia ser colocada à sua resposta.
  14. What is the Cottage Rule and why does it matter? What justification is there to take an existing set so it is better for some but worse for others? If the game is being provided for the players, how is impacting existing power sets beyond a minor tweak or repair acceptable?
  15. While this could be true, the opposite is also true.. lots of folks like mashing buttons verse a clock. Others like creating alts and want to level quickly. Others find the fire farms alone relaxing and fun. There are times where more characters are in the AE building that out running about.
  16. If we have a level 50 and wanted to swap out the primary or secondary, we shouldn't have to start over. It's just a respec+
  17. Make Zeus body parts available as well. (at character scale)
  18. Sounds like we'll be needing new IO sets that don't have +hp in them.
  19. Could have been hacked together. Lots of things can be hacked together.
  20. A little bit of defense does not matter if there are other attributes that could have additive effects. Maybe you should play more. SR is the games easy button.
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