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Mike Morbid

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Everything posted by Mike Morbid

  1. I have noticed that my most powerful attacks are the ones that miss the most, even when they're enhanced with accuracy and the other ones aren't.
  2. Please don't have your superbase downtown. The parking is horrible and I don't want to get mugged.
  3. Thanks, but the post was meant in jest.
  4. For salvage items, can we have purses? Apparently, they give you incredible superhuman strength.
  5. Are there normally five zillion Supa Trolls hanging around the transit line in Skyway City? On the way to Atlas I suddenly found myself in an unending group of them, and must have been fighting them for twenty minutes real time. Thankfully, it was my tanker with willpower. Afterward, there were dozens more running into the transit station. I'm not complaining, mind you. I went from three bars of experience up to the next level in one encounter. It was sort of like the hallway fight from Old Boy.
  6. I decided to go with old reliable ss/invul tanker instead, called him Knightforce. He's currently sitting at level 10 if you or anybody else wants to play tomorrow.
  7. I was originally thinking brute or scrapper, but there seem to be many characters out there focusing on damage. I figure I'd be more useful with something that has an easier time getting aggro and then surviving the onslaught.
  8. In this thread: people present the most useless superpower they can imagine. Then other people try to think of ways that superpeople can make it useful in fights/crime fighting/rescues, before presenting their own useless power. Here's one to start us off; summon toothpicks.
  9. What? You spend time with loved ones when Paragon City needs to be saved? For shame! I'll get a character ready for Saturday. I'm thinking a tanker, savage melee/electric armour.
  10. Anybody want to make random roll characters to team together on the weekend?
  11. Now I want to make a character called Frivolous Threads. I wonder what powers would fit a sewing theme?
  12. What archetype are you playing? Just in case we meet up, I'll make up a character that fits with it.
  13. It seems there was very little interest.
  14. They have an exclusive clientele, Fred Flinstone, Captain Caveman, the Herculoids...
  15. Anyone want to get together with shiny new heroes/heroines on Indom this evening, perhaps 6 Eastern?
  16. I have a character idea involving our poor lost Galaxy City. Does anybody have a general idea, in game continuity, how long ago it was destroyed?
  17. I'd put up a tent in Atlas Plaza, and I'd never, ever go more than a hundred feet from it.
  18. Thanks, all. I tried both, and the brute seemed both more efficient and more fun. Another question. I have another character idea, a spell caster who uses darkness. Which archetype would you recommend? I have no preference between control, melee, range or support.
  19. I've made a ma/regen brute called Knighthunter on Indom, will start leveling him up today.
  20. I rolled 25-93-73. Controller, plant control, storm summoning. I now have Tempest Wing, a mutant with a dragon ancestor who shape shifted into a human when she fell in love with one.
  21. Are there any character types that Indom is particularly in need of?
  22. I can't decide between willpower/super strength brute or street justice/willpower scrapper. Help me with my confounded indecisiveness!
  23. What a coincidence! I just got back into the game today after quite some time away, and I was thinking of making a random character, and then I see I was mentioned yesterday.
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