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  1. This speaks volumes on how well they protect our characters. The crash happened while I was in my AE testing it. When , to use their terms, the"Ducktape Fix" was implemented and I got on just to check what kind of roll back I would be facing. I was right at the AE pillar facing as one would if they had exited. My contact was the one on the Holo.
  2. I got in on Torch and finished testing my mission in AE. not gona to do work on it as not expecting any changes to be saved. THey might, but not expecting.
  3. I would like to add that the /enterbasefrompasscode works just fin inside a base and one can skip around all day between them never touching the LRT or leaving the base. I really would like to know the command parameters for the LRT to select a specific destination. I would love to create a macro "powexecname Long range teleporter Kings row" or something like it. I do have a swift macro to call the base portal or the SG portal baught from the P2W, and then a second click to port to base via the still useful /enterbasefrompasscode. Just dreaming but It would also be nice if the pop window could be positioned and saved (as well as many other windows like the costume, Incarnates...) But it and other windows are not referenced in the WDW so unless they put that in one of the Json files they use now for a few settings I don't currently see a way to snap it into a position. Wonder if I could edit or create my own Json for it.
  4. Since the servers are all down I am getting to read a lot of things I had planned to and never have. Thanks for supplying this video. Love the kids. From now on I think I will just give the link to it instead of constantly explaining it over and over to new ones to incarnates. Here are some tips I use to help me: 1. The angels on mission 2 can be found easy by just running or flying around looking for speech bubbles. They go off from a reasonable distance so not much variance from a straight path to the elevator can tip you off. I often just bump the side walls to see if they are in the stairwells. 2. Again on mission 2 significant amount of time can be shaved off by going to basement (second elevator) the moment you find the 3rd angel then return to kill the Angel during the long dialog. Should have that last clue by time the music starts. Returning to guard Sigil will have them all ready to "blow off the map" 3rd. mission 3 If one has no stealth a celerity stealth plus the hour long base buff "grant invisibility" do a perfect job. This helps greatly on mission 3 to get the clickies fairly easy without interruption if positioned right. I have completed this in barely under 11 mins as my top speed and I was not overly excited trying. Of course that first map and the placement of the clickies on the 3rd make a difference. 4th. mission 3 side point. If Hero or Vigilante one can choose not to fight Hua but red side will have to. My top speed was 10:36 and my average for my slowest alt was 16. I am going to have to try that multi mission 4 method.
  5. On another note. I remembers that even the 4ms wend down yesterday. So what happen d there? Where they at one time packed in with the game and got moved to someplace else so we have sompin to do? Edit happen d <-- where'd my e go? O I dont have an ego 8Ð
  6. I know it! Evolution isnt true. Even after that many years Video games cant make us evolve. I still spell just as bad.
  7. Guess I'll snoozalate a nappified wait. |\____/| / \ /_ . ~ ~ ,_\ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz \@/ |\___/| / \ /_.~ ~,_\ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz \@/ Edit Code keeps eithe deleting my fox or shredding it 8((
  8. Oh I thought it was an annual PARTICIPATION map. O well.
  9. Since the contributions seem to be taken care of in a meir <--help me on spelling ) blip of time. I am willing to donate a little more for another server IF that becomes necessary. Still the cheapest drug in town.
  10. The icon shows in the Powers list after gaining any of the portals on its list. Oro for example will immediately create the Fast Travel pop menu within the Powers List. Or one could purchase any of the TP powers from P2W. Most don't notice it till the accolade for the first area is achieved granting the Long Range Teleporter (LRT) which of course being on the list causes it to be created. Edit--- How rude of me to forget to say thank you.
  11. Pouncy's Paw Patrol permanently pulverized punks perpetrating purse pillaging perhaps is the purpose of the problem? 8Þ
  12. I recreated the OP build in Mid's Reborn and exported the data link that is posted below. I tested and it does load now in Mid's Forgot I only made one change and that was to put a HO Mocrofiliment into Super Jump. And I am not sure I have Superior Conditioning or Physical Perfection with the correct Power Transfer. But easy fix. let me know and I'll correct it and repast the code. | Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1423;655;1310;HEX;| |78DA6593C94F535114C6EFEB7B503B514A815201A1155A68A514D4444563904999A| |3895BD2C8139A34D0B42591A57B576ED82883488203A8894BFF23238303EAAA9EBE| |EFB325A1C9EBEFDEEF9C73EF19DE9B7A32ECDE1F7B7A5B69AEA14C2A9F9FBB935B2| |998F6E954612597CAE84AA9EAA199FB33D38376593659C6B92933639A89912533B7| |B08A4D108661F3B1B9942F9B06E508E59E5D5ECE2426CD5436BDB4E0B136A3E985C| |582ECBCFF4DF3662EBF98CE3AADFD83AC69CE0747B2E947E52B52F982995B456A4D| |9247441EBB267FA54715AB94DB50AACF50360F59031A5EB216ACF681EFD5A9D8031| |DB643F0DC11790C3ABF933FA84B9CC6586D139A7B8B7C05D66C93AFC1DA1D704FA2| |74C46A7A3F6D01115A0DB52F6A156C46558366D9EAEEC1A76E1CAC1F25C7C0800CA| |534178951F60181A12BA7843A989FE39ACDF26BBC4EDE009B06C89BE0F95BE00789| |722156B942CAD24A67797087CDB34DFF0DB0651DFC28562FEFF426917B4B1F78A19| |FBC4C5E019357C14629C0C73B7DACFB93ECFCEC859F5A3B7BD0CE1EB4B33721F642| |93731AD88B86A2FC944D94009580A53CEB542AC83C832FF02E845E92EBE0C50D729| |3DC027D725A3362F566E6D4E127EBC95A302CBEADB8596B8D97FAE85011D2105B1B| |7368632D11D610B90B46595B94354727F83E495C98B1E1087ADF1D25BBC86E30162| |3E3A02EF77632B6F327CE8BFD022F9D90BFC93F60CF5FD0E153AA8B33EA3A413FDC| |A2C5A9C5A9B9444B706E895D688937E45BB0F71DB9077E16EF24A794645F478DF2F| |7596C31147FC5D256A63879469935E82E8A6629DF9CE5AF94CAC119E5B0A2D8B410| |2B7E880C7AC68551431D557C346D0D9DEC7D0EEEC4CA791427FC2271EDAF9735B3F| |F724AFFDA51D1D74EE9BBE1CAFA1F69BADCFB| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
  13. Hi. And thanks for asking. I have to post before reading anyone else's post to keep my thoughts true. For me playing the game is Playing my character. Developing the character in a well rounded aspect. This has always been my goal in any game. I love that the game allows us to develop much more of our other sides other than blam blam do this mission next. I am not often on missions in fact. I am exploring, creating bases, creating costumes, creating macros that make my personality stick out more. And more often helping others do those same things. When I am on a mission I tend to avoid "speed" runs and learn the missions as well as experience the plot. And I will often be hanging back if others are straggling behind to make sure they are not lost or anxious. I love helping people understand how to make a base and have taught many. While I have created several bases for them I prefer to teach them how to make their own and experience the joy they have developing what their mind sees. I often keep help channel open to help others. I deeply enjoy this aspect of the game as well. I might add more to this later but that is a quick jist.
  14. Thats true with any stealth. but at times it can work well in your favor. This is my Energy Brute C0R0NA Corona off - Corona with energy cloak - Just Corona When ever she dies her Corona turns off. But we Digress. Why are Energy brutes not loading in Mid's?
  15. Thank you for this. I have an NRG/NRG brute I was quite liking as she leveled. I will try this out It seems that this and all the NRG I try to load into mids comes up blank. I will have to do Manually.
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