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Everything posted by MERCURY DRIPS

  1. Thanks to Cosmic Council team. It was a BLAST !
  2. you rocks shardwarrior ! /em bow
  3. You win the "Fast and furious developpers" badge ! GJ
  4. Wow, good job mates ! Thanks a lot for your effort and dedication ! /em bow
  5. You're right Abraxus, since a few days I see quite often more population on excelsior. In the same order there are much more topics on the excelsior forum.
  6. 1) Enjoyed a lot playing and test on Justin ! What a brilliant idea ! Thanks 2) Concerning the snipe, a) I do like the change as it allow characters not builded with max accuracy to cast insta snipe as well. Actually my blaster is perma instant snipe but I dont use the power on other char as it can be such a sacrifice on a build to run after accuracay. With this modification it expand the variety of characters able to use the snipe effectively. Very good. b) Concerning the insta snipe proc as well. It seem that the range of the snipe is reduced to 80 wether engaged in a fight or not. So the choice of this proc will be specifical if you absolutely want to get insta snipe as a first attack. Otherwise its not a must have. In a general way I enjoyed the new version. As a side effect it cause a damage drop for people who were used to the old version of perma snipe. But I see more advantage than disadvantage. Especillay in PVP zone were melee AT are less and less present because of over dominance of ranged. Remember an old time on the live were it was more balanced, and I liked it for variety of characters fighting in zone. Thanks to less us test dear Dev's ;)
  7. I like this ! Probably more than 10 to my mind, but limiting the available slot to a smaller version than what we have today, and allow progressively with time spent in game to increase this number. Exemple : start to 15 slot and be able to go up to +100%, wich mean 30 character slot for intensive players.
  8. SUGGESTION : When this xp boost will be operational, can you do somethink to replace the "xp bonus" we can get in the "super pack heroes" available at AH, as this kind of loot will become useless.
  9. Maybe you should not go berserk straight away and give more patience and trust to whats going on here. 1)Go back to your salvage window and right click on the "purple thing" then choose "open". 2)You will see five cards popping on your screen. Click to return them and discover your gain 3) After your gains are revealed you can get them for real in your mail box. But its not in the "inbox", you have another option in your mailbox wich is called "characters item". This one is the good one and mean that any of your characters can access to it and claim one or more of the gifts you earned by purchasing a hero pack.
  10. Apparently there is no "homecoming beta" needed anymore because I've check with the classic "homecoming" and the transfer button is available, I tested it and it propose the shard list where its possible to go. And 5 tickets for change are available :)
  11. Same problem for me, I dont find the "Homecoming (beta)" in the list of the launcher. I just have 3 possibilities : Homecoming / Paragon chat / Titan 1.71 I remember last day I coul clearly see the "homecoming beta" choix in the list, but not anymore. Does it mean transfer are not possible anymore ?
  12. Thanks so much for your transparency and all the TIME AND MONEY you are giving in order to keep Paragon up for the Community ! This donation is just normal and the way for all the heroes to contribute to the global effort. God bless us all :)
  13. Thank you guys ! Awsome costumes (only girls have been chosen… I suppose dev's team is mainly a male affair … huhuhu) We love our city of heroes !!
  14. This warning is IMPORTANT !! Just baught 3 packs to try the concept … open them and see the goodies … I validate but then I cannot see anythink on my character. I have carefully check for 10 minutes in the salvages and enhancements but there is really nothing. 30 millions lost ;) It has to be taken in consideration before buying Check the in-game email window ;) You are right Jimmy thank you ! Items appear in the > E mail and then select > "Character item" (and not "inbox")
  15. This warning is IMPORTANT !! Just baught 3 packs to try the concept … open them and see the goodies … I validate but then I cannot see anythink on my character. I have carefully check for 10 minutes in the salvages and enhancements but there is really nothing. 30 millions lost ;) It has to be taken in consideration before buying
  16. How a great news for those who have started on a shard and wish to move ! What a fast development guys. Congratulations, you rocks !
  17. Very good new for AE :) It was convenient in a way (I used it) but in term of gameplay it is a killing machine if it goes industrial. Quite bad news for shard purposes :( Its a good think to propose dedicated places I admit, but for me it happen suddenly whereas I did so many efforts on torchbearer for my different toons. Will not start from scratch on undomitable but I still prey that "ONE DAY" it will be possible to transfer from a shard to another. It was allowed on live server if I remember. In the end : thanks a lot guys for your work, your constant efforts to maintain our world alive. God bless you.
  18. Hi heroes, I would be grateful if someone could give me the link for this "homecoming" discord because I see a lot of posts talking about discord but impossible to find the link for it. Thanks
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