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Everything posted by rksr9997

  1. Me and my wife have been playing this set, I am a Controller (Fire Control/Marine Affinity) and she is the Corruptor (Fire Blast/Marine Affinity). The Fire/Marine Controller has been one of the sturdiest controllers I have ever made I think. I just finally took Brine on him at about level 47. I took it because I couldn't decide what else to get, and I was curious about how it worked and what you could slot it with. I don't know if the set really even needs it. All that resistance/regen/absorb/-damage makes you very strong and it all applies just as well to the Fire Imps. The Fire Imps are all doing like double damage the whole time as well, and I put Shifting Tides on one of those guys. I think because of the way ST works you build lots of stack very fast with the Imps because there are 3. I never worry about jumping into the guys with Whitecap because of so much absorb and +regen and +resistance. You do have to carry around a lot of break-frees. I want to see how Shoal Rush does with 4 damage procs in it, because it hits so many targets and is up fairly often. This may be a total waste of slots but I think it's worth trying. When you double all the buffs by adding the Fire/Marine Corruptor to the group oyu start having like +125% damage all the time when you are fighting and we have been able to do +2/8x on Carnival enemies in PI without really any difficulty. Over all I am just very happy with the variety of defensive stats it brings to a duo and how immune to all damage types it can make you.
  2. The ITF enemies are weak to slow. I learned this fighting them with an Ice/Thorny Assault Dominator. Stand on the other side of your Ice Slick & Thorntrops and they almost never get to you. Most things are resistant to slow in the end-game content, but I guess they wanted the Cimerorans to have one CC weakness. (-Recharge can be really strong against some enemies as well.) I think you kind of have to learn these things to be effective an controller in the end game content. Some enemies might only be affected by one kind of CC, and you might need to save that power for when you encounter those enemies. Like the way Carnie Strongmen or War Wolf Bosses run right through slow and immobilize but can be held or affected by fear/terrorize. AVs can be the same way, some you can hold if you do it enough, others can only be immobilized. Some you can drain down to nothing with -END and then people like Bobcat and Valkyrie are just 100% immune to it. I sometimes wonder if leaning ALL THE WAY into knockback wouldn't be an effective CC for the 54+ enemies in the game, but who would put up with me if I were to do so?
  3. Is there a must have for a Dominator that I could ditch Chilblain and get?
  4. I've used it with Domination on and I don't think that it is affected by it. It doesn't immobilize for very long either, and you wouldn't want to slot it with immobilize enhancers because you want damage out of it. So, when you are using it on *4 LTs and bosses they get loose again rather quick. Those War Wolf bosses are, seriously, the thing that kills me so much. They will not stay still, and they don't care about slow AT ALL.
  5. So, you're saying you can have Domination up constantly, and if, somehow, an enemy screws this up for you and causes it to drop you can use this villain alignment power and just get it right back? That's pretty crazy.
  6. I've never had a Dominator to the point where Domination was constantly running yet, and as such have Chilblain there because if you use that AND Impale on a War Wolf boss (or any of the other slow/immob resistant enemies the game has) you can keep them from running right up and punching you in your face for 75% of your health. That being said it almost never gets used and I don't put slots in it, so you're probably right that it doesn't even need to be there. I don't know what to take instead of it though. I mostly don't want Arctic Air because it uses so much END and that is largely what causes me to fail. If I have END to use, I always have some way to mitigate threats, when I run out... I mean I suppose EVERY kind of character in this game is useless with no end, but Dominators seem to use a ton of it. I am using Cardiac on him and still I just run out of end all the time. I have used Arctic Air on controllers though and it is a fantastic power, and it does have a big enough radius that maybe it's something I must have. I do not like it when the enemies blast each other with KB and go flying all over though. I want them to stay in my icy and pokey traps area. Thank you for the ideas though I will look at it again with these things in mind. I really want a way for Wall of Force to be good, but I have used it in the past, and I know it's pretty lame.
  7. What do you mean by this sentence that I have quoted in red?
  8. I got it to work by just re-installing the program and posted the build file that I am going to try to obtain. I think it will cost a lot of money.
  9. Okay my MIDS is just broken I can't do anything with it anymore....
  10. I am likewise having an issue where I can't open my saved file OR import the data chunk I put in my previous post. Strange times. Ice-Jamz - Dominator (Ice Control - Thorny Assault).mbd
  11. Okay well that is very interesting stuff to hear! Maybe I am going overboard on the +rech and can add some different stats. I would really like to gear this towards doing as much damage as possible. Let me see if I can link the file. I built mine to be range only, and I do this BECAUSE Ice Patch + Thorntops is like impossible to get past for a lot of enemy groups. I have a crap build right now, and with those 2 powers I can fight +3 Cimerora enemies and they just can never get to me. I know that War Wolves will still be a huge problem, and then enemies that TP, but for so many, You throw down those 2 things (you have sleet as well to drop on them if you want to) and you can stand just out of melee range from them knowing they will not get to you.
  12. I have not really liked Dominators for a long time but am forcing myself to make one, I tried about 25 but Ice/Thorny assault is the one I have liked the best. I am putting the build I want to do below. I have figured out from playing that maxing +recharge really is the key thing. I am just wondering if this is over doing it on the +recharge, and maybe I have space to put more damage. I don't like to take the fighting pool and I am not really interested in having constantly capped defenses because I use inspirations all the time, and when you are controlling you only need to boost defense when you are light on control, so I like what Unleash Potential brings to the table. I want to be tough enough to go on the hardest content. If you have any recommendations, I'll appreciate it. Ice-Jamz - Dominator (Ice Control - Thorny Assault).mbd
  13. Everything that happens on Indom will take 2-10 times the amount of time it takes to complete on another server.
  14. I just got to this for the first time on a Poison/Psionic Blast Defender and it really is a crazy power but quite good and a lot of fun. The more AoE damage it gives you is great to have in this blast set.
  15. I am leveling one of these now. I am hoping it melts things as well as my TA/Fire that is on another server which I feel like is the strongest character I have ever made. It can fight everything in LARGE quantities.
  16. I have experienced this same thing playing a rad/elec defender that I am leveling up the other day. Sometimes in the middle of attacking a group I have seen my END bar go from %50 to full after using an ability. It does this all at once. I have read all the power descriptions and I am not able to recreate this effect at will as I don't know what to do. But I also, sear that this happens.
  17. How are you usually slotting these powers then for max damage?
  18. The question is does this ability on controllers equate to good single target DPS for controllers? Or is it something that should just be abandoned in later levels? I am asking in terms of a character I will play all the game content on so down to lower levels as well. The power has a really low END cost and I am wondering if with about 3 damage procs in it that it winds up being a good addition to your DPS chain. I'm specifically wondering about Entangle for Plant Control which doesn't do anything but some DOT and Immob.
  19. [/img] View This Build In MRB Okay I have finally got this guy up to 50 and here is what I ended up with in terms of a build. This was taking things as I leveled and not really agonizing over the choices too much. I may have tried to do too many things. I can almost always get a Defender or Controller to handle +4/8x content but when I play a Blaster I regularly die on just +0/8x when I am solo. If you care to take a look and recommend some better strategies I would appreciate it. Munitions Mastery contains many things that sound really cool and useful but don't seem to deliver. It is sad really. Square Iron - Blaster (Radiation Blast - Electricity Manipulation).mbd
  20. It has actually improved a lot now that I have Neutron Bomb. I know everyone complains about this power but I have found it used best as an opening attacking. You lob that thing ta a mob and then run over there and Thunder Strike them all just as it is landing, then Irradiate, Force of Thunder and pull back to Electron Haze them if you need to still. Someone else must have tried this once...
  21. I am currently working on a Rad/Elec blaster and it feels very clunky and doesn't seem to be particularly good at anything. I don't really play blasters, I am just wondering if anyone else has played this combo up to the high levels and feels like it is worth it. I have been playing it mostly solo and with no XP boosters or any of that extra stuff, just running the game content and it's a huge pain compared to what I could be doing with like almost any Controller/Defender type character. Again I don't play Blasters like ever so I may just not know that right way to build one as I level up.
  22. So he ends up having about 68% smashing and lethal defense and 78% fire and cold. Your lowest values are with toxic and ranged which are in the 43% area so even that is pretty good. Even the Psionic Defense is very good. Maybe you can get way higher numbers on a stone pet I'm not really sure because I just can't play Earth, I don't know why I feel like it sucks.
  23. I like paying Ice/Empathy. Jack frost seems to be defense based rather than relying on resistance. You throw Fortitude on him and a Grant Invis and then TP him into any mob. His defense is crazy high now, plus you can grab Power Boost to make both of those buffs even stronger. You don't need any of the +res procs from pet sets in him then. You can just slot him for all damage and accuracy and the buildup proc from the purple set. He will absorb the alpha from anything and can tank the mob for very extended periods of time. You've got empathy heals to patch him up and you need plus all your ice powers to lock down the mobs. The key is being able to throw him at the mobs with TP. Because he is so strong I don't even really bother putting super high defense on my controller or res. I don't think I even have an epic shield. It isn't needed.
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