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  1. I've thankfully not ran into that yet, as I too enjoy using macros for location AoEs. I'll try to block out some time when I get back from my work trip to replicate it and put a ticket in. I'd recommend doing the same, perhaps we can get some attention towards the issue.
  2. Perhaps you could go check out the benchmark to see if it's a separate issue other than the AV/GMs themselves. I haven't had any issues even after the changes. Unless your character is specifically built to obliterate AVs/GMs then I see no issue, especially if the other 4 characters were lacking in the build/level/combo/attack chain department. Good luck to your future attempts.
  3. Nice improvement! I'm happy to see the amount of commitment to chase some desired results. Tactics definitely come into play in here, which can help progress participants playstyles. Send me an in game email (if you haven't already) if you'd like to claim your submission incentive 🙂 @It's Amra
  4. I think it'd be a good use of the echo zones honestly. I personally think there's nothing wrong with the ToT EBs, especially since they spawn at the door clickers difficulty settings. My opposition is only towards taking the EBs out of regular zones, which is not the suggestion here, so I think it would do no harm and only good. Some people like to do things solo, this would give those people an avenue without EBs at the very least if they can't handle it. They would be opting to miss out on the EB bonus, which is a personal choice at that point.
  5. Nice! Thank you for your submission. I have an entry incentive for you if you'd like, just send me an in game email to: @It's Amra
  6. u wot m8? Not sure where that came from, but the great part about mids builds is you don't have to follow them to the T as we all have our own preferences and priorities! 😄
  7. Hello Everyone! Just wanted to provide a small update on things here. I hope this has brought a new way to help you measure your characters to establish your own personal expectations. I'm available in discord more than in game these days if you ever need to reach me. 397966501182832641 is my discord User ID and @It's Amra is my in game global, feel free to ping me to chat or if there's any questions you may have. We have reached an end to our initial incentive, however, I wanted to extend additional entry incentives (mystery amount) based off recent donations for as long as they last. I hope to see more entries as time goes on, thank you for your support! -Amra
  8. That sounds like a pretty fun combo! I might have to try it out. Thanks for the submission!
  9. If you wouldn't mind sharing the builds you ran this with, I'd be interested to see what your slotting choices were like.
  10. Will definitely take this into consideration. At the very least, the requirement for builds does carry a lot of weight. Thanks for the feedback!
  11. There are pylons in the wild that do hit back if you want to get hit back lol
  12. Thanks for the submission! I would recommend using the pylons that are on the side of the vanguard building (there are 3 and most people will leave you alone during testing) so they don't attack you back. This also opens up room to use ageless for recharge on the pylon for max uptime. I'll get the info updated as soon as I can 🙂
  13. Hey there again everyone! There will be an offering of 200 million inf per entry for the first 20 unique submissions to help get the word out about this thread. You may submit as many entries as you'd like, but may only claim this offer a maximum of 5 times per person. Thank you, -Amra
  14. Hello all, @Laucianna, @Ston, and I have been brainstorming together a way to bring the community a reasonable standard to benchmark their characters/builds against others and have landed on 3 points of testing. These are 3 easily accessible methods to see what your build/character is capable of when solo. This is intended to provide a measurable result of what you can do with your character, not what it should do. It doesn't have to be a perfect run, as this is for the soul purpose of showing a history of results from various submissions. You may make as many attempts as you'd like before making a submission. Any "bounties" or "prizes" can be offered by individuals if they desire, though they will not be funded by Original Posters (OPs) unless stated otherwise. If you would like to do so anonymously, I'm happy to help. Please promote HEALTHY conversation in this thread Reasonable suggestions welcome. If there's any questions, please ask them in the thread or PM myself. A FAQ will be created if needed. Viewable Excel File of the benchmark standings: https://1drv.ms/x/c/f38e0e43d6b63423/EZtAG7DqfOpKrYVmUNPcxSIBy7CTUhzCcrQc76ShGJspxQ?e=EhkwBA Pillars of testing 1)DPS - Pylon test 2)Clear Speed - 0x8 Ston Mission 3)Survivability - 4x8 Ston Mission -Ston mission is available on Live & Brainstorm -Mission Title: Clear Speed Test (Page 7)* -AE Mission ID: 61992 (live), 23935 (brainstorm) Here is a sample of an acceptable submission format; As of 8/30/24, you will be encouraged to either include the mids file for your build or a link to where it can be found. Player name or Global: Amra AT: Corr Powers: Fire/Time Pylon Time: 113 Seconds 0x8 Time: 309 Seconds 4x8 Time: 481 Seconds Character Name: Redhot Shylock (Optional) Comment: Rev3 (PreI28) -IF you are unable to complete one of the pillars, it will be marked as DNF. -Other formats will be accepted on a case by case basis. RULES: By submitting results, you agree to an honor code that you will not cheat or use unauthorized resources based on the following rule set. For each submission, all 3 pillars of testing must be done with the same build. *This includes incarnates slotted* Your own powers (Powers that can be picked from Primary/Secondary/Pool powers/Epic/Paragon) are allowed unless listed below. ANY outside assistance will immediately void your run. Alpha, Interface, Destiny, and untoggled Hybrid incarnates are allowed. These selections may not be changed per submission. Additional powers that are allowed: Auto Temps that do not buff Damage or Accuracy. Reveal. ** If not listed above, do not bring it.* No insps. If you are suspected of "cheesing" you will be asked for a VOD showcasing that you used the same build for each pillar. We reserve the right to ask for a VOD to validate your submission. No cheese tactics, you know what we mean. Macros are allowed. Notes: -Recommend making yourself a macro for targeting crey juggernaut for pillar 2 and 3. -There are 3 pylons that don't attack back when you leave the vanguard base through the portal. They are to your left, on the side of the building. -Added build submission encouragement as of 08/30/2024, based on feedback it may become a requirement. "Ratings" are used to track the most efficient runs and can be filtered by AT in the excel file: Top 10% - SS+ 10%-20% - SS 20%-30% - S+ 30%-40% - S 40%-50% -A+ 50%-60% -A 60%-70% - B+ 70%-80% - B 80%-90% - C+ 90%-100% - C
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