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About oddrobin

  • Birthday 02/28/1974

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  1. Are you still in need of helpers? I'd be glad to do what I can.
  2. Hello! I would love to know the global names of all my super group members. Please add that as a column or perhaps replace the Prestige column with Global Name. Thank you!
  3. I hear ya! I decided one day to buckle down and figure out this incarnate stuff and did I ever! I made my own guide from all the notes I took figuring things out. Maybe it will add to all the help people have given you here, maybe it is just another bunch of gobbledygook. Anyway, see what you think about The Need-to-Know Inarnates Reference. It is intimidating, but it really is just crafting. The most interesting thing about the system that I have come to admire is that everything you craft for incarnates you have to earn yourself. There's no buying any of the stuff off the auction house. The one exception is that you can email Empyrean merits to yourself from other characters on the same account. Good luck and please hmu with any thoughts or questions. I'm always happy to help if I can!
  4. I installed a second version of the game a while ago to use just for building, which I forgot about until just a few minutes ago. I loaded that one up, turned down all the graphics settings as far as they will go down, and I can place things in the base without issue. So it probably is just a me problem.
  5. Today I logged into a different character who has an established base, but with no enhancement tables in it. I tried to place an enhancement table and the game crashed.
  6. Wondering if it's just me or is the game crashing when base-building for anyone else? I do not have cel shading turned on. Tonight I started a new SG, I upgraded my plot, added a room, then tried to place an enhancement table. Crash. I logged back in, tried again to place an enhancement table, and crashed. Checked for updates and verified files. Tried a third time, same thing.
  7. Thank you for fixing base drift!!!!! 🥰😍💕💗 And the power tray stuff is fantastic, too.
  8. This is what I consider to be a mid-range budget build for a staff/ice stalker. It's pricey, but not too far out of reach for a decent build. It could probably be better because I haven't studied the numbers closely at all. But, to me, this build is a great balance of badassery and the thrill of risk. The attacks feel powerful, and the fights last just long enough that the effort feels worthwhile but not tedious. I'm sharing it for the love of stalkers and because I hope everyone is having as much fun as I am when I play this character. I don't have placate because, well, I imagine it would take too long for my quick-liking pace to use it. Also, I haven't studied the attack chain combos to maximize anything. My strategy is this: I try to click the powers with an orange ring as soon as I can, and I try to click my Oh, $#!%! powers (Hoarfrost and Icy Bastion) if I think I'm in trouble. If you're stalker-curious, staff/ice is a fun one. Highly recommended. Staff/Ice Mid-Budget - Villain Stalker Build plan made with Mids' Reborn v3.6.6 rev. 3 https://github.com/LoadedCamel/MidsReborn Stalker-Staff-Ice-Mid-Budget.mbd P.S. I made a video of this character in action to show off a little. Battle starts at 1:38:
  9. This is a cool low-key look, for me. I might be a little biased because it's my favorite character, though. Polar Ghost: Staff/Ice Stalker
  10. Also, I would love a defender set with a melee secondary.
  11. I'm desperate for a blaster set as damaging and fun as fire blast feels to me. Maybe an air, gravity or magnetic blast, with knock up and knock down; a returning weapon (as Thor's hammer returns to him); a nuke that condenses a group into a tight bunch until all the life is squeezed out of them or they start crumpling together like crunched aluminum cans, depending on their physical makeup. Yeah, that sounds cool.
  12. Maybe someday we will get the ability to move items along the Y axis without the X and Z axes changing like how we can move things up and down without changing the Y and Z axes.
  13. Global (in game): @GIobal Name Forum Handle: oddrobin Discord Handle (if applicable): @jessica0552 Collaborators (if applicable): n/a Are you the owner or builder? Both If not the owner, do you have the owner’s permission? n/a Owner’s global, if different from above: n/a Builder’s global, if different from above: n/a Base Name: Nibble Nibble Base Code: NIBBLE-27545 Base Shard: Excelsior **Additional information you want us to know: Just a little nibble of a base.
  14. Congrats, @Interrabang! Your art blew me away. It is a wonderful experience! All the exhibits are fantastic. I enjoyed them all. The creativity is undeniable!
  15. Yes, that is 100% the case. The base located at POPTART-27273 is on the Excelsior shard. Thank you for noticing! 😄
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