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  1. KeyProfile Classic UnbindAll UP "+forward$$powexecname Athletic Run" DOWN "+backward$$powexectoggleoff Athletic Run" T "l More XP for me!$$powexecname Confront$$powexecname Taunt$$bind_load_file taunt0.txt" Shift+B "camreset$$maxinactivefps 0" Shift+D "e drink$$afk Refreshing$$g getting a drink" Shift+E "e eat$$afk Yummy$$g grabbing a snack" Shift+M "manage$$afk Checking enhancements . . ." Shift+P "e Cellphone$$afk I gotta take this . . ." Shift+R "powexecname rest$$afk Resting . . ." Shift+U face Shift+Insert bindload enter "afk Listen $name is speaking$$startchat" f12 lfg Level $level $archetype looking for $side stuff It's simple, but so am I. I reccommend having a "bindload" key bind. It is easier then typing /bindload And I love the manage keybind, very handy. I wanted the face keybind to be Shift+F, but that turns on follow. Follow is scary for blasters. BTW, the DOWN arrow shuts off Athletuc Run because sometimes it gets out of sync. Below are the taunt files. taunt0.txt taunt1.txt taunt2.txt taunt3.txt taunt4.txt taunt5.txt taunt6.txt taunt7.txt taunt8.txt taunt9.txt
  2. What's the symbol for comments in the keybinds.txt file? I didn't want to just experiment.
  3. I would like to request 2 mods. 1. Change the taut audio, something like "na-na-na" or "hey you". 2. Colorize the plaques to make them stand out more, and maybe even have different colors for each "history" plaque group.
  4. on the enhancement manage UI, there are buttons to show detailed information about a power. That is awesome. There is a slight hiccup. The recharge shows the same value in the (base) number as the enhanced value. This isn't a big deal, and that value can usually be seen by hovering over the power. You could add it to the growing list of stuff that needs work. Anyway, keep up the good work. If this has already been mentioned or if this is the wrong place for this, sorry.
  5. Sorry, you can't have Mooey Cowliente he's mine.
  6. I just add "Elite" to the front of a name I want that's being used. Works nearly every time.
  7. Ok, it was a LAN cable, same thing. Actually, we love the mod installer, and you're doing a great job. Thanks.
  8. That 'splanes it. Mod Installer is timing-out trying to talk to the mother ship. Michiyo must've tripped over the extension cord.
  9. You know there's: Victory Rebirth Maybe WeHaveCake and ThunderSpy
  10. Did they check if the cord got unplugged? That can happen you know.
  11. This might help too. I use the top number row to attack, the arrow keys to move and the mouse to click things. So I added this macro to my WS: /macro SQ "powexectoggleon dark nova$$goto_tray 7" then I copied the powers down to tray 7. And of course, for the dwarf: /macro LB "powexectoggleon black dwarf$$goto_tray 8" then copied those powers to tray 8. Unfortunately, there is no "human" form to turn on, you turn off the other forms. So I stole this from above: /macro HM "powexec_toggleoff Black Dwarf$$powexec_toggleoff Dark Nova$$goto_tray 3" I also added to trays 7 & 8 a "human" macro. /macro HM "powexectoggleoff dark nova$$goto_tray 3" and of course /macro HM "powexectoggleoff black dwarf$$goto_tray 3" Also, I have "FLY and land" macros. /macro FLY "powexectoggleon dark nova$$autorun 1$$goto_tray 7" and /macro land "powexectoggleoff dark nova$$autorun 0$$goto_tray 3" Switching to the nova tray is a good idea if you get attacked while flying. I also stole the tab key bind from above. SQ = squid, LB = lobster, HM = human
  12. I was on Protector, a lot. Paragon Avenger, Super Fire Dragon, Paragon Comptroller, Tattered Avenger, Umbral Schrumbral (all recreated in Homecoming) Just to name a few. Now, I'm on Indominable, and trying to transfer all my creations.
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