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Posts posted by TheZag

  1. Can we keep this sweet ride after crossing over from Praetoria to primal earth?  I need to chauffeur my friends around with this after I leave.  Or maybe I'll never leave Praetoria but then there wont be any use for it since there are no missions at level 50.  An alternate choice at the tailor would be wonderful.



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  2. Im thinking homecoming and other city of heroes servers wont make much difference for the development of those games.  Unless something changes and homecoming starts an ad campaign,  this is still pretty much a word of mouth game.


    There would be some overlap but generally speaking,  people will usually choose private server or retail server so they are only kinda in competition with each other.

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  3. Consider defense debuff as reverse team accuracy.  You and your team miss less on the effected target.  If you have team accuracy buffs and arent missing to begin with then defense debuff isnt doing anything.


    Now -resistance is a different story.  That makes everyone hit that target for more damage and is great on teams against high HP targets.

  4. If official missions are anything similar to AE then the field for what to display when there is more then 1 thing to do and the field for when u are on the last thing are the same.  Essentially a typo,  but it certainly looks like a bug in that specific case. 

  5. When the council replaced the 5th column back on the retail servers it pretty much felt like it was just the devs trying to move away from the nazi references.  But we just got nazis from space instead of nazis from earth.  Change the name,  slap on a fresh coat of paint and presto,  no more nazis.

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  6. 32 minutes ago, Glacier Peak said:

    Just barely beat the Archetype sub forum.


    I was thinking of making a race to 100k topic a few days ago but general was several hundred ahead so i figured it wouldnt be much of a race.

  7. @Apparition recently discovered a work around for one of the league bugs.  When you cant invite people while in the instance or trial,  make sure teams are full in order and the only team with open slots is the last team of the league.  So if your league has 21 members and invite wont work and you have 7 people on 3 teams,  fill team 1 and 2 with eight players and leave team 3 with 5 players and invite should work again.  Its not ideal,  especially when it leaves the last team with very few members.  But its a workaround and you can move the people back after you invite.

  8. 35 minutes ago, kelika2 said:

    Can you explain what this is?


    Jranger was a person on the original game forums that would post long explanations for why he was against something.  After his posts went largely ignored he started to just reply 'no' instead of a long explanation.  


    Eventually the original devs said you arent allowed to just reply 'no' so people started using /jranger in place of no.  It was used widely enough that they made another rule that you cant use /jranger.


    In this case,  taking a buff that was meant to help an AT solo better and then say it should remain while on a team and get even stronger only needed a comment of no.  Or in this case /jranger.

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  9. I havent made a martial arts since being back.  Thinking about it now,  i havent seen any player use a parricular kick in a long time.  Is this the one where the character does a flip in the air and stabs the enemy with their foot in slow motion before doing another flip back to the ground? 


    And ive certainly seen council bosses do something similar to this.

  10. I was gonna say lets get PeregrineFalcon in here to drop a jranger gif but i see he already has.


    Vigilence didnt use to exist and it was meant to give defenders a damage boost so they could solo a little easier.  Not so they could have +30% damage at all times and up to 21% more while on a team.

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