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Posts posted by TheZag

  1. 10 minutes ago, Supertanker said:


    I mean, the level 49 character would still be there, just with a generic name (if someone took it.) They just have to think up a new name, which I don't see as a huge deal. Renaming is free and easy.


    Exactly.  Alot of these replies make it sound like freeing up the name is also deleting the character.  Back on live it just unlocked the unused character name.  You still had it until someone else used it.  Logging back in would put the character name back in locked status.  If someone used it then you would be prompted to rename the character.


    And if they implemented character names available to each global,  you would be suprised how never you would run into someone with the same name unless they are doing it on purpose.

  2. /netgraph is the command.  A little typo up there.


    The last time i had wierd things happen ingame was when my cpu cooler died.  Thermal throttling had me all confused as the game worked and then throttled and started working again as it cooled.  A software problem is usually to blame,  but dont rule out a hardware issue.

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  3. Im partially to blame for enhancement diversification.  It probably would have happened anyway,  but maybe a few issues later.


    Depending how you feel about enhancement diversification,  either Im sorry or you're welcome.


    Edit:  Back on live there wasnt much interest in fighting hamidon.  I did everything i could to get players interested to battle him,  so much that we made a supergroup called Hamidon Death Squad.  My server, Liberty, wasnt the first to kill hamidon but we were the first to get a 'farmable' kill method.  This all happened shortly before pvp and players with alot of Hami-o's absolutely wrecked everyone else in pvp.  The Dev solution was enhancement diversification.  So you couldnt run 6 Acc/Dam in all your attacks and destroy everyone.  So it probably would have happened eventually anyway but getting lined up with pvp probably made it happen sooner.


    Hope that clears it up.  🙂

    • Confused 1
  4. Ya they arent saying that powerleveling is wrong or get rid of AE.  Just that a player should have the very basic ability to at least be able to reach another zone before a new player (not a new alt) joins a team at lvl 1 or 2 and comes out at lvl 22+.


    Then there they sit with a character in the mid 20s which is just the level range that players say is when they finally get at least a full set of SOs because the enemies are finally fighting back.  But they dont know what an enhancement is or where to get some or what to do with them once they have some.


    So they get frustrated and quit or ask for help.  The community is great with people that ask for help ingame but for those that just quit because they are dying and never asked for help is what this seems intended to address.


    Ive farmed AE as well and powerleveled others and i dont feel this is aimed at reducing or hindering AE.  Just that its the way the OP feels will give new players a chance to acquire some very basic ingame skills before joining their first AE team.

    • Thumbs Up 3
  5. Im on the fence with this one.  Im not sure how much players should be 'forced' to learn while ingame (by forced i mean in an unsolicited popup like twinshot).  And while the player guides and wiki are useful,  they arent the same as having a user manual like came in the original box game.


    If the help menu ingame were to get an overhaul and a way to link a specific page,  it could be much more useful to allow the veteran players to give the new players easy access to the information they need.



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