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Posts posted by TheZag

  1. Its hard to say if the game is bugged or if the map mod is causing a map issue.  You would need to have the same problem without a map mod installed to indicate the bug is with the game.


    We have been running trick or treat pretty hard with a full league in PI for several hours since the event started and 1 time someone said they couldnt see the dots.  It was assumed that because there was 10+ people at each that the clutter of arrows was blocking the view but maybe the dots werent there at all.  Unfortunately we didnt investigate further as our ToT league keeps moving really fast between each event location.

  2. I believe one of the reasons it hasnt been ported over is because phantom army would make it too powerful.  But the main reason people wanted it was for phantom army.  Most likely illusion control wont be directly ported over.  If dominators get something it will probably be heavily modified.

  3. Most other MMOs i played didnt have the ability for a high level character to join a lower level team so they didnt have to balance being over powered.  They would just release a new raid where your current gear wasnt good enough and had an endless cycle of collecting the current gear that was better then your old gear.  They would often increase the level cap during this process as well.  These MMOs are 'growing up' and often excludes under geared characters from participation in high end content.


    In contrast,  City of Heroes is 'growing out'.  New content is being added but all of the 'gear' is obtainable by anyone and not locked behind the top end raid.  And with so many players making characters that can solo the game at +4x8,  there is no nerf that could possibly work at making the game too easy on current content.  


    Cobalt mentioned a new level of challenge is in the works and we will just have to wait till it makes it over to the test server and give it a shot.

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  4. Assuming you are using the homecoming launcher you can click the settings icon on the top right and then click the homecoming tab.  Under extra launch parameters type


    -fullscreen 1


    This is the only setting im aware of and it may just force the borderless window but it might force a normal fullscreen.  Hopefully it works for you.

  5. 9 hours ago, Burk said:

    I don't think wall vs door matters, but if everyone has done it. Of course I could probably count the number of times that has happened on one hand.


    I can count the number of times its happened for me on zero hands.


    Ive been able to personally skip the baf cutscene trigger.  But the robots dont spawn until after the scene has been triggered.

  6. Same thing happened to us last night.  Im thinking hes supposed to pull a Castillo and teleport away so he becomes an invalid target.  But like a true villian, he cheats and continues combat.

  7. Hard mode - call it 'Challenge Mode' instead.


    Edit : or 'Incarnate Challenge Mode' as i realize a setting called challenge mode under challenge settings might be slightly confusing as to what it does.

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  8. I was is Neutropolis doing the great escape event and i was doing the defeat ghouls path.  In the underground section at the first large door where you need to defeat 30 ghouls to proceed,  i got stuck inside that large door.


    Clicking before 30 kills results in a 'you cannot enter' popup.  However, a low health ghoul was running away and opened that door to escape.  I tried to follow it but was still correctly denied access and was now standing inside the space that the door will occupy when closed.


    The door did close on me and i was stuck.  I could still fire at the ghouls and they could still attack me but i couldnt move.  I ultimately died and failed the event and it only occured to me later to try /stuck so i dont know if that would have even freed me. 


    Its not exactly something i want to try to replicate again since the event is on a 1 hour timer.  But if the ghouls could be prevented from opening the door while its locked would be great.

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