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Posts posted by TheZag

  1. You can select hero/villian when creating a character if you skip the tutorial.  For tutorials choose outbreak to become a hero and breakout to become a villain.  Galaxy city allows you to choose hero/villain during the tutorial.  Choosing Going Rogue makes you a praetorian - i recommend not doing this for your first character.


    Also characters can change alignment after they are created through ingame missions or an ingame npc inside pocket d.

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  2. Just 1 more and 2 more slots means just 1 and 2 more set bonuses.  I have characters that needed just 1 more slot for their build and im not for any additional slots.


    I was upset with the early nerfs that changed our super heroes into just heroes.  Then sets and set bonuses were added and we could be super again with some effort.


    Now with incarnate abilities available to everyone its even easier.  And plain old xp unlocks all of the incarnate slots.


    Players are plenty powerful now and if there is content coming thats difficult for +3 incarnates then i welcome it.  Because if 'difficult' means controllers hold a boss and support sets actually get used and everything isnt an AoE faceroll then it means the devs are making new flavors of candy.  Not the same flavor repackaged over and over. 

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  3. I think some npc costume pieces remain npc only for several reasons.  Sometimes they are busy doing other things and havent gotten around to it.  Some costume pieces dont work like they appear to work,  i think the sybil robes are a belt. Some npc are meant to keep their unique looks - tyrant for a signature npc and the freakshow for an enemy group are examples.  I do expect there will be more costume pieces released in the future but i expect some pieces will always be npc exclusive.

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  4. If it was something like adding stars to a player that only you could see.  So not that you add it yourself but if there was an extra box in edit note that gave you like 20 characters of 'display note'. 


    Then anyone could have whatever short title in addition to the stars that nobody else can see.


    I could be '2 star TheZag - dies alot' to 1 person and '5 star TheZag - uber leetsauce' to someone else. 


    Not that i would use it,  since i dont even use the note or star system.  But maybe its easy enough to add in for people that would make use of it.

  5. Right click them and choose edit note.  Then u can give them a rating of 1-5 stars.  Several players i know use the stars to identify players since all their alts get the same star rating.  Checking the note also shows their global name as well as all of their alts that you have seen.


    1 star - trash attitude player, dont team with this person.


    2 star - neutral team experience, would team again.


    3 star - good team experience


    4 star - good non SG friends


    5 star - all the SG


    Then anyone you see with 5 stars you will know they are in your SG but just on an alt.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. Theres certainly a server population component involved in how many are asking for farms.  In my short periods on excel in support of a friends event,  the chat is flying by and i cant wait to get back on to torch.


    I wouldnt have an official channel made though.  LFG is for exactly that.  Even when its not a group im trying to join.

    • Thanks 2
  7. An xl8's costume wishlist thread would work great and just edit as you add more.  I would be able to look them over more quickly at least.


    And i dont disagree with a pattern option that is a 50/50 over/under on compatible boot designs.

  8. 53 minutes ago, Apparition said:

    This has been an issue since CoV beta in summer 2005.  I don't expect it to get resolved soon, if ever, as it's a sixteen year-old issue at this point.


    In just a few years this bug will be old enough to drink.

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    • Haha 1
  9. As others have stated,  if the hunt mission doesnt specify a zone, then you can complete it while inside a mission.  The problem comes from the hunt missions that immediately start a door mission without having you return to contact.  This attempts to generate a mission door inside the current map,  which leaves you stranded when you attempt the mission later.


    Id suggest a 're-generate mission door' be added to the game along side the autocomplete option,  but i dont know if thats even possible with the games code.

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