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Posts posted by TheZag

  1. I would like it to be more random but the way it works now,  you are more often seeing costume parts from the categories with very few costume parts.  The different monster head categories are just as likely to be chosen through random as hats, full helm, half helm,  and all the other head categories.  Meaning about half the time you end up seeing a monster head since they all have their own category and the hundreds of other heads are rarely seen.


    Random should mostly be for inspiration but having random from the total of costume choices and not from the total of costume categories would be nice.  I can say when it plops a monster head on there,  im inspired to hit the random button again.



  2. 29 minutes ago, alphamax said:

    Sorry naive question: it looks like the HC launcher can only run 1 instance at time - how do you run 2+ instances to run with your own alts on the same computer?


    Go into options on the launcher and turn 'allow multiple instances' on.  Then fire up the game again like you would normally.  You have to run a second account,  not the same account twice.

  3. Is your UI scale set to something other then 100% ?  With large monitors and high resolutions,  people tend to make the UI larger and then the badge names ghost out like that.  I set my UI scale to 125% and have this same problem but it works fine at 100%.  Of course i dont want a tiny UI so i deal with the badge names being faded.

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  4. BP used to be bugged to ignore level differences so they were doing damage to a lvl 54 as if they were lvl 54 and their AoE was capped at 255 targets so it gave them a massive damage advantage.  This has been fixed so now they are only the highest damage by a small amount but still the highest (last i checked anyway).


    That said,  i like longbow because that mech looks awesome and comes with a -500% regen attack. 


    Just need them to add PPD so i can have a giant blue mech also.  Or let me change my robots MM to giant mechs.

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  5. If its a product of perfect timing then probably nothing to worry about.   But if there is a setup that makes the result repeatable then there may be a problem.


    Even so,  an extremely low level character SKd to 49 can barely do anything to an enemy so i doubt there would be any exploits.


    Did u maintain lvl 49 through a loading screen while solo?

  6. 10 hours ago, Boudicia.Dark said:

    I saved my windows, it still happens (only my inspiration tray) but only on SOME maps, seems like maybe older maps only?

    Just hit load windows then and they should go back to the correct place at least.  Mine used to move around but dont anymore.  Maybe because i loaded it on every character so there is no conflicting setups.


    Edit:  Now that i think about it,  you probably have to save then load windows to overwrite whatever is on that character anyway.  Just save wont do it.

  7. But as far as getting the badge is concerned, ive found it much more difficult to get it now compared to the previous event.  Ive seen the message several times but only 3 times was i not doing something else and only 1 time did i actually make it before construction finished.  I used to make a GM team every week and include the paladin if the league grew large enough but i havent for the past 2 months i think (need to get back on that).


    Im curious if there is data for how often the badge was getting earned before and after the event was reverted.  But overall im not too concerned about the current event since they said its temporary while they rework it.

  8. You (or your team) need to do 10% of the damage inflicted to a GM to get rewarded for the kill.  The GMs have a level but its hidden and i believe Kraken is level 16.  If you are lower level then the GM,  you will deal damage as if you are 1 level higher then the monster.  so if you are lvl 10,  your attacks would damage as if you are level 17.  If you are higher level then your attacks hit as if you are the same level as the monster.  So being lower level then the GM means you actually do more damage but for someone to exemplar down usually means they lose access to so many abilities that it isnt worth it.

  9. I had ambrosia not drop once and i blamed it on skipping the monster quarry.  I turned around and killed the monster and had ambrosia drop after that. 


    Of course i have a sample size of 1,  so my results might not be reliable.


    I was running as a lvl 50 at -1 and we still get the occadsional EoE drop.

  10. You also need to convince the current team that the rule, made by a team from a canceled game with no connection to the new team, is a rule that should be followed when the old team said they would break the rule if needed.


    There was a fairly lengthy discussion about it.  I prefer to think of it as the cottage advice instead of the cottage rule.


    And that idea about force field having some DDR sounds like something that could give the set a nice facelift.

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  11. If you are using the homecoming launcher,  click the gear icon on the top right for settings then click the homecoming tab on the left of the settings window.  In the box 'extra launch parameters'  type in 


    -maxinactivefps 15


    This will run the inactive screen at 15 frames and help with some of the lag.  You can go lower then 15 but if you go really low then the second character will start to skip around instead of animating smoothly.  Also whenever you switch what screen is active it will automatically switch which one is running at full frames and 15 frames.

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  12. I have a titan weapons scrapper and fly is my movement power of choice but arc of destruction isnt usable while flying.  I totally understand that it uses the weapon striking the ground to do its damage so im proposing that arc of destruction works like foot stomp from super strength.


    Foot stomp is not usable while in the air but when flying close to the ground you can still stomp the ground.  My super strength brute also uses fly and flying close to the ground for a foot stomp is totally acceptable.


    Which is why when im on my scrapper,  (usually during a MSR) flying from pylon to pylon and then between groups of rikti that i keep wondering why arc of destruction requires my feet to be physically on the ground and not just flying close to the ground to work.

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  13. Id like if the info terminal gave as much info as possible.  Everything that gets tracked per character would be great to access ingame.  Like if a character has done the weekly TF,  the cooldown remaining on your catalyst token,  how many times you have visited more then just the atlas statue,  how many times having completed each TF.  Anything and everything,  give me more stats.

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  14. Seems very similar to an employer not telling a customer if the employee they complained about got punished or not.


    If they did reveal punishments,  you can be sure that many of those that filed the original complaints would complain again that the punishments werent harsh enough or didnt satisfy them.

    • Thumbs Up 4
  15. I wonder if its related at all to when we had several thousand 'guests' come to the website in a small window of time.  Still have alot more guests now then before that event.  Is there a website 'restart button' ?  Be able to clear out everyone for 1 minute and the actual humans can log back on.

  16. 18 hours ago, hejtmane said:

    My problem is no longer play secondaries without a taunt aura since issue13


    I thought i read somewhere that going forward, no new scrapper secondaries will have a taunt aura so start to think of it as a tank/brute thing or plan to only use the sets that already have it.

  17. While im still against an insta 50,  i could maybe tolerate the idea if it were purchasable with a non tradeable currency such as reward merits or emp merits and was expensive enough to not be used very often like 5k reward merits.  The player would have to make a choice how to spend their currency instead of just farm a few billion inf.  But even with all that,  im still against an insta 50.

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