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Everything posted by cotesan

  1. I’m not into mods but do think this powerset could be improved on. Thanks for your reply though
  2. Hey all, Been trying out a savage melee scrapper, it just falls flat. The sound effects for one thing. there should be tearing and ripping sounds. It should sound savage. the attacks themselves are eh. A few ok things but the render attack especially is pretty lame. its got so much potential and think it deserves some loving’ imo. thanks for all your work.
  3. Few suggestions.. Considering the rarity of PA, the cost is extremely high. Also, maybe reward units of PA for each badge collected? Also make this retroactive.
  4. Greetings all, I noticed a bug when chosing inherent parkour or blitz for travel only, the animation doesn’t stop when disabling the travel power and you end up walking around very oddly :)) can I get my badge ? Please.
  5. Why not have the costums give an auto-placate effect to that faction.
  6. I like playing my toon, so now he is vet 170.
  7. It’s great that we can play how we each like, however unlockable items are a great incentive for people to team, play etc. again you can choose to pl or not. It’s win win. I do miss the old days of this game, pre p2w.. cape missions and respecs etc they had people playing and earning items. It made it fun and rewarding. you like door sitting? Wonderful. you want to get addons and bonus content, great. All choice.
  8. Absolutely agree. Play your character, earn some things by playing.. imagine that?? not into the everyone gets a trophy culture.
  9. I’m looking for a new sg that does missions, tf’s etc inclusive teaming My current one has great people, great base but they just pl each other and no real teaming.
  10. Thank you for the inspiration to add a second suggestion for the mods here. Can we have more help with the troll situation here? It will keep players from wanting to add potentially valuable ideas and share with the community. I am now unsubscribing.
  11. Have you actually read the replies? whether or not you agree is not something I’m concerned with. I am posting in a suggestion forum.
  12. Another suggestion is Thank you for that info. You have proven my point.
  13. Thank you for not being 5 years old with your reply and explanation. I absolutely do not mean to change what is working today and what has been status quo. It’s more about just having some payoff, if not additional unlockable costume pieces perhaphs extra enhancement slots, colored text, having temp powers to perm, added pets..some kind of true incentive to encourage more teaming and community, not to mention recognition for the dedication to content and character development. Thank you again for your reply.
  14. Im giving a suggestion. You don’t have to agree. Yay.
  15. My suggestion is to help give people reason for badging. Maybe have unlockable powers ( yes I know the accolade ones but something else). maybe new costume pieces. maybe an icon or something on character name in game (gold text?) nothing against powerlevelers, but those of us who enjoy and work our characters through content should be given incentive.
  16. Not even close to as good as it gets, at least for me. I play primarily doms. It’s all endgame imo. But its also skill. Meaning by the time I got more powerful I also learned how to play a dom. They are very unique and not for the instant gratification crowd.
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