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Everything posted by CaptA

  1. South end of Skyway - just southeast of the train station. Coordinates are in the chat box. There is a gap between the top of the building and the lower roof.
  2. Also a good method. I don't have multiple accounts, however.
  3. I craft and store enhancements as well. People seem to grind for inf and sell their good recipes and buy everything later and it baffles me. Make it, store it, and use it. Usually I am buying very few enhancements when I am building out a 50. I've had people tell me they "don't have time to craft'. Lol it's 10 minutes at the end of a play session. So odd.
  4. This is why I build bases and store a decent amount of salvage so I almost never need to buy it.
  5. I'll have to add mine in.
  6. I hardly ever even use the button in the entrance room anymore! Also, /editbase 0 exits the base editing mode. Both commands are very handy,
  7. My main base is a mansion near Galaxy City. Another is a magically-protected nature preserve outside of the city. Another is underneath collapsed buildings in Boomtown. Finally, another is "Newport City", a part of a city just south of Founder's Falls. They are where you want them to be.
  8. Founder's Falls is my favorite zone as far as desirable place to live. Second choice is probably Talos Island.
  9. I'd be happy to show you my obstacle course on Excelsior. I'll be on tonight. My handle is @Dr. Feedback.
  10. MSR is great for the merits, but man is it a dull run. If it was about half as long I'd be more interested in doing runs more often.
  11. A lot of the ones I tend to use are listed in other responses, but the one I tend to find a way to fit in on most of my builds is Aegis: Psionic/Status Resistance. I didn't see anyone else list it here.
  12. As someone that has enjoyed going up high on Atlas Park buildings and kicking Hellions off the roof just to see them jump up after falling 30 stories and running off, I really don't think anyone is dying in this game.
  13. Road sections of different widths. 1 lane, 2 lanes, and 4 lanes. Both marked with yellow lines and blank. Also have some end pieces where there would be a stop sign/light. They don't have to be super thick but would prefer they be solid on both sides. In fact, the unmarked roads could just be the back side of the marked ones.
  14. So I'm not particularly interested because I am just finishing a three-month base project, but I am interested in what the going rate is on the sort of thing? I've seen requests like this before and wonder what people pay.
  15. You did come in already before the buildings were there I think. You like how I did my sidewalks.
  16. So I am about 96% done with this base. It's called Newport City which is just south of Founders Falls. I apologize for the pic since it's dark and lacks detail. It's just to give you an idea of the scope. It's a part of the larger Newport City. Most of the "useful" stuff in a base (storage, teleporters, crafting) are located underground and can be accessed via the Mansion (secret entrance in the first floor closet), Apex Shipping, or the Gentech Lab. The rest is mostly decorative. This is an old settlement that was built at about the same time as Founders Falls was, but of course since there have been updates. The row of large homes on the outer walls are where some of the wealthier citizens of Paragon City live. The sg that this base goes with will only be mutants. The leader owns the mansion and the Gentech corp that does primary research on genetic mutations. His research has to do with making it easier to live with mutations and help the mutant community. This is the culmination of about 3 months of work and figure I still need several more hours at least. I still have some details to add like streetlights and cars and more NPCs. I am dreading the idea of putting lines in the streets. Total items is just shy of 13,000. Feel free to take a look. It's on Excelsior and the code is GIANTS-18986. I've already cursed @Dacy for giving me the idea to do a city from one of her vids. This will be the first and last lol. I'm @Dr. Feedback in game if anyone wants a tour. Curious to hear any feedback.
  17. I ONLY respec in my base. Don't recall ever having an issue.
  18. Ok, thanks. I think I've not see them like this because I've not used them yet. Probably due to the size.
  19. What are those purple lights?
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