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  1. Sorry to ask this because I have not played Fire Blast before but the description for Blazing Blast does not talk about a repel effect so was it changed from the KB and repel? From Mids Reborn that is where I am getting the description.
  2. In my opinion players especially new players should be made aware of the shortfall in your build because they might not be savvy enough to understand it and will not perhaps perform as they wish. When you place a build like this on the forums others may follow it so it is important to point out what can be improved and it should not irritate you because it only helps others. I understand that you wanted to share a build but it may not be what others want and why it performs below what a player might want coming to this game looking for a build is also important.
  3. In a way I am glad for the new Cupid's Crush it has some global recharge on it. As for making my own builds I don't have the wherewithal to make my own which is why I spend a ginormous amount of time looking at builds for any AT I want to play and I spend my time combing through them. I was a bit of a drama queen saying it depressed me but it's just that I was struck by it since it wasn't just one like the steadfast, performance shifter or the panacea people put in. Before the proc rage it was something else. I do notice some folk only proc out one attack. I guess I was merely talking about diversity and that seems to be something you need to be willing to do yourself. I am not even talking about doing 4* content which I am not sure I will ever qualify for at this stage of my gaming life. I love story arcs and I enjoy being able to do them and read slowly and enjoy the dialogue and read all the captions. Something I cannot do in groups. While I adore grouping I am mostly building to do story arcs. I do this even in games like Grim Dawn where I read the dialogue even when I have run through it with my 19th toon. It still tickles me to read Darius Cronley's little speech each time about his plans for Bourbon. So may be this meta is something I can work around. I do recall before the sets came into the game people would put recharge on their powers. Especially the pets that were on long recharge and was the standard then. I know every game has something like this having started with Everquest in 1999 I am well aware of what the meta is and how important it is to a game's popularity. People work towards a meta it is part of the magic of reaching a goal. I need to understand every game has their own way of expressing it. Thank you for the responses it did make me think about the importance of choice.
  4. Right now for me at 26 the soloing is bad because my endurance drains very quickly. Once I get myself slotted well it should better. I only grouped from level 1-26 so didn't really know the pain of the endurance. Just started soloing after that. Most of my powers use a lot of end plus running so many toggles is quite draining. All this can be fixed with some good sets. Am using generic right now with Cupid's Crush as my only set. I suppose it will get better but it is most fun to play in a group with endurance recovery buffs. Edit: I three slotted the stamina so my end issue was solved but unfortunately the attacks I have are mainly cone and aoe so the ST damage is very poor. I was struggling in a fight with orange boss mobs. For now this seems to be a group toon , which is fine. I'll just do the story arcs with the other zillion toons I have and keep this one for grouping.
  5. I am 18 so just 6 more levels to go. Should be good. Then I will dance at 24 and solo some arcs and see how it plays.
  6. Clever . Okay that will work thanks. I made my new toon but wow struggling to do missions. I will group till 24. I am level 8. After 24 can I solo mission or story arcs with no EBs at -1?
  7. Yeah on Live hasten was a must 3 slotted I think it was. I know the meta and playing the optimal way requires this. You're right too about the type of powers being instrumental on this too. I'll rummage around the builds and see where this is different.
  8. I see so many builds with 5 Luck of the Gambler for the recharge. This makes it 37.5% recharge which seems essential. Everyone plays like this I guess but it depresses me to see every build I check having this as a standard. No point in this thread except to see if you all play like this too or this is your ideal build.
  9. True, forgot about the extra builds. You have to buy all the enhancements sets for the other builds. Well no that is beyond my budget and quite difficult for me. So I must decide which build to use.
  10. How well are you soloing on this build? I like to do flashbacks and do the story arcs a lot so I need to solo them a lot. Do you think that the Crab and Bane are mainly for groups. I do group but doing story arcs are my favourite content. It would be hard for me not to be able to at least +1 the story arcs. I enjoy TFs too. I tend to do at least one daily. Been thinking of rolling either a Crab or Bane for some time as I have never played one even on live. Is this build viable for what I want to do?
  11. I will look into doing that. It won't fix it for the team right, they will hear that very loud sounds as unmodded.
  12. I am trying out a Beam Rifle/Stone build now. Wah the sounds that make is so loud. I was taken aback when I first heard it.
  13. Look I'm not putting them down or anything. I mean we all play to have fun. Playing meta builds can be a blast and so much fun to do well when you have put in the effort but just saying it is not for me. I am not being jealous and upset about it. I am just saying people do comment when they see two sentinels in the group 'have sentinels suddenly become good ' or why is everyone rolling sentinels' (DFB group). It is just a thing people do like the guy who was leading Posi 1 , I asked how the Crab AT was and he said it is bad at lower levels and hasn't improved much but he was exemplaring down from 50 so obviously he liked it enough to take to 50. Sometimes I think people say what is expected. Fine because life is short and there are a 1000 slots . I mean play what you enjoy and that includes doing 4 star content.
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