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Ahhh, that's just what is known as "the miracle of life" is all. 🙂 Sorry I missed all the farm fun GL & Company...
Ok, I thought about this for a long time, but after the comments' made by @Arisara, I figured I would share something quite personal... And that is about how I almost quit CoH and how GL saved me from doing so... You see I, like so many of us here, store what money I have in our Emails. Well, a long time ago, I looked at my Email to get some money for some IO's, and low and behold, I saw that ALL of my money was no longer there. And when I say all, I mean over 500-700 mil (if I am remembering correctly). So I checked all of my characters (all 100+ of them) to see if it was on any of them... nope, it wasn't. Totally confused and quite distraught, I contacted support to see if they could A) find out what happened, B) find out where it was (I think), and C) see if they could reimburse me for my loss, if it was in fact lost to the wind. Well, they replied saying negative to all three things, so I was totally angry and devastated by this incredible loss. For while such a sum of money might not be that big or even a big of deal to many of you, to me it amounted to nearly a year of accumulation and, well loss. I am generally a "casual" player by most standards due to RL and medical concerns, and to lose such a amount of money was something beyond... heartbreaking. And yeah, it might have been "pilot error" on my part of course, though I had been told by several people that sometimes this Email snaffu was a bug that hit occasionally. So I decided I was going to quit the game, and having contacted GL (and the SG) I explained the situation with near tears, telling her goodbye. Well all of a sudden, GL says to look in my Email, and much to my shock, GL had replaced ALL of the money I had lost, with some extra too. I was... shocked beyond belief, and talking to GL she said that she had indeed sent me the money as she did not want me to quit the game, or leave this great SG & people. I was... well, words still fail me on what I felt/was feeling, and I thanked her of course. But long story short (too late I know), GL saved me. In truth, CoH IS just a game, but to many of us it is much more than that, with the connections we make with the people who play it. As such, what happens in it can and often times does affect us in a very real life way. GL did NOT have to do this... but she did, in a heartbeat, with no thought for her own self. She "saved" me from leaving this great game of ours, all the friends I have made in it, and this great community. SHE did this, and I love her for it, as many of us love her as well. GL has one of the biggest hearts I have ever known, in game life and real life, and she does so much for ALL of us out of the goodness of her heart. Yes, she is Human, and not perfect, with all the baggage and mistakes that exists in our species. But she does so much for this game, and for us all... whether we see it or not. And if she wasn't here, or didn't have such a great, bright, and loving heart & soul, this game... all of us would be lesser for it... period. And fyi, I do NOT worship GL as some do in the game... I only did that for my wife, who has long since... passed, and the Lord. So @Arisara, I ask only this... please lighten up, let go of the possible "anger" you may be feeling, look in the mirror, and know that GL is not perfect any more then you are. She is... Human. But with a heart and soul of gold only real care and love can bring. So yeah, that's my story. Sorry if it was long, and possibly detracted slightly from this thread, but I felt it needed to be said. As Wispur said, she is incredibly busy in the game, giving & leading all the things we do event wise (Hey GL, again, will you please, please take a breath occasionally lol), and she... like all the Dev's here... does this on her own free time. And no, she never asked for this "fame" you speak of. It was only developed by US, because of how much she does for US, not herself. Out of love, for us, and even you @Arisara. May we all be so blessed to be like her in this way. For when it is all said and done, at the end of our lives, there is only ONE question that matters, and that is... How MUCH have we loved...
Quoted for truth! Well said Wispur, well said... 🙂
Ok, how's this.... Next week's theme is "Punk"... Early enough for ya? 😁
Homecoming Server Update (January 7th): Victory is Ours!
BjorJlen replied to Widower's topic in Announcements
I would have to say... yes... 🙂 However, I would also say it is a Victory for Homecoming as well... 😁 -
Oooo, I can't believe I missed this thread... 🙂 Hi y'all! I too used to play on FreeDum, and was there since I4 I do believe, and only left in 08' due to health reason. My "main" main was a character named T'rel (Dm/Inv Scrapper), though I had other ones named Ire Isotope (Fire/Rad Troller?), and the Blue Max (another DM character, and super speedster heh). And I was also a member of the great SG named The Conglomerate. We did everything in game, like Hami runs, Base Raids, Zone PvP (RV was so much fun back in the day), GM hunting, and holding very large Costume Contests as well (to name but a few things). While my memory is a bit shot now, I do remember... Kooky Monster Rose (well, everyone seemed to know Rose, so that's not a surprise... 😄) The Babes of War (I think) The Girls of Nukem High (though I might be mixing todays time with back then heh) And one of my best friends in the game was a person by the name of TIGRIX (a Claw/Regen scrapper). She always crashed in game unfortunately now and then, but that was because she used a old laptop to play the game on (I think). Ohhh, and I should mention that my main, T'rel, was noted as generally being the 2nd toughest Dm/Inv Scrapper on the server, only really outmatched by a lady on the forums (who was well known) that also played a Dm/Inv Scrapper. I always wanted to hook up and team with her, but our play times never seemed to match up sadly. Freedom was a great server, with all you great people playing it (and more), and I loved being there and joining you all in the joy that is CoH on Freedom. 🙂 You all rocked back then, and still do I am sure, and while I may not remember most anything about our great times with you all for the most part, maybe we did team up after all? 🙂 Either way, keep on rockin and representing the best that gamers can be, in the best game ever. P.S: The pic is of T'rel, and except for a few additions nowadays, his look was fairly the same back then.
Homecoming Server Update (January 7th): Victory is Ours!
BjorJlen replied to Widower's topic in Announcements
Imo, thank goodness for that. I played live back in the day, and while I knew it was there, I felt it was too insecure to use at all. And of course with how we can all "surf the web" with ease nowadays, we don't need something like integrated into CoH and/or HC. So I for one am glad it was taken out of the game (code?)... 🙂 -
Homecoming Server Update (January 7th): Victory is Ours!
BjorJlen replied to Widower's topic in Announcements
Welcome to HC, Victory! Long may you serve... 🙂 Now as far as the "combining shards/servers" thing goes, I too am one who is in the middle about this, and can see both side fairly equally (from a non Dev point of view of course). Yes, it would be good to combine two or maybe more of the lowest Pop servers into one (not including Victory of course, as, well... it has just arrived and all 🙂), if only to increase the population in the newly formed server. After all, they basically all are the same, game play and content speaking and all... However, just speaking for myself... I think going to a very low server and playing "if" you've had a hard day at work (or whatever) and just don't want to deal with people atm, can be and is a good thing as well. Sometimes one just wants to chill, do a mish or two, without having to "ignore" people can be relaxing all on it's own. Heck, just going to a zone and "feeling" like your the only one there playing, can feel freeing all on it's own at times, ya know? Plus, these very hard working people who run and manage the game (yes, including @Michiyo for those not in the know), have lives too outside of the game, not to mention other things on the "to do" list in Homecoming. So I am sure that "merging servers" is way down on their list, and for good reasons too (some of which may not be so obvious to us). So what is my take on this finally? Be thankful for what we got, be happy to still be playing a game we all love so much, and give thanks for all the folks who have and are working so hard... even those we do not know about per say... that continue to give us the great blessing that CoH actually is in these crazy days and times we find ourselves in. Because quite frankly, it could be worse, believe you, me. So love ya all my fellow gamers & Dev's, and as always... Peace... P.S: @Michiyo, I just wanted to thank you too for such a great tool as the CoHModding tool. It's a fantastic addition to the game, and I for one appreciate you, your hard work, and it's creation (as do others too). 🙂 -
I told you... Tracking Device! 😏 No one needs no stinking Locator Spell anymore to find you all now (how else do you think some of us find you so gosh darn fast, hmmm?) lol... (Man, no one listens to me anymore... <em walks away sadly, shaking his head>) 😝
Just a little hint here... The reason why we can find you all so easily, is because unbeknownst to you, some of our oldest players put tracking devices on you years ago... 😁 Oops... Did I ruin the surprise? 😬 Sorry, my bad'z... ☹️ Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night... 🙂
If I may ask, what's not to like about this idea? Hide & Seek has been played in the game for years now, by some very cool generous players, and nothing has been "bad" about it as far as I could see. It's also another way for our GREAT community to come together and share laughs, have fun, and support one another. So again, what's not to like about doing this? Isn't GM's like @Arcanum people to, and a part of the community here? I be so confused... 🤔
You win, and all expenses round trip to the CARIBBEAN ISLANDS for you and one loved one of your choice!!! (Of course, you gotta come back, so... yeah... 😛 )
Yes they are @Glacier Peak. Unless something has changed, I believe most, if not all, CC Pics are posted there... 🙂
Hihi... 🙂 Please excuse me if this has already been suggested, but "I" would like to suggest a new Rikti Badge, if it is at all possible. Specifically, one that you can get by doing a Mother Ship Raid, AND being transformed into a Rikti Monkey when hitting the Secondary Mutation button when you are actually IN the Bowl (or outskirts of the ship... Ala Tankers doing their job pulling Rikti into the Bowl), fighting Rikti. I have seen this happen to others, and it has even happened to me once or twice before, and it was always funny. 🙂 It would be cool though if one got an actual specific badge for this. 🙂 Thank you...
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Personally, I think this is a Nemesis plot, but hey... I blame them for everything, so yeah... 😉
Oooo... If Fire Damage actually heals the fires, maybe there should be a Badge for starting them too... 🙂 Or better yet, a competition between those who try and put out the fires Vs those who constantly heal them and prevent them from going out... 😁 Methinks that might be a blast... 😛
How about something completely different? The Giant Monster... Eochai..! "Ok Fir Bolg, I only have two questions for you." "What do you think about how the Great Pumpkin is portrayed in the Movie 'It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!" "You think he sucks and could have been represented better?" "Alright then, what do you think about a giant nearly naked fat man who wears chains to make him look bad named Jack?" "Oh wow, he's a wimp eh?" "Ok, your in!" "Now here, put this Pumpkin over your head like a helmet." "Good..." "Now we set it on fire... Wait, where are you going?" 😛
Excited to Join the Homecoming Community
BjorJlen replied to stevesmith's topic in General Discussion
Yeah, while I myself have never run a MSR (nor ever will lol, but I will help if/when I can), the only real "bug" (if it is that) I have experienced is when upon zoning into the instance, I find myself suddenly shifted to another team. However, two point about this... First, both GL & Maya, who usually run the MSR's I join in on (because they are both friends and are so good at being fearless leaders, as well as Psy too of course), seemingly manage to shuffle people back to the teams that either they were on, and/or place them where they will be of the most use fairly easily and with to many issues as they are very experienced and great leaders in this, even though I can only assume it can be annoying at times. They all do this without complaint, and things continue to run smoothly, and fun is had by all. Heck, some probably don't even notice this team switching issue, which can be both good and bad. 🙂 And second, on a more personal note, the last MSR I was on with GL when this shifting of players on teams happened, for a little bit I myself was moved around to no less than 3 teams as GL fixed the team dynamics, which DID happen. 🙂 However, as I keep track of all teams (usually), and I saw this was happening, I actually found this to be quite enjoyable as I was in the process of "visiting" all the teams as she was fixing things. At the end I was like, "Hey, keep this up please! I wanna make the rounds to every team if possible!" 😁 It actually became a fun little side game to me, trying to guess which team I would end up on lol. So this was absolutely not an issue for me at all, personally speaking. In fact, if you read this GL/Maya/Psy, I volunteer to do this every single time if needed/wanted lol! That was, you can spread the T-Love all around for everyone to either enjoy, or... throw stones at (or Rikti too, cause you, that's just ok by me as well lol). 🙃 So yeah, I do hope this little bug could be fixed, as I am sure some would find this annoying, but for me... so long as I don't DC, I'm good with it for now... 🙂 Now go out, kill Rikti... 😁
I know YOU!!! 😁 Muhahaha!!! 😈
Would you rather pop UNSTOPPABLE or go to the hosp?
BjorJlen replied to Azari's topic in General Discussion
Totally this! I have had very similar experiences with my main, T'rel (Dm/Inv Scrapper here), during live as well. I took Unstoppable as well, and using it in conjunction with Dark Consumption & Dull Pain, even when no Inspirations could be had, made him nigh unkillable (even during PvP at the time). Of course, as others have said, these days who needs the T9 in most cases? Builds can be made to be, well... built so strong that in some instances, taking a T9 would make the character weaker, not stronger. So yeah, during live Unstoppable all the way, but now? Just build your character right and (most importantly), PLAY it right, and you'll be fine and never look back. -
I would suggest that one could be placed in our little RP room with the sofa's so as to build on the atmosphere in there some more; especially if he/she is serving drinks lol... 😛 Also, to update... I just did my 3rd iMSR, and it was quite fun & rewarding as GL said it was, even though we were sorta down the number of Tanks we usually have (It IS Sunday after all 🙂). In addition though, I would be remiss if I didn't point out another plus or two for doing a iMSR instead of the normal one. No Drop Ship and No Rikti Event Invasion!!! From what I was told, the Drop Ship only spawns in after the shields on the mothership snap back on, which is a plus imo, because more than once I have seen the Drop Ship snipe people from the sky in passing (or even on the ground) while going from Pylon to Pylon. And I am positive that is annoying as heck to those sniped out of the sky like a clay pigeon. And not being harrassed by the added might of a Rikti Event Invasion might also be good as well. Figured I would mention these Pro's to doing a iMSR. 😁
This be a great topic GL, the T approves... 😛 That being said, I have done a lot of MSR's in my time, and recently have done two iMSR's, and here are my thoughts. Both are excellent, and GL is fairly spot on about the Pro's of a iMSR. In addition, I have never seen or even heard of anyone at 1st lvl being kicked from any MSR unless they were being a jerk. And that would apply with anyone really I would think. However, I did notice that in a iMSR, the pylon's on the map were not as marked clearly (in size?) then in a regular MSR. Be nice if this was fixed somehow, for those with poorer eyesight and all. Otherwise, a iMSR is totally working good and fine imo, though of course, time will tell with more experience if this holds out to be true in the long run. However, so far it looks good to me... 🙂