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Everything posted by Booper

  1. Can you confirm if your videos are tests from Release Candidate 1, or from Release Candidate 2 that went out about an hour ago?
  2. That's how the power works. Superior Invisibility is the same way. Typically, as you noted, attacking or being hit by a foe will make you visible. However these powers do not use that rule.
  3. No, we were preparing for open beta when we thought there was a window for it in November. But plans changed, December hiatus happened, and I think a couple other things happened that caused us to go to open beta in January, instead. Either way, youll notice a lot of our Patch Notes posts are started days before the actual Patch Notes gets released. Nothing interesting about it, we just don't like doing everything at the last minute.
  4. Thank you for the feedback. In regards to the quoted section, when you play are you using your mouse to select powers, or your keyboard? Personally, I use my keyboard (numpad, specifically), and I set up binds that executes a location AoE on my target. The power still goes on cooldown like normal and shows the countdown. Just a suggestion if it works for you, but I understand if that change is too drastic. It would be nice if macros could be hooked into the power, and the cooldown shows for them. Maybe someday Six can cook up that kind of magic.
  5. They don't. All the posts you see were drafted on that date in preparation for Open Beta, and they were edited over time. When Open Beta dropped, those posts were made public.
  6. It appears the Defender/Corruptor version was missing the regular damage (it was scourging, though). Good find, fixed internally.
  7. The taunt was turned into an auto in build 4, refreshing every 1s. Are you seeing anything odd with the taunt between when the OM is summoned and when it is detonated?
  8. That end cost would clearly be a bug. Please report it in the Beta Bug Reports forum.
  9. All great feedback. Moving this out of the focused feedback, as it is more of a global testing discussion. Feel free to continue here with the suggestions and ideas you have on ways to improve the testing feedback methodology.
  10. Yes, if I recall correctly, damage, heal, knock, and repel break sleep.
  11. You can't actually take Fate Sealed at level 1, it'll become available at level 1 after respec, but you'll still have an assortment of powers you'd be taking along with it. Unless you really want the mez resistance, you can get away with taking it later depending on what your exemplaring play-style dictates.
  12. Not a bad suggestion, and we may consider that in the future. However, we do prefer keeping it a blank canvas so that we don't bias the feedback reporting. It helps us find concerns we may have overlooked, and allows us to consider alternatives or solutions to those concerns. In the mean time, please keep testing the latest build and report any bugs you find/suspect in the Beta Bug Reporting Forums, and keep reporting any test results/findings in this Focused Feedback channel.
  13. Seattle...used to be home of the Seattle Super Sonics...Sonic...Sonic Melee, let's go! That *sounds* awesome.
  14. The taunt is a click power, that ideally will trigger immediately when the pet is summoned, but it may take a few moments to activate. I may tweak it into an auto power that applies the taunt periodically. Hopefully it keeps the attention of the baddies a bit longer
  15. I am mostly wanting to focus on your feedback about the taunt and stun durations. Can you tell me if you saw the taunt not working prior to the explosion? Or did the taunt stop after the explosion? As for the Stun, how long exactly did it last, and did it end before or after the bomb vanished? There is a chance the power is not working as designed, and if that's the case, I'd like to know what potential root causes there could be. But there's also a chance it was merely purple patch that caused the durations to be far shorter than you hoped, especially if you hadn't enhanced them. Might be worth retesting with Stun IOs in the power. If it does not extend the Stun duration, then we know something is wrong, and I might know where to look.
  16. After reading your feedback, I see now you were testing against +4s. Did you factor in the purple patch when it comes tonthe performance of the power? I was unable to open your build from my phone, but I was curious on how you slotted the power. Also, was this testing with Build 3? I believe it was in build 2 or 3 that we increased the base accuracy to help with hitting higher level foes. I take it from the feedback that you did in fact hit quite a bit of the targets.
  17. Yeah, I believe this is a UI bug. The damage and knockdown are now tied to a shared effect group. That effect group has an 8% chance of triggering (checks 5 times per second), however the UI seems to only look at the chance of the damage effect itself, and does not include the effect group chance. So you're getting 151 successful ticks when typically you'll get around 12.
  18. We didn't change that, that has been there from the start. What did change is we implemented a fix to the Cancel on Damage event. Before, it was unreliably canceling. Under the hood, there was an engine bug that prevents the cancel from working most of the time. It would depend on the ordering within the combat tick, so damage could cancel but seemingly random. Recent testing that was requested by Player-1 shows that on Live you would see the Stalker ATO proc get canceled 14% of the time, which for what it's worth is what similar tests showed for Beta. Regardless, we have added a small buff to the Stalker ATO and Placate powers by giving them a small window where they will not cancel via damage. So instead of having an 86% success rate, you'll now have a 100% success rate within those windows.
  19. Can you clarify, is that comment based on the recent changes in Build 3 or from prior testing? There was a fix in this build to Domination, so I want to know where the problem lies.
  20. I never said how we were going to fix it. The point that was raised was how would players be notified if a target is wet or not. That needs to be discussed internally.
  21. Oil Slick Arrow As for a list in the patch notes, that will be provided when it goes Live. For now, we want to test the natural discovery of the mechanic. Most players don't read patch notes, so we want to look at how this mechanic will player with the greater audience. Obviously, we can't get that from beta testers with the answers already provided. Regardless, this bonus effect is just that, a bonus. It is a thematic bonus, where if you are wet and you touch something extremely cold, you will get stuck (folks who have seen Dumb and Dumber or a Christmas Story will be familiar with the scene where the person licks a frozen metal pole). It's there for flavor, it's a minor buff if you can thematically match it with a set that provides "Wet" to a target, but it's minor enough that it does not invalidate the use of other sets with Arsenal Control. Great work Rand0lk!
  22. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/45247-focused-feedback-arsenal-control/?do=findComment&comment=608384
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