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Everything posted by Eiko-chan

  1. This platform exists in Sharkhead Isle. One of the exploration badges for the zone is on it. 🙂
  2. FYI, this map is just an instanced version of the PTS Power Station in northeastern Cap au Diable, right next to the horns of Mount Diable.
  3. I believe the suggestion is that the contact restriction should be removed for all Task/Strike Forces, not just Ouro arcs.
  4. I say this as a redside native, who only got access to blueside when they merged the games back in whatever Issue that was. I came in with City of Villains and was almost exclusively still redside until shutdown: Assuming the figures I've seen in here posted are correct, you probably should expect a 90/10 split between CoV and CoH. That lines up fairly nicely with Bioware's stats for Paragon/Renegade plays in Mass Effect. Generally speaking, only about 10% of the population is really interested in villainy as a pastime to begin with. I suspect, but have no data to back up, that there is a fairly heavy overlap between CoV players and "forever GMs" in TTRPG groups.
  5. Incorrect. Shards were introduced in Issue 20. Freedom was Issue 21. I was actually there, on the live server forums, fighting for access to the Incarnate system for solo players. I know what I'm talking about. I was one of the loudest voices back then.
  6. There is a coastal warehouse in west-central Mercy whose roof is almost always occupied by a dozen or more Snakes.
  7. AFAIK it's always been bound to MMB, though I didn't start playing the game until CoV.
  8. Serves 'em right. Give them a taste of their own medicine.
  9. It's bound to the middle mouse button by default.
  10. Friends?! Ew, gross! Get 'em off, get 'em off!
  11. The Zig was built for super-powered villains - precisely what starting villains are. Being housed in the Zig isn't a matter of how much of a bad-ass you are. It's because you have super-powers; the Zig has power-negating technology that other prisons do not.
  12. Anecdotally, my (now) level 41 Strong/Pretty War Mace/Energy Aura Brute is having no problem with nuCouncil, despite me not having gotten the slots into Power Shield to shore up her Dark Energy defence hole. So these changes don't really seem to be having a huge effect on high-defence builds at all.
  13. At the very least there should be a Crystal version of Granite now that there are Crystal versions of the other Stone Armour powers. Could just steal the DE Quartz model if you don't want to expend too much effort on it.
  14. I believe even a taunt aura can be enough to interrupt many explosions/transformations.
  15. I did actually enable team inspirations after your post. Thank you. 🙂
  16. This is not an answer or acceptable. Do you intend to say that people that have been in the hospital for 6 months aren't allowed to comment on changes? Are you intending to say that people deployed overseas, or any of a plethora of reasons why someone might be away from the game for long periods are incapable of commenting on changes?
  17. This is common of invasion spawns that con even to everyone. There's a toughness jump at level 15 and again at 25 to compensate for the transition from TOs to DOs to SOs, so lowbies with TOs and no slots have a real hard time in invasions, who are balanced against SO values.
  18. I'm not sure what you mean by this. There isn't a single value for EXP rewards. Different enemy groups have always given different EXP values, and Council was the lowest because they sucked. (I haven't actually tracked to see if they're still giving lower EXP than other groups.)
  19. Yeah, well, I wasn't here for the beta testing. I'm here now. It's frankly none of your fucking business why this is the first chance I've had to say something.
  20. One person is nice, but it's not a solid testing pool. This also doesn't find issues in the back half of levelling. Do you often check the 30-50 stuff? Are you the only one doing this? Having a policy of "nothing changes after it goes live" is bad policy. I also don't believe it's the actual policy.
  21. No it is not. The retail devs routinely made changes to things after things went live. It's absolutely ignorant to claim that most game developers do not change things that went live from a beta. HC is a registered LLC that pays its operating costs from player donations. While it is not currently operating on a profit factor, there is nothing preventing them from doing so save possibly the license agreement with NCSoft. Without a playerbase, they would not be able to secure those donations to keep the servers operating.
  22. That is precisely why it's not a realistic expectation. People are going to hop into beta testing at level 50 with Incarnate abilities. They are not going to be testing the levelling experience, which means there will be a lot of issues that get missed until it goes live.
  23. My suggestion and feedback post was quite reasoned. My general post asking where I was supposed to post about it was not. But then some GM came and pasted them together sloppily and now it's a big mess.
  24. If this is true, this is a bad stance to have. The beta is not the live servers. Expecting your player base to expend a lot of time and effort - and levelling - on beta testing is aspirational but grossly unrealistic. But I don't believe this is actually the case.
  25. They come back randomly and at full health. I'm not sure how that's exactly "farmable". 🙂
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