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Everything posted by Redletter

  1. Vanessa is coming for your graphics cards GM Impervium doing their best to stay in character, without crying, and thanking the community Flints complaining about the things they lost in the divorce Brenda and Raymond, bout to cross you the fuck up, skirts or shirts, what team are you on? You know have carteblanche to blame flints, now and forever.
  2. I never really came here, it was way before my time and due to timezones, it was rare i could even go? But a lot of people made meaningful connections here, and Im sad they were sad to see the place go. A lot of the base design though really tickles me. It was a fun night. I got to have a couple of nice character moments with those not participating the date auction, i begin to wonder if another club will pick up the tradition for fun, or, if theyll leave it be for the sake of posterity (posterior-ity? pos-titty-ority?) It was fun seeing TWO gms there though, Impervium especially since theyre the one who always moves my thread to where they need to go! I hope everyone had a good time, both that night, and all the nights before, and maybe, all the nights after.
  3. I regret that my screenshots DIDNT capture the name of the NPCs, id make snide and funny remarks about what they TOTALLY do here, for realsies, at Jokers. They do have a dog tho
  4. I thought this was a meme thread, based on my tendency to curse the 'COWARD DEVS' for pedantic and meaningless things, ironically for a fun laugh over silly things, like moving Castle to the phantom zone and refusing to give us butt capes, or, to port the labaeux thong to HUGE character models. Things that aren't actually pressing problems, things that don't really mean anything? Because it's funny to act really entitled sometimes, especially when you preach to the minor sentiments many people have. But this isn't that, and now I'm sad... DAAAAAAAMN YOU, COOOOOOOWARD DEEEEEVS!!!!
  5. As a sort of small celebration for Symphony Control (my beloved) I give you a character design that, absolutely, is DEFINITELY. NOT. a violation of any copyright or intellectual property held by any company, and any similarities are purely coincidental... just total chance. And, in TOTALLY, completely, LEGALLY unrelated fashion...
  6. I'm exaggerating a bit (as was the joke at the time) but it's pretty ok. Like I said, it's better for helping others in activities where one or two people are holding ALL the aggro. You target them (usually the same person you hit with spirit ward) and enemies who get on them just get stuck in the flames, since tanks don't typically do a lot of active repositioning. Now, maybe *damage* procs arent great on it, but I use it for immobilize and knockdown and -res more than anything, which it does fairly well? It's obviously not a proc monster like something like Caltrops, and if you're applying it to ENEMIES who tend to run around A LOT, you'll see far less results. But it's far from a bad power, Ive always looked at it in the sense that Arcane Bolt is there to support YOUR damage, Ward of Protection is there to support YOUR survivability, Spirit Ward is there to support your FRIENDS, and, therefore, Enflame is there to boost your FRIENDS.
  7. So... you're just actually being antagonistic, right? This reads as being directly antagonistic. Are you... implying that the emps you get from say, a hami raid is something you earn then? What level of effort defines "earning" emp merits? Because those are also a "gift" you get for the completion of content that is almost totally run by people who usualy arent you, and by the very nature of the raid, you only really actually do a third of the effort at any given time (even LESS, statistically speaking, if you're the tank, who fights ONE enemy as opposed to the DPS and MEZ teams that have to fight... I think it's 6 each?). This becomes even less favorable in a margin of effort measurement based on the role youre playing, because if you showed up as melee dps, the effort you specifically put forward has to be divided between the 10 or more other people doing the same thing as you. So, how much effort did you put in as an individual to earn your reward? Because completing the raid gives everyone who so much as PARTICIPATED the rewards (to the point where you can follow along, solo, and still get credit) and, by that merit, the devs are saying ANYBODY in the area who helped deserves the reward, regardless of how much they really did -- or is that a gift? Because it's pretty easy to get through it with such a well organized league of 30+ people, i mean, it's honestly easier than getting a veteran level, since you know, you can run 4 hamis a day and not get one vet level, but still get 4 emp merits, and 160 reward merits (assuming you did it all on 1 toon). So, which is the reward here and which is the gift? It was harder to get the vet level which gives the emp merits, by doing the content that rewards emp merits, in an activity that you don't really need a lot of effort to complete due to the volume of effort required to complete it being divided among a large group... According to Arcane, it takes a whole ten minutes on a TF, so... that's not a whole lot of effort, especially since you're on a team of people who are probably incarnate'd out the ass. So assuming this isn't a disingenuous exaggeration born from the desire to make a passive aggressive jab that wholly misrepresents someone's argument then it raises a lot of questions. Did you earn your merit reward because you participated in a TF that could have been handled by a team that didn't include you at all? Did you earn the right to take part by reaching the prequisite level? Do you earn the end of TF reward by being able to have done the content yourself? By contributing the most? How do we calculate who in fact contributed the most and therefore truly "earned" their reward? Should nobody under level 30 be getting anything for taking part in Mothership Raids? The GAME certainly says they shouldn't be here, as you don't even get the vanguard folks as contacts before that benchmark, so should these people just be barred from participating? Would all of those raid leaders say the same? Should callouts be changed to something more like "Come on down to MSR! But ONLY if you can ACTUALLY help? Like, if you're sub level 30 just don't even bother, please, just go back to DFB or whatever it is you people run, we don't want you here, not that you should even be here anyway, you just haven't been gifted enough participation trophy EXP to earn the right to be gifted vanguard merits"? Lots of questions. MY biggest questions though are why @Dazl is deliberately being actively antagonistic, particularly to @ShardWarrior, over this whole discussion? Who made them an arbiter of what is "earned" by the player, and what is a "gift" the game gives you? Why is this sort of toxicity allowed in their case? Tune in next post, for maybe, something constructive.
  8. Don't bully Enflame, she's cute and multiplies DPS for basically nothing, to the point where I like to have it on defenders who help farmers farm faster. Slot that slut with Knockdown, or Immobilize, or BOTH if you wanna double stuff her like an oreo and watch as hordes turn to extra crispy bacon.
  9. Ok but Rune of Protection IS the PLAINLY best power in the game ever ever and the fact the uptime is ever touched by the devs ever ever means they HATE THIS GAMe, you can tell, the numbers just don't lie. Anyone who loves this game would volunteer their time and effort to make changes I would make, not ones THEY would make. Duh.
  10. No, I read that just fine. It doesnt at all change my point. Why would I spend an hour in an incarnate level task force, say, Mayhem, for a whopping... what? 50 or so merits (roughly 3mil inf depending on the market payout) when I could instead sit on a spines/fire brute waddling through a dilapidated tunnel for a higher payout with less effort? Without even needing to do merit conversions at all, it's just money in the bank, plus goodies i can sell for yet more profit. What was once a passive means of income gained by doing whatever content you wanted is now an income method gatekept behind content you may or may not want to do. If I'm already being encouraged to do something I don't want to do, why would I choose the least profitable of two options? This isnt even to touch upon characters who no longer have a need for emp merits. What do you do with them once you're all incarnated out? Will I be able to convert them into the new currency for the hologram store? Or are they just going to sit there, amassing, growing into some grotesque pile of legitimately worthless endgame currency? Can we get a method to buy costume vouchers that emp merits can be used for, since by the time your getting emp merits on level up, your Icon costs are going to be worth more than the conversion could get you... Plz I can't keep spending 9mil everytime i want to take OFF my sunglasses...
  11. Yes. But the changes to emp merit conversion, in turn, nerfs the ability to buy them from the AH -- which was my overall point to my answer. The merit store doesn't have too many wholly unique items, but, the alternative ways to get the items it offers are either; A - Random drops from enemies or B - Only widely available to the AH For instance, if you want say, rare salvage you have three options. You can either kill enemies (bosses/avs ideally) and hope for it drop, you can spend 750,000 on it from the AH usually, or, you can spend a few merits on the grabbags in the merits. But, then you have IO set recipes. You can, once again, buy them from the AH at a premium, buy them for merits on the merit store, or, you can hope they drop from enemies. But, this isn't as simple as a "oh well look! Right there, you have TWO other ways to get them! What's there to worry about?" I already have said in another thread that the nature of the crafting system being totally random from the core of it's design. There's only TWO ways to get a SPECIFIC recipe you'd like. You either buy it on the AH, or you buy it from the merit vendor. Can't buy things without money gained from converting merits to things to sell on the AH. Can't buy the things sold for merits without the merits to begin with. The cost in merits is ironically STEEPER by comparison to inf, since we know 10 merits converted to inf is about 700,000 or so, but buying the recipe for a rare IO is 50 merits in the vendor and maybe 50,000~100,000 in the AH (this doesnt include the costs of salvage you don't have, if you don't have them, the costs of getting a whole set, the cost spent to actually CRAFT the set since you have to pay to craft anyway). I could go on. My point is that due to other factors of the economy, messing with reward merit acquisition even in an indirect way, radically affects the people for whom merits are the main source of income for a character. Unless of course you farm. Then you're fine regardless. It'd be nice if other things that COSTED merits were tuned, or the activities that payed out rewards did so in higher volumes and with less radical hemorrhaging returns on replay. But that doesnt seem to be a matter of concern at the moment, which seems to further my crackpot theory that this change isnt to improve player content engagement, but to instead convince us to disengage as much as possible and AFK farm, since doing that is objectively more profitable overall -- since farming gives me recipes (that i no longer have to buy), salvage (that i no longer have to buy), and inf (that will let me buy the things i do not have) and I can craft my own things, sell them on the market, and make more profit with less effort than I ever would have made by running literally ANY task force. TLDR: Taking away income sources without making other content equally profitable encourages circumventing gameplay entirely in favor of maximizing profit.
  12. Sure, but what is a change that makes things "better" is a matter of disagreement. I don't think taking away reward merit conversion makes the game better. Some people do. I suspect the people who do, play the game a lot more, and have a lot more established and steady avenues for in-game wealth acquisition than I do. I see the change as more a direct response to the income acquired by farming, which provides not only inf but exp which converts to vet levels, which provide Emp Merits, that can then be converted to reward merits, that can then be converted to converters, that then are converted into yet more inf. Because that's the only "problem" this change solves -- I do not even think this is a problem either, mind you. It does this at the cost of people who do not farm at all, who casually run Posi's at level 50 just because they like it or enjoy casual mission teams. The people who get a veteran level maybe once or twice a month. The whole of the merit vendor offers a wide array of things that cost a number of reward merits, the most notable of which are a number of IO Set enhancements and recipes that are only available for purchase through this vendor, or, from the auction house. Removing Emp to Reward conversion removes Emp merits from being able to be used to fund the acquisition of items from BOTH of these markets. The items in the reward vendor are, by majority, available by random chance. Which, once again, makes this change all the more detrimental for more casual players. Farmers will of course, be unaffected, because they already enjoy the benefits of stacking the random chance at recipes and salvage in their favor. Meanwhile, the more casual player does not get that benefit, and will have to hope they get lucky. The more i consider the alterations, the more I'm convinced it isnt to stifle the income highs of farming, but rather, to force casual players INTO farming, as the content that provides Reward Merits has not only diminishing returns on repetition, but is also quite lengthy, and perhaps worst of all, offers comparatively small merit rewards on their own. This is fine, when you can supplement the income of reward merits with emp merits, which can be converted into reward merits, as much of the content that offers reward merits also offers emp merits, meaning you can usually enjoy the benefits of both rewards to get around the diminishing returns from repeating content you enjoy. Now, the loss of the conversion wouldnt be such a problem is the price for IO set enhancement didn't require a minimum of 100 reward merits (most content only provides 80 on completion the first time, and then halves after that, meaing you need a MINIMUM of two runs regardless). But lowering the price of set ios... That'd just be a crazy idea.
  13. I'll admit, Traps on ANY team is going to be slower than the team. It's the sort of set where you're either in constant communication with your team and shot calling with YOU as the guy who kicks things off, or, you kinda just summon the things that are quick to summon and/orpersist and follow you around, orrrrr you hold out until the boss where you set up acid mortars, healing pylons, maybe lay a trip mine (never time bomb, AVs will die before it goes off even on a OMEGA level teams). But solo? Where you're always engaging on YOUR terms? Where every encounter you're like "Ok so how do i play this?" then Traps is where it's at. Trip Mine with Overwhelming Force is a phenomenal damage dealer on any class that can take it, but especially on controllers, and especially on controllers who can reliably control enemy groups. It even synergizes really well with teleport, because you set the mine, set the poison mine, then Fold Space everyone on top of you, then just start screaming. If your pet still has echoes, it'll scream too. So far, Im able to clear the kinds of groups that'd kill my ill/traps controller doing this tactic. The only thing is that Poison Mine is mandatory, slotting it with +2 from lockdown is also mandatory, as is slotting it with Ghost Widow's Embrace and Neurotic shut down. Poison Mine looks weird on the surface, but functionally, it works similar to caltrops. Once the mine goes off, it creates a cloud of gas that persistently makes checks to hold per tick. Every tick is an opportunity for procs to go off, it's not like Trip Mine or Time Bomb which are set then explode and that's it. Also! Don't make the mistake I did. Neither trip mine nor time bomb can take procs. I thought they could, and spent like, a bajillion inf on ever proc under the sun for them in the hopes that when the bombs went off, they'd do something like this? But uhm. It didnt go that way at all. Ironically, Time Bomb was doing less damage than Trip Mine or Posion Mine (with procs). It was so staggeringly disappointing that the only reason why i took it into testing for Symph control was because I noticed that between the pet and me, mob packs were barely able to move. I decided to see if I could mez a mob group, and keep them mez'd long enough to set up time bomb AND see it go off -- you can, though it does require you to make sure you mez in the right order, and this was with a character who had the incarnate that gave you a 100% chance to stun any target who was immobilized and feared, i also had a ton of "chance for disorient" and things like that stuffed in my powers for even MORE control (but that's how and why I love Symph control, i played it proc'd out for damage and that was great, but volume of control is more my style).
  14. The secret to the pet on the dominator, and you'll say im insane, but have you considered taking "Taunt" from the power trees? I know, I know, but... you have all these cones. And enemies like to run at you, once taunted, in neat and tidy cone-able clumps... It's something I did on my Gravity/Dark/Soul Dominator, mostly because Gravity has THE DOME OF DOOM which was a weird power I really loved, but everybody seemed to hate, so I set it up so I could "psuedo tank" by taunting mobs, dropping the dome, letting them chase me into the dome, and then mez them or kill them depending. Worked very nicely in smaller groups on higher settings, and for the Symph dominator, being able to taunt groups into crowding together helps your powers catch them more neatly -- and by extension, it helps your pets powers do that too, while also keeping it fairly safe. It's not perfect, and the reality is you'll likely never run into this problem on a team, but if you solo, it's not awful. You... do end up with the problem that Symphony is the kind of primary where you want nearly, if not definitively, EVERY power. So you're power selection is already really tight, and most doms want perma dom so you're looking at haste, and ideally 5 powers you can slot a gamblers into, so that's like... flight, leaping, fighting, leadership and mace already spoken for... and that's not even talking about your secondary! Which could either be a set where you take like, maybe 4 powers at most, or, it might be something where you ALSO want nearly ALL of the powers... But! It DOES mean you can slot P E R F E C T Z I N G E R and really, truly, how could you resist slotting such an exquisitely named enhancement set? I know I can't.
  15. Symph/Sonic was a lot of fun, especially since all of your Sonic powers that have a hold, can get Hold enhancements procs, so you can really cheat the rather small chance for hold they normally "enjoy". Plus, that's just a new category for procs if that's your kind of thing, and many of those procs are Psi Damage! Everyone's favorite damage. But. Like many of the Assault sets, it necessitates you be very active, changing from ranged control to melee slugging. That's not a problem for something like Mind Control that really likes saying "Ok here's an AoE that literally turn's mob packs into punching bags that will sit there and let you kick their drooling teeth in" whereas Symphony's love of cones means you're opening with an AoE, going in, hitting, then swapping to cones. Because cones are cones, you'll likely need to reposition to get the most out of it, and if you're control effects arent in the right order, or are resisted, or they miss, you're in a worse position now, since you're in smacking distance of all the people who were happy to nap until you mezz'd up. The pet helps with this, sometimes. Othertimes, the pet will ruin your chain, because it used a power that didnt apply its CC but did apply its damage, breaking any sleeps you'd e set up on enemies you weren't engaging. But besides, I do find that Symph preforms best when you have a set that capitalizes on it's unique "optimum" range. Sonic/Dark dom has been my favorite so far, as far as Symph doms go. It reallt shines on controllers though, like, god, Symph/Dark controller has been enormously fun (double the pets, tripple the controls!), Symph/Elec troller is a riot since the Symph pet is a target for your circuit powers (and Amp Up, which is nice) so, when alone, you form an actually symbiotic symphonic relationship with your pet? It's just silly, since the pet is a mini you! Hit it with Amp Up and you basically negate the fact its controls are marginally weaker than yours. Symph/FF lets you abuse Personal Force Field because once your pet has powers, you can just hop in your safety bubble and let the pet scream at enemies until it runs out of echo juice. Symph/Sonic on a controller is, ironically, way better than symph/sonic on the dominator, since once again the pet can be hit with the shields. That -Res goes a lot further on the support sonic set than on the assault sonic set, and, even better than -res, yiu can slap Sonic Repulsion on your pet! Everyone LOVES Sonic Repulsion! My experiments with Symph/Storm have been less than stellar though, while I love storm, it doesnt really have anything to add to Symph that it wasn't already doing for other troller primaries. This is also true for Symph/Time, perfectly fine (even great) combo, but there's nothing to remark on. /TA also goes into the category of "It's great, but it doesnt do anything remarkable it wasnt already doing" but, at the same time, it ALSO falls into the category of "TA is the best support set in the game, there is literally zero debate about this, the discussion ends here." so while I don't feel like it needs to be said, it does demand a section where I mention it, because there are, remarkably, to this very day, people who DON'T accept TA as their singular lord and savior, the second coming of support Christ. I know, it's weird, right? Anyway, try /TA. What I noticed about Symph/ on the controller, is that the nature of the set means it heavily benefits any set that has Targeted AoE Toggle Debuffs (like /Rad). The pet doesnt do enough damage to accidentally kill your target AND it has enough control presence to help keep them disabled. So! You can like, ACTUALLY benefit from the fact a boss level enemy is causing all his goons around him to take 30% extra damage, while he takes a nap. The cones naturally incline you to positioning yourself to make the most affect of your powers, so youre usually in the prime spot to make the most of those sorts of debuffs from the very start of an engagement as well! Very handy. Once thing I noticed though, was how P O T E N T /Traps was on this set. I fell in love with /Traps on my Illusion/Traps controller, but the problem I was having was the main quirk of /Traps being that you need to set up. Now, Superior Invis helped me do that, but it's hard to do that in the MIDDLE of a fight. SOMETIMES I could get away with it, sometimes. The main problem being the pets for Illusion are unreliable. The nightmare's fears are inconsistent and can cause enemies to RUN away from my bombs, Phantom Army is great, up until they run off and the taunted enemies follow them AWAY from my bombs. The only one that tended to work was the Phantasm, once slotted with KB/KD, it would reliably knockdown enemies, but, it's a deceptively squishy pet. In bigger mob groups, it really likes things being either preoccupied with PA pets, terrorized, or otherwise controlled by other means (such as Flash which has an uncomfortably enormous cooldown, or Poison Trap, arguably the best AoE hold in the game that you never ever will ever ever know about ever because nobody ever ever takes it ever because for SOME reason I can't put my mine down on the ground, in the air - physics are for losers! Let me plant the mine on thin air!). Symph, hover, has enough control on tap to give you enough time to set up straight up in the middle of a brawl. This has led to instances where between me, the reverb, and the poison trap, i've casually walked through dark astoria's spookiest areas with not a soul being able to move before an untimely demise... TO TIME BOMB. It's fantastic. The fact that /Traps is NO slouch in the damage department either really helps. Symph doesnt NEED damage, really, it does a good job, especially for controller primaries, but I'd say if you're the kind of person who likes seeing Procs pop off like crazy, Symph/Traps is for you. You will, however, need a lot of Ghost Widow Embraces. That's most people greatest desire anyhow (her hair is just so pretty, they can't help it) but it's especially true for this combo Symph/Nature has been my next undertaking, I really enjoy the debuffs nature provides, but the buffs it offers for the pet seem less potent, since the pet needs them less than other pets might.
  17. Wait.... YOU'RE responsible for this set?! Thank you! I love it. Love it love it love it. A few things i just wanna say from other comments on the set so far It's not "Mind Control, but with a Pet". The kinda of Hard CC you get with Mind Control is different enough from what you're doing with Symphony that the two offer legitimate variation in how they play that saying this would be like saying "Plants is just better MC". It's an argument without much substance. It's not a replacement for Mind Control anymore than Willpower is for Regeneration. The REAL argument to be had is that is this set STRONGER than Mind Control, which I would agree with, but then, a lot of sets are in my opinion and it doesnt make my Mind Control characters my favorite crowd control characters. The "give me a version without song notes" seems to kinda miss the point of the thematics of the set? Like, do you want a version of elect control without the lightning? Fire control without the flames? I'm an absolute slut for customization options, especially in the way of powers, ESPECIALLY for the cause of making character concepts work more fluidly or that otherwise empower the ability to make a set work for you. But I think it's also something that may be quite hard to alter, and it genuinely doesnt need that alteration made, because it's a sound based set. I feel like we "pretend" enough with powersets already, that just "pretending" the notes don't exist is not so much a stretch as saying like "My peacebringer isnt a kheldian" or "the atomic orbit from my rad powers is ACTUALLY bees carrying L.E.Ds" or what have you. Hell, I've said it'd be nice if Beam Rifle had eye based animations to mimic laser beam eye type heroes, but I never said it SHOULD be done. I know you mentioned the final release WONT include the "grants power" tool tip, but I would humbly request that it be kept in. This information details a lot about the pet's echo of your powers and really only helps the player understand the mechanics of their pet more, and I think it's a lot more organic than trying to read them in a list on the Pet power itself (like say, Master Mind's pet upgrades powers that have enormous lists of "grants X power). People observing the powerset plays very well as a blast set make a great point, if you spec it out for this you can do a lot of it. But I think saying people won't spec it for control is a bit unfair, seeing as how many CC sets are already spec'd for damage as is. since control effects have a limited number of thing's you'd call "must haves". Like, ok so every hold you have on nearly any set is going to want Lockdown: +2, that's almost a given, and the... I think it's Devastation that has the chance for hold? So that's 2 out of potentially 6 slots in your hold, which usually lasts long enough that ANOTHER CC power will be back up, and allow you to alternate between your controls with little down-time (especially true on a dominator, where you're already liable to be building global CD reduction as hard as you can). I would honestly argue that it's an INCREDBILE control set that's best spec'd FOR control, but the fact you could do either makes the set fit really well into whatever role you'd like to take -- hell, if you could afford to do it, you could have builds for both. I like that the confuse does damage. I love a good confuse, but this set has enough AoE that you or your pet are likely to have mez'd your confuse target anyway. I found it was much more reliable power as a damage tool than a control tool, since I already have so much control going out. So, I had a few questions I made in this post in regard to the system giving me some information I'd like to have for my pet (either through the pet combat windows or some U.I feature) but I'll share them here in brief alongside some other questions I have. Pet-to-Player Feedback When it catches the "echo" of one of my powers. Right now it seems to catch as soon as I've cast one, no matter where I am, but it also seems to not use them until I'm close to the pet. I'm not sure if this is an A.I issue or simply a quirk of the pet, but being able to see something like [Pet Name] is echoing [Power Name] would go a long way to help follow what the pet is doing/capable of doing. When it LOSES the "echo" of a power. I can't tell WHEN this happens, like, when it just totally stops echoing a power. Is it a timer? Is it on the singular cast of the pet version of the power? It's unclear, and I'd like it to not be unclear. When its "echoes" are off cooldown (assuming they aren't lost once theyre cast) would be nice. It may even do this already and I just didnt have the correct pet combat tab open, but I never felt like I knew. What "echoes" it currently HAS. As I ran through DA, I'd find it'll use powers I used before, but definitely DIDN'T want it to use, and I'd have waited to engage if I knew it was waiting for the chance do an encore. In this situation, if I really wanted to, I could have dismessed the pet entirely, but the ability to know what casts the pet has access to in the moment would be nice for other reasons. Pet Questions (Pestions?) Does the Pet echo my powers in the order I've used them? Or does it just use them randomly? I can't tell, and testing hasnt given me a conclusive answer. I feel like that's how it'd work, a sorta verbal afterimage, but I also know that could not be the case at all. Can the pet be set to aggressive mode, or given other commands? I notice that it can really just hang out sometimes, not doing anything, despite me being engaged in a fight. It'll just fly up to me, wait until the second or third minion has been defeated, then jumps into combat. I enjoy that most of the time, as long as it has no echoes and I havent engaged a pack of mobs, most mobs will just ignore it but I'd like to be able to say "Hey, stop hanging out and start screaming at these idiots with me". Does Domination effect the version of the power the pet is granted? Like, if I use Dominate, does the pet power granted to the pet improve proportionally alongside Dominate's buffs? Or is it a static power only modified by player level, enhancements to the pet, and buff powers cast on the pet itself like Amp Up? Do the pet's echoes set up for Containment? In my testing it didn't seem to? But then I can't even remember the numbers I was getting. Closing thoughts So, I really like this set. A lot. It's very stylish and I love it. I love that is has a lot of AoE without it being just ranged AoE CC bombs. I fricken A D O R E the pet, it's literally the first pet I ever cared to take on a control set. Adore it. Can't wait for it to hit live. Thank you.
  18. I mean... I don't really know how this is a good thing. I personally choose Emp merits a lot as my rewards for things like Hamidon specifically because I can use them either as Incarnate fuel, or, merit fuel. I don't really do things like farm to fund alts, I only have a few 50s to my name, and I suspect there's a lot of people like me, who use empyrean in this way even if you get them from the level ups. I dunno. Im not an expert. I know that the only reason I have any inf to spend at all is because of empryean merit conversion, and i'd be kinda mad if it was removed, which seems more like a direct response to farmers doing the farm thing, much as people in this whole thread want to say "don't bring up farming it's not relevant to this conversation 😡"
  19. Nah, other people have Aeon's gloves. I mean, I think it's a dumb rule anyway! But, I can see their logic in the gloves. It is, in fact, the same logic I've applied to the example you've shown! I went out! I went and found evidence! There's no more excuses! Give. Me. The. Dumb. THIRST TRAP DRESS! or give me The Gull...
  20. As a more serious note (ha) I was messing around with song control and noticed there's a lack of feedback (ha) from the pet. It's probably the most interesting pet, to my mind anyhow. But it gives little information to its capabilities. Im not sure if this is something that's happening just 'cuz beta' and will be addressed once it's fully implemented, but as is, here's some things I think would be nice to be told via one of the many pet combat chats or via the pet control schreen (Each power's icon could be a 'buff' on the pet telling what 'songs' it currently is echoing). When it catches the "echo" of one of my powers (right now it seems to catch as soon as I've cast one). When it LOSES the "echo" of a power (I can't tell WHEN this happens). Whwn it's "echoes" are off cooldown (assuming they aren't lost once theyre cast). What "echoes" it currently HAS (As I run through DA, I find it'll use powers I used before, but definitely DIDN'T want it to use, and I'd have waited to engage if I knew it was waiting for the encore) This set is beautiful and amazing and I love it and I want to know how it ALLLLLL works pretty please and thank you
  21. Song Control is really nice, it's super stylish and pretty and whoever did the work on it should receive no less than ALL the love for it. Perma-halloween costumes is nice, but as I go through them I notice something's missing... It's time...
  22. One again, our hopes rest on HIS shoulders...
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