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Everything posted by shatterpoint

  1. all these wild suggestions. Acer Nitro 5 - $856.00 3 left....hurry.
  2. “It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was us, what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things.” - Pratchett
  3. Yesterday I got a mission on one of the tug boats in PI. I found myself in the sewer system.
  4. Well its interesting to know it might be at least possible. As for implementing them adding sets copied off others seem less "DOOM IS COMING" than recent changes going on now. LOL My 2 cents.
  5. it's a great guide. Still misses what I was pointing out. Game makes you follow this way or no real reward. The point is lost. Done. Thanks.
  6. prove it Make an AT. Do NOT use XP boost. Do NOT engage in repeating TFs over and over and over. Do not play the market. Just missions at regular XP levels. No AE.
  7. Spines. You can pick how they look. Crystals, spikes etc. This got me to thinking....what if you could do this for all sets? or copy out existing AT sets and changing out the graphic assets. Bubble blaster. Always thought that would be a graphically fun set. Bubble Brute/tank/scrapper using the Personal Force Field asset as shields. I don't know if this possible.
  8. Went into a building for a mission. Finished it and exited. Next mission was in the same building. Completely different layout.
  9. No problem. Happy to help. I do not mind pointing out that for new players, playing normally has no reward whatsoever. EDIT: I've had this discussion in game with many new players who ask questions. They want to know how to go about doing things generically. I do my best to point them in that direction. Want influence? Don't expect it from playing generically. It is not there. Want to progress at the generic rate? The 'game' doesn't like that. It takes forever. General, LFG and Help chats are very helpful in shoving characters toward what is now the 'normal'...farming. Joining 'the factory'. I'm sorry you don't like the answer. Its just a simple truth. That's fine. It is what it is. As per the post I originally quoted...its not about playing THE GAME. Its about being shoved into the factory aspect this thing has become.
  10. That was abandoned long ago. This is a factory. I got asked on a TF why I didn't have Team Teleport. I told them I didn't have the cash. I was told: "Pharm moar" Everyone LOL'd. PLAY the game? Why? Basic XP is crap. Do double XP for no influence. Need influence...well they have that mapped out too. Sell X, Y or Z for big bucks. All the build guides have high end Enhancers. How do you earn the cash for those? Well, you farm. You will NOT get it by playing the game itself. New players MUST get into the factory mind or do without. There is ZERO reward for playing the game normally.
  11. We've officially entered the DOOM phase on live servers over Page 5 beta. The screaming, yelling, wailing and gnashing of teeth has begun. LONG LIVE CHAOS!
  12. Page 5 may not have gone live yet...but the drama sure has. General chat on excelsior live is going berserk.
  13. IF only the world would adjust to individual desires and needs.....
  14. This is the crux of the problem with all games. The real aspect of a game of this type is for a player to enter, learn and evolve. DO the content. People created a character, their AT, costume, story....and so on. They inhabited those characters for quite a while. New folks came in and saw these things and wanted them. They had to go through the same progression as everyone else. Now? You can make 10 level 50s in a day. There are folks that have LIVED (constantly) on these servers for years. Achieving a thing is a dead concept. They've been here SO long that the mere thought of earning something the way the devs intended is now viewed as a punishment. As you put it "Spat on". Sad state of affairs.
  15. This is what happens when players that have hundreds of level 50s that must have all the badges/costumes/new currency. It will be like this until the new year. Happy Holidays!
  16. Well to be honest, I do contribute. Not really in my nature to NOT contribute. As to what I chose, I won't be disclosing that. DFB got me to 11. Ran Frostfire with a group and got to 21. Its rather easy. Once my initial XP boosts run out I won't be getting more. I'll collect the loot as my fee for being on the team. LOL.
  17. This post as prompted me to do an experiment. How long can I go without helping on teams in any significant way? Put my initial power on auto and just run with the group. Don't purchase ENH or anything. How far can I get? I'm betting I can hit 50. I may even try to do it without double XP boosters. TO THE CHARACTER CREATOR!!!
  18. CoH has been like this for a LOOONG time. Yes, you are irrelevant. People who've been playing forever have farmed out and tricked out every character they have. They've run these T/Sf's until they can do them in their sleep. They do it for hours on end in an endless cycle. New people can be highly discouraged by a lot of this. They don't even KNOW if they are contributing or not. I've even seen some ridiculed for not doing enough damage or dying a lot because they aren't tricked out. YOU are there purely to up the mob count. That's it. The game isn't that challenging to begin with. Kill a mob, move, kill mob...move...lather...rinse repeat. The IO/incarnate system has removed challenge. Its dead, dead, dead. Now its farm. Farm characters, farm IOs, farm merits....while they argue over if its good or not. I wish this reply didn't sound so ugly, but facts are facts. You could run a T/SF with a character that has no enhancers and I'm betting no one would even notice. I think SBB would be the only one that's an exception because its only 4 people. I'd LOVE to see a server taken back to pre-IO days. Back when a purple named base enemy could wreck an entire crew. You absolutely NEEDED the defender, tank, blaster, scrapper and controller to even THINK of surviving at high difficulty. I miss huddling in an adjacent room while the blaster attempts that all important pull. It all goes wrong and everyone must contribute to stay alive. THAT was when CoH was a glittering diamond. You KNEW who understood their role and understood their character. Hami....is a procedure now, not an event. Welcome to City...of farming.
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