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Everything posted by Dacy

  1. Sure, happy to help; have family visiting right now, but I’ll get in touch in a day or two. -Dacy
  2. First of several expected vids up, and I have new editing software, too! https://discord.gg/2QkPXjmD -Dacy Bless me, I put in my discord link...*ahem* The new video is up! *blush* *sneaks off stage left*
  3. Annnnnd, videos are allowed again! Oh, it's ON! And, we can stream. Feel free to join my Discord for tips, livestreams, 1 on 1 help: https://discord.gg/jpnPk3xm I will be getting videos together and posting them as soon as possible. Woohoo! Please let me know if there is a topic you'd like to see. -Dacy
  4. Thank you, Greycat! I don't know how I missed that... Lots of people will be VERY happy! -Dacy
  5. Does this mean I can update my videos? They aren't livestreamed...but they were still on the "do not touch" list. -Dacy
  6. You forgot to say which shard, Pouncy ! -Dacy
  7. Pouncy!! I haven’t seen you in a while. I’d love to see your progress on your amazing murals! And thanks. 😊 -Dacy
  8. I made a Google Doc of items which you can color/tint in the editor. I cross referenced it with the type of item...information such as, it has a flat surface (with no projections), it's a household item, it's small, from nature, miscellaneous, etc. I did not put in here items which SAY they are tintable, but which currently are not. (I'm looking at you, Rock 9 in Landscape, Oxygen Tank in Medical & Science, and others like you!) I noted if something is only partially tintable, as well (I did not include any item on which the tintable area was so small as to be insignificant.) I will put up a web PDF and what I hope is just a PDF. So, web PDF: Editor Items that are Tintable - Editor Items that are Tintable - Sheet1-1.pdf And I was hoping I could just display a PDF here, but not sure it will. However, here's the converted PDF, in hopes! output.pdf I hope this helps folks in navigating the editor. -Dacy NOTE: The list does not yet include newer items, many of which are tintable, but do not SAY they are tintable. I'll do that later, when I have time. (HA! That's a joke....I don't have time. But I'll get to it at some point.)
  9. I did a video on this topic: I find banners are often really nice, they can be tinted. -Dacy
  10. Thanks, CR! Very helpful stuff, I would not have known the specifics. 🙂 Ladiestorm, please let us know if you fixed the problem? 🙂 -Dacy
  11. Hi Ladiestorm! Glad the videos have helped you. Did you check to see if you'd perhaps disabled the f keys? There is usually a button that enables/disables the f keys. If not, you can use / commands for all but the F5 key, I do not know the commands for that, although there probably are slash commands for the attachments. I'll ask someone who knows the code better than I do if they know the keyboard commands for that. Otherwise, here are the commands: /edit_base [1/0] = Turn base editing on or off. 1 = on, 0 = off (e.g.: /editbase 1 to start editing from anywhere) /grid_snap [value] = Set item placement grid to [value] degrees. Default grid = 1 (/gridsnap .25 for 1/4 grid placement, /gridsnap .5 for 1/2 grid, etc) /angle_snap [value] = Set rotation value to [value] degrees. Default snap = 5 (/anglesnap 15, /anglesnap 25, etc) /room_clip [1/0] -- 0 = In parent room, 1 = no constraints (this enables clipping, the F3 key. /roomclip 1 to enable clipping.) One other possibility on why the keys don't work for you: did you by chance create a bind while in edit mode? That can screw up keybinds for that character in editing. If you did, I don't know of any fixes other than creating a different character to do the editing in that base. You might try that, anyway, to see if that fixes your problem, whatever its cause. I hope that helps! Feel free to join my Discord channel if you are on Discord: https://discord.gg/mrGpNTMt -Dacy
  12. Hi! I don't know how community helper applications are going, but I was just thinking about it, and the reasons why I had decided not to put in an application, despite being the helpful sort who rather already does what it is you say you want someone to do officially. So, here are some thoughts, and if they lead to changes, maybe you'll get more applications. Maybe you already have plenty, and this isn't the least issue, but here's my 2 cents. You are asking volunteers to give up time and energy, which is the definition of volunteer, of course, but do you realize you are also asking them to probably give up game income and a certain prestige? Base builders like me who build on commission get paid when they do projects for others. If I'm a helper, now, not only can I not enter a HC contest and get the very large merits reward, but none of my clients could do that, either. They lose the chance to even be considered in a high profile contest, simply by choosing me to build their base. So I have to consider, is being a "community helper" worth enough for me to do that to my clients? Would I have as many clients if they knew they lose bragging rights even if they do think the base is the best one around? I admit, this was not an issue before there was a HC contest. With titles. And large prizes. But now it's an issue. So, if I became a helper, I give up my shot at future contests, and possibly lose clients and game income, and I lose the prestige of being able to say I have a top base, and any future titles that I might get. So, what would I gain? I am only seeing a downside to this. I already am widely known in the base building community, already help out a lot. I already field messages and inquiries from people who need help. I am also very sure I am not the only person making these same considerations. Let me put forth a couple of ideas for your consideration. First, all community helpers should have titles on all their characters, so they are immediately and easily identifiable. That's a prestige boost. Second, to make up from lost income, from people who'd rather be able to enter a contest, or because the volunteer now is using their time helping people instead of building commissions, , Community Helpers (and GMs, for that matter) should get an "income" of, say, merits. Again, not talking real money, and they're still volunteers, but you are asking them to take time away from the game and away from doing things that might earn them merits or influence; it's only fair to have their help to others be something they earn equivalent merits for doing. And third, and honestly, I'd like to see this on all bases, I'd like for bases to have an entry message like missions do that identifies the builder(s). Ideally, the box would also list any prizes the base has won, or for the base community helper, it would identify the builder as the HC Base Community Helper. But at a minimum, it would identify the builder, which I think all the builders would really appreciate. Also, patrons would appreciate it, because when you see an incredible base, one of the first questions is always, "WHO DID THIS BASE??" If you had already thought of these things, great! We just don't know about it. So here's your chance! Let us know, please, what a Community Helper might expect by way of income aid and/or prestige boosts. Because, no matter who applies or gets the actual jobs, they are giving up more than time and energy, and this should be recognized and allowed for. --Dacy
  13. Please do tell us what you finally write, choose, or come up with. 🙂 -Dacy
  14. I didn't do a character count on that, hoping it fits. 🙂 -Dacy (if it does not, CR is Tops in editing)
  15. The Seer pivoted, her senses reaching out. Something was there...something was calling to her. Something not human. Her blood sang in response. She quickly scanned the area for other Seers: none were in range. Cautiously, she moved towards...it. Whatever it was. It sang of life. It sang of freedom. The call was irresistible. Still...the Hamidon was not far from her mind, and she was wary. Could this be a trap? Her job was to protect her world and her people, and any threat had to be neutralized. Especially one this compelling. At the edge of the city, again, she hesitated briefly, trying to fight a call that was now overwhelming. She flew ever faster towards a tree. It looked like most other trees, except to her eyes, it had a slight glow. Upon reaching the tree, an ancient magic long dormant in her blood rose in a joyous reunion with the weak but still viable tree spirit, and the Seer suddenly felt alive in a way she had never experienced before--she was connected to all of the natural world around her, and she could feel it responding to her! Understanding flooded her mind; an understanding of the wrongs Nature had witnessed for years. Her eyes now open, she determined then and there to use her training and her new found power over nature itself to fight the wrongs she now understood.
  16. You should ask a GM to come like, MC or stand around and do something, maybe. 🙂 Sounds like fun, anyway! -Dacy
  17. As a base builder and someone who does like the occasional contest, would being a base builder helper (officially, bc I already am in many ways) take me out of the running to be able to enter contests, for my bases and any I make for others? Does "giving other players advantages" include handing out infl and goodies, because I do that a lot, too. -Dacy
  18. I do have a series of videos out, pinned in the base building topic, done before the HC ban on videos and streaming. It would be interesting if we could do a series of missions that outline some basic base building information. I do wish I could redo some of my videos, there is stuff I'd like to add or change. But I've been told the videos are very helpful, and I do share many tips to help that aren't always well known. -Dacy
  19. Plasma, you’ll want to go see Squidget’s base on Everlasting; I think the code is GHOST-1471, but I’m sure you could search in my channel and find it , or look on the yellow pages directory. Pretty sure she’d be happy to show you and tell how she made her pagoda. -Dacy
  20. I find this happens much more with grid settings. With the grid off, things will appear on the surface. It still should be addressed, but that should help for now. -Dacy What would be helpful is if tables (and grass and other surfaces you place things on) were designated as "floors".
  21. Things I'd like the editor to do: 1. Group (classify several individual items together as one item which could then be moved or manipulated) 2. Copy/paste. It is tedious to do the same thing to the same item over and over. We still do it, but a copy/paste feature would be SO nice. Or, if it can't copy/paste, maybe a "preset" feature, sort of like a radio station on your car radio. If you have a position on the dial you like, you select it so you can go back to it. So, in the editor, I position a particular item at a particular angle, maybe in a particular color if applicable, with whichever attachment I'm using, and select "preset" or whatever you want to call it, and now, when I click that item, it will come out of the editor at that angle, color, and attachment orientation, until I deselect "preset". 3. A "recently used items" window or tab. I really hate it when I'm using a few items in a few tabs; invariably, they are ones I have to scroll to get to from my current place in the editor. 4. Search function And it would be awesome to have the editor re-organized. It would be nice to have filters such as "tintable" (not all items that are tintable are labeled as such.) Another filter suggestion would be "one-sided" or "full polygon" (all dimensions present; I am sure there's a more technical term, but I'm just telling you what I want, I don't know the vocab! 🙂 ) 5. Scalability. (would it be possible to use whatever programming scales bodies in the costume creator and apply it to base items?) 6. I'd like to be able to designate an area in the base as "inside" and be able to do indoor lighting, and have the rest of the base be outdoor lighting. The game can do it. Right now, while the lighting is an improvement over having to hand light everything above base, the night cycle means that things will be dim indoors, and colors aren't the same in different lighting conditions. Items I'd like to see in the editor: More basic building blocks. Basic shapes in various sizes, tintable. At various times, I've wished HARD for some sort of triangular shape. There are none in the editor. I've wanted thin poles or rails...nope. There are finally spheres, unless you want ball sized. Do you know how many geometric domes would have been created by now if there was a triangular shaped glass?? We can and have made do with what we have, but even just a few curved or triangular shaped items would be SO nice. Walls without trim (so they can be stacked or sunk without having to deal with trim) that are tintable in various widths. Trim of various lengths. If you make them versatile, we don't have to worry as much about having this height AND that height. ANY height tintable wall without trim would be a HUGE improvement. Also, short walls for above windows and doors. Or, conversely, windows and doors that already have the wall bit above it. Doors. WIndows. Door jams. There are MANY of these already in the game, but not in the editor. Tintable flooring. C'mon. If it's tintable, it could be sand. Snow. Carpet. A pool bottom. Again, even if it's just taking the grass plates (or making something in those sizes) and making them able to be white, sandy, or whatever, would be such a huge improvement. Smaller plants and flowers. More, common, animals. Horses. Deer. Foxes. Rabbits. Squirrels. Cats. Cows. etc. Fabric items, such as towels, curtains, and bedspreads. Items that could be moved, like the signs and gates in game, could that maybe be applied to a door in a base so it can open and close? Or open and return to being "closed" after a set time? More intrabase teleport points/beacons, and ideally, make them able to be named. It can get so confusing in a base to try and guess where any given portal is going to take you. On PvP, I definitely like the idea of PvP zones, maybe a room you can select if you want it in your base, and that room and that room alone has to follow whatever rules you deem necessary for fighting in a base. -Dacy
  22. Just a note on this topic: this base is seasonal, and is currently closed until next year. -Dacy
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