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Everything posted by Dacy

  1. Yes, it's my main base. It's on Everlasting, Overkill-2729, it's an underwater base in the middle of an island lagoon. You can get to the island by going thru the teleporter labeled "other", and go to the only internal porter listed, I think it's Beth. I haven't done anything with it since I built it, it was built to be interesting, but small, convenient for services, and it was built before the glass additions to the editor. I should go put that glass on the inside, because what I did was just use invisible walls, since all the glass killed the fx I wanted. I got the "sea" effect with lighting and landscaping. But, I've been busy building bases for others, and no one in my sg really cares about it, so I've just left it, lol. 🙂 The island wasn't ever completed, either, it should have more vegetation, but it's okay as is, too; few ever go up there. Feel free to look around. -Dacy
  2. Thanks, @Fasttrack! Interesting categories for base builders. I had not thought about it before. I think that the thing that makes someone really stand out in base building is, first and foremost, the desire to create and do it well. Like any art, and I do feel it is art, attention to detail and imagination and vision are hugely instrumental in achieving a good outcome. And, like art, the more you practice and the more you want to do it well, the better you will become. There is also a certain amount of patience (okay, vast amounts of patience!), perseverance, and problem-solving skills that go into base building. Coupled with the desire to make it the best it can be, these qualities make me, for instance, think, "I want to make x"...looks in editor. Hmm. Nothing like that here. "Okay, what IS here that might be made to look like X?" And I keep looking and keep experimenting until I find what works, if anything. I can't tell you how many times I've been thru all of the editor. All of it. Looking for that one thing that I can use in a particular item. Looking at the backside of things, the undersides of things, the size of things, the depth of things, and using my problem solving skills to figure out how to get from where I am to where I want to be. The commands, and the proficiency with the editor, yeah, that helps for sure, but the people who will continue to excellence have more than a good command of how to edit, they have the vision and drive and persistence to get from a blank slate to a work of wonder. So, my friend, as you said, "it's my imagination that steers the ship"...I do believe you are on your way. 🙂 The videos are on hold, sure, but I'm still here, as are many other super talented folks, ready to help and applaud you as you keep on creating. 🙂 -Dacy
  3. If you go down far enough in the base plot, it’s almost impossible to see the base. It will disappear sooner if it’s not got a ceiling and a bunch of stuff in it, but it should still disappear at the bottom of the plot. I’m just saying, you don’t have to put something like a cave, you could even have the sky open. Plus, there are placeable skies, like vortex, that could block the view if you can see the base a bit. I’m sorry, I don’t really have anything I can add as far as ideas. Bases are so individual… I bet as you think about it more, you’ll find something that works for your situation. 😊 -Dacy
  4. My guess is that it something that gets worse as your item count gets higher, because that makes the most sense, but who knows? Aargh, that sounds frustrating! Same thing I have noticed, it seems like there are a lot more items that are suddenly picky about placement. I get the “edit failed can’t fit” message when I’m sure that the item should fit; it’s like some items see the room as having different boundaries or something. But, when something doesn’t want to place as close to the wall as I think it should or I want it closer, I have a trick. It only works if the room your working on isn’t right next to the edge. If you can put a room or a door leading from the space you are working on, and then place the items, they should stay when you delete the doorway or the room that you added. -Dacy
  5. That's pretty much the same with all bases, heh. I did an underwater base, but, I wanted to be able to see fish, and water kills the fish fx, so I didn't put water up against the glass. Cool look, tho! I may have to rethink that. 🙂 -Dacy
  6. Approaching completion on the base I'm working on on Excelsior, ONES-5030, if you want to drop by and look around. The base includes the inside and outside of a space ship. Space ship contains bridge (with access to ready room), teleporter station, med bay, workshop/quartermaster supply, science station, and that's all in the first small area you start in (I believe in making services available for quick access, the rest of the base is there for RP and window dressing). The rest of the ship has: Nightclub, arboretum/hydroponics (still under construction), shuttle bay (still under construction). Bottom deck: engineering, captain's quarters, VIP quarters, and still to come, two officer quarters; artillery range, practice room (almost done), gym, theater, and crew quarters line the halls. Mid deck: conference room, cafeteria, crew quarters. Top deck (within base bounds): lounge/rec room, holodeck, crew quarters. Most of the outside of the ship is done, with some detail work still to come on the top back of the ship. Here are a few shots, in addition to the ones I put up earlier. Theater Gym cafeteria Rec room/lounge Feel free to stop by and say hi! -Dacy
  7. Feel free to stroll by, things look better in person. ONES-5030. Here are a couple shots of the captain's quarters. Living area with "star window". I also made a desk and a dining table I felt were more "high tech" (table not pictured). Lots here, ask if I don't cover it. Star window made with space behind glass, bounded by black colored medium banners, facing away. Stars are the very tips (inserted to different depths to give different star sizes) of Arcane Defense power crystals. Rug is a square awning from landscapes. Desk is two inverted armature bases from tech, with a glass wall in between for a work surface. Glimpse of bedroom/bathroom Bed is bed, covered with alphabet letter "i"s, tinted blue, for spread. White are "modern art frames" in wall details. Drawers are tech bookcases, bed ends are praetorian tech junctions, tech, and the lit bar above the drawers is a praetorian server connector. Arches are vault openings from structures. -Dacy
  8. Some things I've been working on in a space ship base on Excelsior: Gym equipment: Salmon Run and Rock Wall Rock holds are rubber ducks, seen from the side, tilted up, to give a "handhold". Salmon run is two sets of two sign post 2 (cityscape) with the rungs being the top of Harbor Mooring (landscape). Bar is several baton 1 put together, doubled up to get rid of narrowed aspects. Exercise machines: Quad machine, front row. behind that, lat bar, then arm band pull, two positions, then upper body workout machine. All of these obviously, use the Praetorian Crane Hook 1, in tech, as their base. Tech chair, with mech men hips under them, doubled chemical bottle from medical and science, colored black, with a bunsen burner 2 to cover bottom gap. Batons for hand holds. Lat bar, used backs of picture 8 in wall details for seat. Two surgical light arm 3s. One punching bag mount, plus the weight lifting bar, from gym. For arm pull band machine, no seat needed. Bow for mechanism up top, empty toilet paper dispensers for hand grips. Closeup on the upper body machine Angled praetorian drone hooks for arm machinery, rest is in wall. Part of bench press 1 for seat, top of seat is 1 foot stall panel. Baton 2 for hand hold bars. Recumbent bikes Praetoria Head Support Base, from tech, is wheelhouse for pedal. Pedal is shower control, bath and kitchen, with an empty toilet roll dispenser for pedal. Surgical Light Arm 3 for hand holds, tech chair for seat, punching bag mount for bottom hardware. 2.5 pound weight to darken inside of pedal mechanism, to give depth. AE tablet for controls. Ellipse machines Angled treadmills. Police shields, inside, as front of machine next to wall. Scanner head, tech, on either side to hide space from floor. 1 ft. stall panels in white for ellipse pedals. Punching bag bar under for pedal mechanisms. -Dacy
  9. That is awesome! You really got the feel of underwater! Did you face the water tiles surface side up to your windows? -Dacy
  10. How do you send your child to its room? You can't click on it... -Dacy
  11. I love the whimsy here, the creative use of items to create robots. I can't wait to see what you do with the new tools! -Dacy
  12. It's easy to get rid of all the trim on both the floors and the ceiling. Go to "Pick Style", look at the various categories, there is one for floor trim, and one for ceiling trim. Choose the tab of the trim you want to get rid of, and you will see the options include an option for "none". -Dacy
  13. I've used the Roman Awnings for the roof of a temple, it's very good if you're going Greek, Roman, or Spanish. However, they aren't perfectly made to blend together without some gaps, so it's good to put something like the dock underneath it. For the cornices under the peak, I used the backs of bathroom shower floors (angled slightly if they had to overlap). I don't have a pic of the temple roof, but here's a pic of the piece I used. (for whatever reason, I can't get my computer to print the editor bits on my screen). But the chalet roof is really very good for an angled roof, since it has the angles built into it, and straight sides that line up well. -Dacy
  14. Awesome use of color! Very cool, both of you. 🙂 -Dacy
  15. The portal seems to even stick when it's not interfered with, sometimes. It's a bug. Shifting the portal usually works. Raising it above the floor works the best, so it's not touching anything. -Dacy
  16. Interesting! Using Discord, or just typing? If Discord was used, the person could demonstrate and talk at the same time. My Discord is currently being obnoxious if I try and use it while doing the game, tho; I can't hear much of anything, tho others can hear me fine. Hoping to do something with that this weekend, if a clean install will help it. I hope so, it's such a pain. But, I don't see any reason why someone else couldn't run a class. 🙂 -Dacy
  17. Well said, and I agree. I've asked Jimmy specifically if the language in the ruling specifically included me or applied to simply anything in the game, and did not get an answer, but I only really asked because many people have asked that I check. I'm okay with not adding to what I've done so far for the time being, and am very happy they allowed us to leave up the things we'd already done. I think the question has been asked enough times by enough people; if they were going to respond with anything, they would have. I think the silence has to mean that no alternative definition of the directive is forthcoming. But I'll point out once again, I think that the guide is fairly complete in helping people with the basics, and I'm here and happy to answer questions, as are many fantastic base editors who all seem happy to answer questions and talk about how they did something. -Dacy
  18. And another bug is showing itself. You know that annoying thing where you go to grab one thing ,and instead, it grabs another? I am able to counter that one by slowing down, taking a moment before I try to manipulate whatever it was I grabbed. I have no idea how to counter this one, other than the much cherished ctrl/z. Lately, I'll grab an object and start to turn it. All indications are that I have the object. The object window says I have it. The item box is lit. It's moving the way I want it to move. Then I let it go, and poof! Surprise! I just moved the object next to or under it, and the object everything told me I was moving, is sitting where it was in silent mockery. At least I know the editor is too dumb and poorly programmed to be an AI bent on driving us crazy. Right? ....Right..? -Dacy
  19. Bugged? Not that I’m aware. Did you get the message in your chat window that you’d “bought” the light? I’ve noticed lately that there are times, usually if I’ve been in the editor for a while, where I think I placed it, but for some reason it didn’t register. Then there’s always the ol’ “whoops, didn’t select surface “ bit where your piece is now somewhere on a floor. Ah, editing! Remind me why I do this again? Oh! Right! ...fun.... 🤪 -Dacy
  20. Okay, this says I can record for my own personal use, which I figured was fine, but not the issue. I asked for, but did not receive, clarification on whether or not my videos fell into the category of "game play", which meant they couldn't be uploaded, or if they did not, then perhaps they could still be uploaded. Nor did it answer whether or not there was any way in which a video could be posted to the forums and be in compliance with the new rule. -Dacy
  21. Yeah, sometimes it does the weirder things when you've been doing it for a while; I think there must still be a memory leak that makes things harder as time passes without a reset. And irregular, unpredictable bugs that can't be reproduced at will are the hardest things to try to correct!! -Dacy
  22. I have not. I will do so, but I do not expect that I will be an exception. I have read many posts on the new rules, some quite testy, and if the hometeam was to start making an exception, there will be a mob run at the crack they see, and anyone who's had to make an unpopular rule in a group situation and then enforce it knows exactly what I mean. I think it would cause them more trouble to let me continue to post. But I will ask, because perhaps what I do is NOT considered "gameplay". -Dacy
  23. Right, should have mentioned that. The reason sometimes I will try tab is if it’s not a new item, and I have a few thousand items in the room...well, let’s just say I REALLY wish “current room” had a search feature. I mean, have you ever seen it mix up the pictures, which means you can’t even use that to help? Bleah. - Dacy
  24. Oy, yeah, the difficulty of selecting an object tangled up with other objects. Sometimes "tab" works. Mostly it doesn't, tho. -Dacy
  25. Hmm, today the editor suddenly stopped letting me select items. I'd click and click, and nothing would light up. I switched categories and back, alt/tabbed out and back, and finally rebooted the game. That did fix it, but it was strange, because I'd never had a bug like that before. Anyone else? -Dacy
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