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Everything posted by honoraryorange

  1. Your understanding of DPS builds in general seems flawed. There's plenty of high DPS builds that don't need Ageless. Some need it more for End management than anything else, but there's also other ways of dealing with that. Additionally, the ones that do use Ageless still don't need a tray of breakfrees. And this goes for squishies as well - I generally don't carry more than 1 or 2 on my blaster and rarely need to use them.
  2. This is totally the wrong place for this... but....... Can we start a petition to de-couple the Halloween costumes from Stealth powers in a soon-future patch? 🙂 Toggling them on de-toggles stealth/invis/cloudy stealth type powers/etc. This makes for sad pandas. So sad. Very sad. 😭 ^ see? thx!
  3. When will march be closed out? @Jimmy @GM Miss? 😄
  4. So first, I don't necessarily disagree with this change, but.... The fact that this was slipped into the final build without getting comments on the test server is extremely underhanded and a very shitty move on your parts.
  5. So when are you rolling back these changes? And if you aren't when (within the next patch or two) are you making up for the loss that some specific sets suffered and counted on? Specifically talking Gaussian and Thugs, without it their T2 pets are... okay to mediocre to baddish. Stop the nerfs.
  6. God damn right. Stop nerfing things that don't need nerfs, and fix the trash sets first.
  7. Stop. Nerfing. Things! Stop god damn nerfing things until half the sets in this game aren't trash. Fix things that aren't working well because they suck, then worry about toning down things that are powerful but not broken. Just stop it.
  8. Also to add one more bit on those 'fixes'... you cannot just look at a single power in a set and think that just because it isn't working as intended that it needs to be looked at as a whole. If 1 power is a bit tuned too highly, but the set itself isn't an overperformer, then fixing it is nerfing a set unnecessarily.
  9. Is there a reason for this? I realize it may not be intended - but it has always been that way. And nobody is out here screaming that /dark MMs, Corruptors or Trollers are OP (if they're talking about Trollers then that's because of Fade/Absorb, not Tar Patch and Twilight Grasp). Come on man, let's not start nerfing (or 'fixing') stuff that isn't causing issues. None of these are gamebreaking in the slightest. You could give them all a 25% boost instead of a nerf, and they still wouldn't be an outlier compared to things like /bio or Titan Weapon. Also to put it another way: Nobody has ever claimed that a /dark MM is overpowered. And in every single group scenario, a /dark Defender, Troller, or Corruptor would serve the group better and be more effective than the MM. So why even touch them at all? (Also why touch the others, but that's the most egregious choice. Stop picking on the crippled kid!)
  10. Uhh... no. Like seriously no. No DoT needs to be 15 seconds unless its a rain with a 20' radius.
  11. Thanks for testing this. I think this is showing us that the new power is largely useless for its damage potential. At this point it might as well do zero, given the cooldown and tiny radius. If we're doing the tiny radius long cooldown, this thing's damage needs to be tripled. If we're doing the low damage thing, it needs a 15 foot radius (and probably still a little more damage).
  12. It really feels like people are blowing this out of proportion - everyone claiming this is OP, I suggest you try some similar non-DM builds on test, and make sure to use the full incarnates and purple IO level builds you're testing DM with. You can clear entire groups of mobs like this in seconds with number weapon sets, without the 30s cooldowns of these nukes. It is bizarre to see people be like "OMG I can clear this entire mob in the space of 6 seconds!" like it is something new and special. It isn't. Lots of sets can do it. Dark Melee just finally can do more than punch bosses now.
  13. Maybe its already been said, but it needs to be said again: PLEASE CHANGE THE SOUNDS Rejuvenating Chain, at least, has the ridiculously annoying sound effect that the Sentinel chain heal has. You know, the one so bad that people used it to troll so much that they had to be given warnings/bans. Electric AOE sounds are super messed up in this game, and are artificially loud. Please fix them 😄
  14. Not sure, haven't had a chance to test. Proton Sweep is up to 150 degrees though, finally quite usable. Most importantly though, Atom Smasher is going to 15 feet, and with a decent build it is a very short cooldown. Gonna be stomping huge groups of enemies constantly after this update.
  15. Spines had mediocre single target damage before, but was barely kind of AOE (not even, since Rad was technically better). Spines is only getting a buff to a single power, while a lot of other sets are getting buffed on multiple powers. Would it really break things for Quills to get the radius buff? And maybe Spine Burst reduced cast time? Or heck reduce Throw Spines range but give it the radius buff? Or any combination of those. Just... something so Spines actually has a place in the new tanker world?
  16. I've got a Psychic Blast/Devices that I really love. Taser is really great damage and gives you another non-Psy damage attack, just is short range. But you're usually near melee anyways because of the T9 and Device bombs. Psy gets a bad rap at end game, but honestly I've got a variety of fully IO'd blasters, stalkers, scrappers, etc. and my damage feels pretty nice. Not TW/Bio Scrapper levels, but very nice. Also you'll destroy those Unstoppable bosses in two hits while the rest of your team flails uselessly at them 🙂
  17. Wait what? I thought debuffs worked 100% up to +4?
  18. I would say the numbers you posted make these just 'changes' rather than good changes. I guess the bigger question is - how big are the changes when you add in, say, maybe 100% more damage from outside buffs? Because right now it looks like just 1-5% more base. Which won't even come CLOSE to making up for your whole team losing Bruising. People are severely underestimating how much damage their team is losing on big fights with that loss.
  19. It is odd they didn't include masterminds there, since the way mastermind pets scale (level-wise) means they're 90% useless for Really Hard Way. But the guy who puts them together usually plays one, so maybe that's why lol
  20. Ahh that makes sense. When I popped onto Pineapple I saw that Throw spines was excluded and that makes sense because it is a freaking huge area already but was wondering about Quills. So Spine Burst is a net no change (reduce to 10, buffed back to 15). So the only power actually changing with Spines is Ripper which should be going up to a huge 180 degree arc but remain pretty short in terms of range? Separate question - War Mace crowd control is not excluded. Does that mean it is going from 180 degrees to 360?
  21. Ahh interesting - Can I ask why this one? What makes it different from Fire Aura's or Ice Armor's damage auras? Just being from a primary rather than secondary?
  22. Wait, so are auras not getting buffed at all? They're going to stay tiny?
  23. I think I'm honestly just being nitpicky, but I want to make things better for players who don't live and die by reading all the forums and Discord and stuff 🙂 Gauntlet's basic power description doesn't list any of this info. But the Detailed info does say: +100.00%% strength to AttrArc on self Ignores buffs and enhancements unresistable +50.00%% strength to AttrRadius on self Ignores buffs and enhancements unresistable I think most people might have a bit of trouble interpreting that but I guess the community is helpful enough that people will be able to figure it out easily enough. I guess my suggestion for those working on it would be better worded: The Gauntlet normal help text should explain how tankers get boosted arc width on their cone attacks and radius boosted on targeted and point blank AoEs. Also, since Cone attacks are AoEs (by definition) and have a Radius, it should clearly differentiate between the two types of boosts and the powers they apply to.
  24. Right - so how is a player supposed to know what is and isn't affected, and by how much? If this change is going to go through it has to be visible in game somehow. There has to be some way for any random player to come into the game and know what their powers do, and which of their powers this new inherent affects.
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