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Everything posted by honoraryorange

  1. I think you're on the right track. They're fun, but none of them are terribly effective. I've even got one six slotted purely because I wanted the IO set bonuses and his damage is still middilng, and they die so fast. I wouldn't pick any of them based on effectiveness, more on fun/look/theme if that's your thing, since none of them are really going to save you in a fight or make a noticeable different in your clear speed.
  2. You're not wrong, at least not entirely. At level 50 with even just a mix of T3/T2 incarnates and a bunch of IO sets, content is completely trivialized. Even Incarnate stuff is easy if everybody is properly 'geared', the only hard part is getting some people to listen. And people don't listen because the rest of content has been trivialized. Even my Blaster can wander off in +4 Task Forces and destroy a couple groups on his own with zero fear. Whatever survives the alpha strike can't hit him. It has greatly reduced the need for Controllers and Defenders. Control is almost entirely unneeded aside from especially shoe horned in things (like the above Hami example, which doesn't show Controllers have value but rather the game designers made one, single mechanic that requires them, which is a poor choice to do from a game design standpoint). And at top levels there is almost nothing you'd want a Controller/Defender for that you wouldn't do better with a Corruptor providing the buffs/debuffs while still doing great damage. This isn't me hating on those Archtypes, it is just an effect of the game. Now, level 50 with basic IOs and no Incarnates, that is totally a different world and it really pays to have a balanced team. In the world of 50+Incarnates+Rare/Purple IO sets... Your best team is going to be like a Brute or two, at least one buffer/debuffer with good damage, then a spread of damage dealers. To give an example: There was an interesting discussion in another thread recently about Fortitude. This used to be an amazing, awesome buff to receive. Now? it's hardly noticeable on geared out heroes.
  3. Not a bad point, and it'll help with Endurance, too. Muscular Radial might not be a bad idea either, because then you get a bit more Endurance at minimal damage cost?
  4. I wonder how fast a scrapper + something like a ?/Rad Corruptor could do this now.
  5. Nice! Looks like CJ is an easy way to kinda top off the defense then if people want to go that route. Right now I went with CJ/Grant Invis/SS to replace a few of those, and it's working good. Soft capped with no incarnates yet (hoping to get my T3 agility tonight though). Nice build! But WOW does it chew through endurance. Gotta remind myself to pop that End button between momentum cycles.
  6. Pines allows it, but the power description of Shinobi-Iri (including the version in Pines) explicitly mentions that it doesn't work with CJ or Super Speed. Hmm it says it can't be used at the same time as other stealth powers. But nothing about CJ/SS. At least in-game... Pines says differently. WTF! EDIT: Confirmed, Shinobi-Iri, CJ, and SS all stack! Woot! Currently sitting at 47%/46.3/46.3% with no Incarnates. End Drain of less than 1.0%/sec with all toggles on (Except SS). For now I also ended up going with Concealment/Grant Invis for my final power to dump a LotG Recharge into. Figure there might be a little utility there to invis a team while I use my own SS+Shinobi-Iri for invis.
  7. I've been playing around a bit... I'm assuming Combat Jumping can work with Shinobi-Iri? Not positive though. Pine says so, but we know how well Pine has worked for that so far :) But if we dump all of the Concealment pool that frees up a chunk of powers, too. Removed that, added in CJ, Maneuvers (purely for recharge IO), and Superspeed (because why not? Although this could be something else, too). CJ toggled on (2 slotted, Global Recharge+Defense) and with Maneuvers toggled off... puts this to 47.4/46.6/46.6 without incarnates, 50.4/49.4/49.4 with Agility Total Radial Revamp. As you mentioned, it isn't bad to be a bit over cap given the mostly lack of Defense Debuff Resist. It also has 57% S/L resist which isn't terrible. I think it leaves some flexibility with Superspeed, could be used for most anything else. But I assume Superspeed+Shinobi-Iri also provides real invis, which isn't bad to have either.
  8. Yeah that was pre-Alpha. If I add in Alpha but turn off Maneuvers, I see 47.4/46.4/46.4, which is pretty darn close.
  9. Definitely some good ideas! I decided to toy with this yesterday, so I did a quick 1-50 and kitted it out, I'll play around a bit more tonight. I like the idea of the stealth proc, too, since I think it stacks with Nins stealth for proper invis? I haven't played around with it much yet though so I'm not entirely sure. Finishing out Obliteration is really smart, imo, that extra melee defense will get it closer to the cap given all the missing defense from not being able to run Stealth. Obliteration 6 slotted plus 2 slotted Maneuvers seems to bring things to 47% across the board, not bad at all.
  10. You can't have Stealth and Shinobi-Iri active, even though Pine lets you. Given that, would you shift the 2 slots from Stealth to Shinobi-Iri in order to up defense slightly and just leave LotG Recharge in Stealth? Also since you can't stack the two stealths, would you swap Grant Invis for actual Invis?
  11. Why are you saying SS sucks now? The crashes suck, but with top tier IOs that stomp every 5 seconds is ridiculous damage.
  12. Nice build! I was actually looking at TW/SR, but this seems more interesting. Does Nin have the same defense debuff resistance SR has? What's the misdirection for? Is it worth using as part of your rotation before a big hitter? Or is it more of just an oh crap button?
  13. So I'm looking to start up a new Scrapper soon. I think I want to try Titan Weapon out, but I'm not sure what to pair it with. Combo suggestions? Build suggestions/links? I don't care about early game, or even mid game really. Assume 50, full IOs, no budget to worry about and mostly playing in TFs, Incarnate trials and groups/farms. I'd like to avoid secondaries I already have on other recent characters, so no to: Shield, Fire, and Rad Any fun/cool ideas? I was thinking of trying SR, because I like the dichotomy of huge weapons and pure speed, but... not so sure considering how many other sets can soft cap defense these days.
  14. Yikes.
  15. So did you ever get this thing leveled up to try it out?
  16. If you're missing some (as in you don't have 67) then you need to delete the powers and try readding them. I had the same issue once where I accidentally deleted my free slots in a couple powers, and it took a bunch of finagling to get them back.
  17. Exactly - the amount of builds I see who still need to depend on purples is kind of ridiculous. Turning them off and being capped makes life way easier. Question - why Mu Lightning? Purely for the set bonus? Is there a similar one you could still keep Throw Spines for? I've found it is some nice extra damage while waiting on other stuff to pop AND is great for grabbing another group as you're finishing off one. Also, what other Incarnates would you go with?
  18. I saw somewhere someone suggested taking Mu/Electrifying Fences to help with farming because it helped go beyond the aggro cap. Is this still the case in i25 and is it worth it over Pyre mastery for huge packs of mobs?
  19. honoraryorange


    I've been playing this here on my second blaster, and I mostly enjoy it, but it is VERY melee focused, so be sure you want to do that with your Blaster. Atomic provides some hold defense, but not stun, so there are plenty of enemies who will be happy to stun you with AOEs or in melee range.
  20. I spent some time pouring over ever set and found some gems. Here's a few: Superior Winter is worth 2.5 ranged and 2.5 AOE defense Numina at 6 slots is worth 3.75 ranged if you have a good heal you want to slot up Lockdown (Hold) is worth 3.75 ranged and 2.5 AOE Blood Mandate (Pet damage) is worth 3.75 Ranged AND 3.75 AOE (Whew I finally have a reason to take an epic pool pet?) Anyways, I did a bunch of toying around, and it looks like I'm going to be able to manage 34.5% ranged, 26.4% AOE defenses. I'm still futzing with the build but I'll try to post it once I've finalized things. (Also 48% Resist S/L, 30% Energy, 20% Fire, 20% Cold.) Also I was originally going for S/L defense, but it's really hard to find in sets, and I was ending up with decent S/L but pretty crappy ranged, which means I'd still be getting blasted from a lot of stuff pretty regularly. So instead I'm hover full time with high ranged and good aoe defense.
  21. Those people are obviously not pushing buttons fast enough :) With T4 Cardiac, 3 slotted Stamina, Miracle and Numina+Recoveries, I can still go through all my endurance.
  22. So it's been AGES since I've played a Blaster all the way up (like, since I14 maybe?) Given we have inherent Fitness pools these days, we have a number of powers to play around with in most builds. What are the best ways to get some decent survivability? Assume unlimited budget. Do we try to get as close to the Def soft cap as we can? What about Patron pools - seems like we can go for a toggle with a base S/L Resist of 20%, or go Mace for 10% base Defense to them. Some things I noticed: The typical combos of slotting up Weave/Tough/Combat Jumping are okay but are pretty weak for Blasters compared to others. Most IO set defense bonuses are positional (Ranged and AOE mostly with some Melee), which doesn't play well with the Patron defense skill (Which is S/L) It seems like it'd be pretty easy to get to 60%+ Smashing/Lethal Resist, but then your overall defenses would be pretty low. Thoughts? Or links to guides for Blasters? Thanks! <3
  23. Not going to work. Chromebooks use ChromeOS. CoH works on Windows and MacOS.
  24. If our CoH directory doesn't have those directories under it, do we just create them? The only directories created by the default installation are piggs, qt_plugins and score.
  25. So this bug used to hit way back in the original servers, so I know it isn't specific here. And I had an entirely different computer then, too, but... Sometimes when I load CoH, as soon as I get to Character Select I start getting at ton of graphics lag. Checking Task Manager I can see that my GPU is spiked to 100%, just at Character Select. Loading in, I get the same. Now usually sometimes it'll go away after a second or two, or sometimes alt-tabbing will kinda shake it into place and everything is fine. But sometimes it takes restarting the game like 10 times to get a lag free experience. Anyone else run into this and do you have any ideas on a permanent fix? (For reference, the system should not have any lag from CoH, and when the game works properly the performance is amazing - 2x 980Tis, i7-5820K @ 3.5Ghz, 32GB RAM, etc.)
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