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Everything posted by AstralTempest

  1. I have a Beam / Traps Corrup tor and been looking for a good build for her. Thanks for this it looks good. My only question would be that the Acid Mortar Description doesn't mention Knockback so why do you have a Knockback -> Knockdown Enhancement in there? Also I'm not a fan of the Dark Epic Pool so I'd have to look if another could fit the bill.
  2. I really like what you have done with this!. I have a fairy themed Beast/Nature MM and I've stuggled to find a build for her. However she has to have flight for the theme so I'm wondering what I can drop to get Hover/Flight.
  3. Lovely builds. I tend to follow the "Influence is no object" path if the character is fun to play and very effective so I'll be following your second build. I tend to prefer flight over Super Jump because of my characters themes but I guess my hands are tied in this case.
  4. Thank you very much
  5. This is a great build. I'm looking for something for Hover Farming and wanted to go Ice/Ice/Ice for the extra AoEs in Ice Mastery. I'm also not a fan of the Melee powers plus I don't intend to be in Melee range. I'll have to work out if I can play around with it because I'm not keen on leaping powers and I prefer flight.
  6. I have an Archery / Storm Corruptor that I want to use for Hover Farming but can't find a Mids build for her. Can you recommend one please?
  7. You genius!! I had a driver crash while playing CoH and had several Profiles Open in Mids Reborn. After rebooting PC I could not run Mids Report anymore it said it was loading the UI and there was a window on the taskbar but couldn't open it. Tried you solution and it generated a new config file and everything works again.
  8. This looks like a great build but in MIDs is says that Crippling Axe Kick and Focus Chi have been placed in a way that is not possible in game! I'm assuming the Enhancement Slotting is correct so I just need to work out where they should have gone. EDIT - Just noticed someone else already pointed this out. I'll just put Dragon's Tail, where Focus Chi was, Focus Chi where Crippling Axe Kick was and Crippling Axe Kick where Dragon's Tail was.
  9. Hi there, So I bit the bullet (excuse the pun) and changed my Dual Pistols / Energy Aura to a Beam Rifle Energy Aura and I must say I'm enjoying it more. Just trying to complete out the build but the Mids file you have provided doesn't quite match the Screenshot. Could you post the updated build please?
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