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  1. This was really cool, thank you!
  2. I just want that look for my non Kheldian characters!
  3. I knew I remembered something like this. Did the author give up or leave the game? I know it's been two years since the last post. Is more posted somewhere else?
  4. Yeah, I'd just like to be able to retrieve them too if they already exist.
  5. I have characters with macros that I've removed from a tray somehow. When I asked I was told there was no way to save or retrieve macros, but they might show up with a respect or another build. Could we get a command to save or retrieve macros, or a window like we have for powers for them?
  6. Thank you for this!
  7. They can already get that as a badge though?
  8. I mean, I don't *have* a villain, so...
  9. Well, there are players like me who just don't like red side. It doesn't fit my characters, I don't like being a villain, and I really don't like some of the stories there, like "saving" people to have them killed and chopped up for zombie bits. Or to be written as a complete dupe and idiot where everything was a trap. You could offer 5x XP and 1000X inf and I still wouldn't because I wouldn't enjoy it. There's just nothing really about red side that appeals to me. And I don't think I'm the only one.
  10. /e runs around doing the Kermit flail Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy!
  11. Ooh, neat!
  12. Most of my characters use the Spectrum pieces. They're meant to be energy or element based avatars. I wanted to see if I could make one look like water, somehow, using stealth. But there's no way to make it look like they have ripples or waves going through them. (I don't want to use the drippy aura. It doesn't look like what I have in mind.) Could we get something like that that looks like ripples going through or over a character? Also can Spectrum be added to the premade costume list?
  13. Neat idea!
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