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Everything posted by smnolimits43

  1. So i'm thinking of trying out Ice/Fire blaster. Any thoughts on these two sets ??
  2. So I've been playing around with both Stone Armor and Bio Armor, the question is what secondary should i play with ?? By the way this is the most disgusting hero i have ever played 🙂
  3. Right now my Symphony/Sonic sits at lvl 50, i loved getting there, but i'm not sure what im looking for. I was thinking of going with a Single Target character.
  4. I thought i saw a post some where about Teleporting Attacks ??
  5. Since Mids doesn't feel like working for me, i'm gonna have to type this out. 1) Power Bolt: Thunder Strike: (1) Acc/Dmg (3) Dmg/End (7) Acc/Dmg/End (13) Dmg/End/Rchg (42) Acc/Dmg/Rchg (42) Sudden Acceleration: KB/KD 1) Energy Punch: Crushing Impact: (1) Acc/Dmg/End (5) Dmg/End/Rchg (5) Dmg/Rchg (17) Acc/Dmg/Rchg (17) Acc/Dmg (42) Dmg/End 2) Power Blast: Thunder Strike: (2) Acc/Dmg/Rchg (3) Acc/Dmg/End (7) Acc/Dmg (13) Dmg/End (40) Dmg/Rchg (43) Sudden Acceleration: KB/KD 4) Hover: Freebird: (4) Fly 6) Fly: Freebird: (6) Stealth 8 ) Power Burst: Thunder Strike: (8) Acc/Dmg (9) Acc/Dmg/End (9) Acc/Dmg/Rchg (15) Dmg/End/Rchg (40) Dmg/Rchg (43) Sudden Accleration: KB/KD 10) Sniper Blast: Sting of the Manticore: (10) Acc/Interupt/Rng (11) Dmg/End (11) Acc/Dmg (15) Dmg/End/Rchg (40) Chance for Toxic Dmg (43) Dmg/Interupt/Rchg 12) Aim: (12) Rchg 14) Build Up: (14) Rchg 16) Energize: Preventitive Medicine: (16) Absorb Proc (50) Healing/Absorb/ End/Rchg (50) Healing/Absorb/Rchg 18) Energy Torrent: Positron's Blast: (18) Dmg/Range (19) Acc/Dmg (19) Dmg/Rchg (21) Acc/Dmg/End (21) Chance for Energy Dmg (39) Sudden Acceleration: KB/KD 20) Hasten: (20) Rchg 22) Explosive Blast: Positron's Blast: (22) Dmg/Range (23) Acc/Dmg (23) Dmg/Rchg (25) Dmg/End (25) Acc/Dmg/End (39) Sudden Acceleration: KB/KD 24) Boxing: Mako's Bite: (24) Acc/Dmg/End/Rchg 26) Nova: Obliteration: (26) Acc/Rchg (27) Acc/Dmg/Rchg (27) Acc/Dmg/End/Rchg (29) Dmg/Rchg (29) Dmg (39) Sudden Acceleration: KB/KD 28) Tough: Gladiator's Armor: (28) Teleport Protection/+3% Def to All (46) Unbreakable Guard: +7.5 Max HP (48) Steadfast Protection: Resistance/Defense 30) Bone Smasher: Crushing Impact: (30) Acc/Dmg/End (31) Dmg/End/Rchg (31) Dmg/Rchg (31) Acc/Dmg/Rchg (34) Acc/Dmg (37) Dmg/End 32) Total Focus: Mako's Bite: (32) Acc/Dmg (33) Acc/Dmg/End/Rchg (33) Acc/End/Rchg (33) Dmg/End (34) Chance for Lethal Dmg (34) Dmg/Rchg 35) Weave: Serendipity: (35) Def/End (36) Def/Rchg (36) End (36) Def/End/Rchg (37) Def (37) End/Rchg 38) Personal Force Field: (38) Rchg 41) Temp Invulnerability: Reactive Armor: (41) End/Rchg (48) Res/End (48) Res/End/Rchg (50) Res 44) Maneuvers: Serendipity: (44) Def/End (45) Def/Rchg (45) End (45) Def/End/Rchg (46) Def (46) End/Rchg 47) Tactics: Gaussian's: (47) Chance for Build Up 49) Assault: (49) Assault 1) Health: Miracle: (1) +Recovery 1) Stamina: Performance Shifter: (1) Chance for +Endurance
  6. I usually go energy. I have a 50 energy/energy Blaster named Brother Skirmish, he is slotted with attuned IOs. I would post a build, but mids isnt working for me. I also have 800 mil influence to work with.
  7. Alright, after playing a couple of different alts. I'm back at wanting to make a Homage DBZ character. Now i realize that this is the blaster forum, but i was thinking of making a something/Fire sentinel.
  8. I find that i tend to play, what i call Lazy Toons. I make alot of toons. But you are probably wondering, what is a lazy toon ?? Masterminds i feel meet the criteria. You point your pets in a direction, and let them do all the work. I consider that Lazy. Of course it also depends on their secondary. Today i made a Robot/FF toon. Only got to lvl 9. Might try playing him again tomorrow. I find certain defenders/corruptors/trollers also meet the criteria. I should have said this would be a rant. I'm curious what you think would be a Lazy Toon ??
  9. Hurricane is usually the power that pisses people off 🙂 Steamy Mist, i usually turn off, if someone asks me to 🙂
  10. I've been getting this message quite frequently lately. Anyone else ??
  11. ok i found it, its under C:\Pictures\Screenshots, not sure why.
  12. hmm... ok when i press the print screen mode it gives me a rectangular mode, freeform mode, window mode and fullscreen mode. However, when i click on it, nothing happens ???
  13. Ok i remade Lightzone, and got him to lvl 13. I'm sticking with single target attacks, and i picked up the first two shields. I was gonna take a pic, but i'm not sure where to find it.
  14. alright i decided to go PB, it will be a human only.
  15. I was also thinking Peacebringer/Khelidian
  16. hmm.. doesn't seem like there are any fans of the silver surfer ???
  17. The title says it all. What would you keep and why ??
  18. So I've been trying some new power sets. I was thinking of a homage to the Silver Surfer. So i looked up what powers he would have. The net suggested Cosmic Energy and the ability to control gravity. I think this would suggest my favourite class, "Dominator". Obviously there are no surf boards. However, there is a Rockett Board. As for the powers, i'm thinking of Gravity/Energy. What do you all think ??
  19. Thats an easy one. I choose Ninja/Empathy. Probably my first love 🙂
  20. hehe :), they are definitley not domesticated
  21. i noticed someone using a Pose emote. I tried looking for it, in game, but i wasnt sure what Pose emotes would be listed as, or if they even exist. i'll go through the emotes list again, while i'm waiting on some responses. Thanks in advance.
  22. i started a Elec/Elec controller. My alt is around lvls 20-23.
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