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Everything posted by ZacKing

  1. no account unlocks are a relic from when the game was first launched man. Vet rewards were working in the direction of account unlocks because other games were doing it. most modern MMOs all have account unlocks. accolades and such should be work, yeah. traveling around the game more efficiently, not so much. but you go right on jumping all over everyone who thinks the new system is too complicated.
  2. What are you talking about? You said the live devs never would've put anything like the fast travel stuff into the game, now you're saying they would. pick one. I never said anything about putting LRTP into the P2W store. no idea where you've getting that from
  3. no one is suggesting to keep it the way it was. everyone knows it was an exploit. it's been beaten to death over the past year. no one objected to it getting replaced and anyone who might have suggested just to keep it the way it was was being totally unreasonable. it doesn't need to be repeated. everyone gets it.
  4. It doesn't make you more pious to not have used the command. Its great you made a personal choice, just like everyone else did. you could've formed teams with people who play the same way and never have worried about it.
  5. If it was something they could put into the P2W store for cash, without a doubt they would've.
  6. How many under level 50s will get it? I don't think you understood the feedback there. unlocking all zones on all alts regardless of level and getting it set up with all zones is a lot of hoop jumping in a game that already has too much hoop jumping for accolades, incarnates and such. now you're adding a big time sink and inf sink for people with a lot of alts. this kind of stuff was needed for a live, pay to play game, not so much here. TT SHOULD cost 10 mil and have the recharge it does because it's a direct port for the entire team right to the mission door. Making the base portal P2W the same price and recharge doesn't make sense at all. it doesn't operate the same way. You have to load screen to a base, then load screen to a zone and then travel normally to the mission door. You're pricing two different things the same even though they don't work the same. Appreciate you listening to feedback. just wanted to say there was feedback in the beta on this that said it's too confusing and convoluted now with all the new options but that largely got ignored. Hopefully you'll all come up with something to fix that.
  7. Amen brother. This cannot be emphasized or repeated enough and its 100% true. people who expressed disappointment in the changes were shouted down, attacked and cancelled for having a different idea. the behavior is endemic on these forums and it's driving people away. to be honest, I won't bother with beta testing anymore and most people I know who did will do the same. allowing this shit to go on isn't helping anyone or the game in general.
  8. and sometimes a point needs to be repeatedly before its understood properly. anyway, agree to disagree. best not to clutter up the thread anymore.
  9. this is why you have people making multiple posts. back and forth is part of normal discussion. nice try though.
  10. So you only want feedback that says it did or didn't work? If you don't want to know what people like or dislike, don't ask for their feedback.
  11. if you've got 40 pages of "I don't like it" posts, that should be a good indicator that your idea didn't work. Again, I can read what the changes are and the thinking that went into it. I can test it all you want, I still won't like it and that will be my feedback. take it or not. I'm happy to try it out, but if only "hey I love it" posts are what the goal is, then don't ask for feedback.
  12. reading it. I don't have to taste the soup to know I won't like it based on the ingredients I already know I don't like.
  13. again nothing keeping you or anyone from ignoring posts you don't like. Not a fan of paying for batteries either. much better ways to create inf sinks in the game in my opinion.
  14. no one is preventing you from ignoring posts you don't like. listening to opinions is a good thing because you'll learn something from them that you probably didn't think of yourself. healthy debate isn't a one way street.
  15. from my observation simplicity was never part of the equation. any comments or suggestions that asked to have a single, simple power were shot down and those who suggested it were attacked for their feedback. what should've been a simple copy/paste of the Oro portal power turned into a jumbled mess.
  16. People have been using Oro to bypass travel and that has no investment. I understand the thinking behind the changes I just don't agree with it.
  17. yes exactly. there's too many things now. instead of a menu next time, maybe think of a simpler solution. agree to disagree
  18. please stop injecting stuff into my posts that isn't there. I never said to keep the macro as is. I get that some people really like these changes and that's great. some people don't and the whole "fast travel menu" is a good indicator that there's too many options now. sometimes less is more.
  19. You're welcome to disagree and I never said they didn't listen to any feedback at all so you're misreading. people provided suggestions a single replacement, not 4 or more and none of that got implemented. again not saying I don't appreciate the work that went into it. just think it's overcomplicated, burdensome and expensive now for something that didn't need to be.
  20. Feedback that went against the grain didn't seem to matter at least to me. their ideas were set in stone and there wasn't much discussion other than "like it or leave it", so don't really see how having more people provide feedback would have mattered. what should have been a simple copy/paste of the Oro portal functionality to make a new base portal was turned into a jumbled mess IMO of a bunch of different stuff we really didn't need to add "time/inf sinks". there was a simple direction to go with this and it seems like they are dead set about overcomplicating it. I really appreciate the effort and work that went into what they put together as I'm sure it's a lot of work so thanks for that, just kinda a "thanks but it's not what I wanted or needed" kind of thing. maybe next time they'll engage the players in the design process first. agreed and not to mention the inf cost across lots of alts to get the P2W power. this made bases a lot more expensive than it needed to be IMO PUGs are still going to want you to have LRT or whichever of the new fast travel things, so nothings changed.
  21. You can't fix stupid. people don't know how to play this encounter, so educate them ahead of time or roll with a group who understands what to do to get the badge. No need to change anything with this in game.
  22. Can test it in another 5000 missions and it still won't make sense. SK makes much more sense as a cone since its a spinning kick. But I get that a different opinion is a bad thing here. agree to disagree
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